
Apache mod_rewrite and multiple domains

Hi, I'm trying to use mod_rewrite to map multiple domains to different servlets on one host. Example: www.dom1.com -> 192.168.1.n/dom1 www.dom2.com -> 192.168.1.n/dom2 ... I'm using the mod_rewrite and mod_proxy and VirtualHost directive but it seems that the reverse mapping via ProxyPassReverse doesn't work as I expected. Pr...

replay in django + apcahce + mod_wsgi ??

I have a simple django page that has a counter on it. I use Apache2 with mod_wsgi to serve it. First, when I enter this page, the counter shows 0, as it should. The second time when I enter the page the counter shows 1 - again, it is the right behavior. The problem begins now, cause when I enter this page the third time, I get 0 again. ...

Use multiple WSGI mount points in Apache with an Nginx reverse proxy

I am trying to set up multiple virtual hosts on the same server with Nginx and Apache and have run into a curious configuration issue. I have nginx is configured with a generic upstream to apache. upstream backend { server; } I'm trying to set up multiple subdomains in nginx that hit different mountpoints in apache. E...

php curl upload speed

hey i made a script that uploads files to different servers using php curl and the problem is that it eats all my upload bandwith and my apache does not respond as i would like. the call is made from the php-cli and can not use any apache bandwith limiting bandwith thanks in advance ...

default webmail url workaround

Hi, Is there a way or at least a workaround on masking default webmail urls or disabling access webmail urls so users will not be able to change their passwords? Website is PHP based and is using apache server under a shared hosting account. The thing is that http://domain.com/webmail will let users access the main panel where they can...

Apache http rewrite rules for multiple tomcat instances

Hi, I have an environment where in there are two tomcat instances running the same application. What I would need is an apache load balancing the url requests to these tomcat instances using the mod_rewrite rules. I know that we can do this with mod_jk already but have observed that the mod_jk s an overhead in terms of performance so f...

Is 'epoll' the essential reason that Tornadoweb(or Nginx) is so fast?

Tornadoweb and Nginx are popular web servers for the moment and many benchmarkings show that they have a better performance than Apache under certain circumstances. So my question is: Is 'epoll' the most essential reason that make them so fast? And what can I learn from that if I want to write a good socket server? ...

Send XML file to web server in Android

Hi, I am planning on converting some longitude and latitude values to XML and then sending the file to a web server to display on a Google Map Interface. Is it possible to send an XML file to a web server through my own application in Android? Thanks ...

Configuration problems with django and mod_wsgi

Hi, I've got problems on getting django to work on apache 2.2 with mod_wsgi. Django is installed and mod_wsgi too. I can even see a 404 page when accessing the path and I can login to django admin. But if I want to install the tagging module I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 49, in <...

OCI8 functions not found when run by apache with php5

I'm trying to set up a server for a project in my databases class. I'll be writing the project in php, deploying it via apache, and connecting to a remote oracle server. I'm having trouble with the oracle connection portion. I have the OCI8 module installed with oracle's instantclient version 10.2. I thought it was working because when I...

Get current Apache version string for display

I'm writing an Apache module and want to get a string with the Apache name version and other details. Much like what gets added to outgoing headers, e.g.: Server: Apache/2.2.13 (Win32) I've tried code like this: apr_table_get(request_rec->headers_out,"Server") But that doesn't seem to work. Is there an API call I haven't found or a...

Apache Email trace

I'm using few PHP scripts for sending Email to website members. Is it possible to see at cPanel WHM mail statistic which PHP script was sent specific email using sendmail function? At section "View Relayers" I can see Time Sent, Message ID, Sender, Destination but not the script that fired this sendmail function. ...

Which Happens First? Anyone Know Exactly How The Apache Server Will Handle This Request?

Hello, To keep things simple, please allow the "assumption" that some code requires the use of a full URL, even though the domain is on the same server, i.e. a simple file path cannot be used. TCP/IP?? Question: If a form action target = "http://this-full-URL.com/postdata" (for example) and that URL is also on the same server, then whic...

even small file upload stops activity on apache/rails

on my rails(2.3.5) app(currently 50-70rpm, maximum response time around 0.7s), uploading even 700k file(using paperclip plugin) locks up the server for web requests for everyone for 2 minutes! (other apps on same server work normally) does anyone have a clue why that might be happening? i am using some mysql transactions which lock the ...

Silverstripe | Internal Server Error

Hi! Silverstripe is running on my since a few weeks. Recently, I get an Internal Server Error message when I try to access the admin area. Having a look in the server's error logs, I discovered following hint: [Mon Apr 05 12:15:26 2010] [error] [client ...] Premature end of script headers: main.php I already was refered to t...

Content Negotiation on Tomcat

I'm trying to get my Tomcat to use pretty URLs, similar to Apache's MultiViews option. I tried using AJP to proxy Tomcat to Apache, but the .htaccess file is still ignored. What are my options for Tomcat? ...

Problem with AuthzSVNAccessFile

I have installed Apache and Subversion on Windows. My config is: <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNListParentPath on SVNParentPath "d:\svn" AuthzSVNAccessFile "d:\svn\svnaccess.conf" AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion repository" AuthUserFile "D:\svn\svn-auth-file" Require valid-user </Location> and my svnac...

htaccess: only do [some lines of code] for one domain, no others.

Say I have a htaccess file shared by "dev.server" and "server.site.com". The first domain should allow all users to access it unchallenged (it only exists on my local development server). The second domain I want to authenticate users with Apache (NOT by database). The code to authenticate users is: AuthType Basic AuthName "Server Ad...

How to add the time stamp to the log file

ello Everyone, I am new to using apache logger . I have downloaded the log4j-xx and i have the following text configuration file Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to mainFormat. log4j.rootLogger = TRACE, mainFormat, FILE mainFormat is set to be a ConsoleAppender. log4j.appender.mainFormat=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAp...

IIS 7 problem which does not occur under apache

I'm hosting a little site using a JavaScript to draw a simple graph. It involves one html index file, some css and some js files. It has all been working perfectly on two different apache servers, but when I set up IIS 7 the ajax calls fail. I get no java debug errors in firefox that I can work with, or any kind of error message at all....