
Legal to decompile an SWF licensed under Apache 2.0

Is it legal to decompile an SWF that is licensed under Apache 2.0 with no additional terms? I'm also planning on modifying and using for commercial purposes. My understanding is that Apache License 2.0 allows for modification of source and object, but I'm not sure if I can convert from object to source. Thanks. ...

set password for websvn in ubuntu server?

i have installed websvn using apt-get install websvn in ubuntu server. i can now access websvn through http://url/websvn. however, i want to set a password to the access, so only authorized people could access it. how could i do this? ...

Multiple Mod_ReWrites on one site - Possible? (Wordpress blog in root directory, CodeIgniter project in subdirectory)

Currently I am creating a project with CodeIgniter that is contained within a subdirectory of my domain. For this example we'll call it domain.com/test. I also have Wordpress installed on this domain, and all of its files are in the root. For instance, if you navigate to my domain.com then it pulls up the Wordpress blog. I currently hav...

Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Apache PassEnv/SetEnv still cant find library

I am trying to test the Cybersource 3d party implementation. I was able to get the test files running fine from the command line, which requires that on Linux I export the path to the payment libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. to try to test this on my server I have created the apache config below <VirtualHost> AddHandler ...

run .net consolapp out of a cgi script

Hello there, i have written a simple cgi python script which looks like this #!c:/Python25/python.exe -u import cgi import os def main(): print "Content-type: text/html\n" form = cgi.FieldStorage() print form["firstname"].value os.execvp("D:\\path\\to\\my\\consolapp.exe", [""]) main() As you can se i'd like to st...

fopen create new file that not exists

Hey, I am trying to either create a file that doesn't exist or write to a file that already does. within a php file I am trying this: $file = fopen("data.txt", "a"); fwrite($file, "\n" . $name); fwrite($file, "," . $lastname); fwrite($file, "," . $email); fclose($file); I am running Apache under windows Xp and...

XML RSS to HTML parser doesn't work

I'm using MCX (I don't even know if someone here is familiar with it, pretty unkown derivate of COBOL and Fortran, look it up in google when you don't believe me) Note: I'm using MCX on the MCX-WebServices server as it does neither support apache or ISS, mabye that is one problem. The thing is that I want to use the XML library to read...

Apache2 - Dynamically map url on files ystem

Hi Guys, I'm tying at the moment to dynamically map a url to the file system. e.g.: www.example.com/~svn/myrepo < to > /var/svn-repos/myrepo My approach: <Location /~svn/([a-ZA-Z0-9-_]+)> DAV svn SVNPath /var/svn-repos/$1 AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apa...

PHP mkdir and apache ownership

Is there a way to set php running under apache to create folders with the folder owned by the owner of the program that creates it instead of being owned by apache? Using word press it creates new folders to upload into but these are owned by apache.apache and not by the site that they are running in. This also happens using ostickets. ...

SSL, EV SSL, And URL Rewriting

We extensively use a third party app that we'll call thirdparty.com. thirdparty.com and mysite.com have a common navigation and look and feel, so to the users, they think they are always on mysite.com. What we're going to do is start url rewriting 3rd.mysite.com to display thirdparty.com, to make it look even more like a seamless experi...

View Long filenames with question mark in Browser

Hello everyone, I have a file called 34.php?session=2534464a39a2c97cb7113689726a4e52 in my /var/www/html folder but I can't view this file in the browser. I want my browser to execute this code via PHP from the browser but It doesn't :( Thanks.. ...

Is there any way to compile our PHP code into executable file

i'm wondering about this possibility. Is it possible to make our code written in code and string compile and make it become Executable and can operate without the use of server such as Apache. The OS environment will be Windows family. ...

Apache HTTP and WEblogic Plug-in Location Directive question

We are using Weblogic Portal and Apache 2.x http server with the weblogic plug-in for apache for load-balancing. We have an application that right now can only be accessed from one of our managed servers. What I would like to do is use the Location directive to direct all requests for that page to the one managed server and I can't get...

how to get trac to run with apache?

i have some problems getting trac to be running with apache. have no idea of how to do and the tutorial i followed doesnt work. http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracModPython i have an empty /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. should it be empty? then i followed the tutorial and typed in: LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so so now i...

What are some good ways to prevent malicious proxy users from accessing your site?

This question has been bugging me for some time. I always picture launching my site, and some dirt bag coming on and uploading porno or spamming profanity. So I decide I don't want him using my site, I ban his account and ban his ip in my cpanel, but what if he is using a proxy and just keeps making new accounts to harass me? What can I ...

validating utf-8 in htaccess rewrite rule

i validate urls with utf-8 characters with a rewrite rule RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2})/([a-z0-9-]{1,256})/([[:print:]]{1,256})$ index.php?language=$1&categories=$2&get_query=$3 [L] $get_query is the point, this accepts: test!?!'"<>*+ but fails for accented chars as àèéìòù, or other utf-8 for example in wikipedia this works great: http://en...

Apache deflate with chucked encoding

I'm expiriencing some problem with one of my data source services. As it says in HTTP response headers it's running on Apache-Coyote/1.1. Server gives responses with Transfer-Encoding: chunked, here sample response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Tue, 30 Ma...

ubuntu apache: httpd.conf or apache2.conf?

which one of these 2 files should i use to configure apache? the httpd.conf is empty while apache2.conf is not. it confuses me! ...

Apache redirect when users home directory is completely empty.

I work for an ISP and I have a server with thousands of users 10MB of free storage. They get this free storage with every e-mail account they have with us. An example of a users storage address: http://users.example.com/~username/ One problem I can see is scanning the server for user names to see what accounts are available, basically g...

Web interface for Firebird database

I currently have a Firebird server on Windows and Windows desktop client applications for Firebird databases. I want to make a web interface for the existing databases (using Apache on Windows). What free instrumentation (server languages, libraries) is currently available for the purpose? ...