
Why use Buildr instead of Ant or Maven? What does another build tool targeted at Java really get me? Is it so hard to write a plugin using Java versus writing it in Ruby? If you use Buildr over another tool, why? Side question: How many build systems does the Apache foundation need targeted at Ja...

Why do my tests fail to run when migrating from maven2 to buildr?

I have a straightforward maven2 java project (JMS relaying system). After we released the first version, we found that we spent more time configuring maven than actually coding. For the next release we wanted to clean up the build process and someone suggested migrating to builder. So I was tasked with doing just that. I setup buildr...

buildr: package dependencies into a single jar

I have a java project that is built with buildr and that has some external dependencies: repositories.remote << "" repositories.remote << "http://packages.example/" define "myproject" do = '1.5' project.version = "1.0.0" compile.with 'dependency:dependency-xy:jar:1.2.3' compil...

package java applet with minimal dependencies, autojar plugin for buildr?

I'd like to build a java applet with all its dependencies included, but still keeping the jar as small as possible. I'm using buildr. It looks like autojar is the tool I'm looking for. Now I need to integrate the two. This is what I have: package.enhance do |p| p.enhance do |pkg| tempfile = pkg.to_s.sub(/.jar$/, "-unstripped.j...

Buildr, Gradle or wait for Maven 3?

I am really tired of struggling with Maven 2 all the time. Build tools should not be in the way. Recently I have been looking at Buildr and Gradle. Maven 3 seems to fix some of the struggles. So, what should I go for now? Buildr? Gradle? Or wait a year for Maven 3? ...

What's with all the Java Build tools?

what's the point of using ant, maven, and buildr? won't the using build in eclipse or netbeans work fine? i'm just curious as to what makes the build tools so special ...

How to add local dependencies in buildr

For a java/scala project I have some dependencies that are not in a remote repository, but somewhere else in my filesystem. I have then two options, which lead to questions: I can add a lib/ directory in my project folder. How can I tell buildr to add the content to the class path ? I can use the builtin dependencies management system....

Build system that allows sharing modules amongst different binaries

I'm trying to choose the most appropriate build system to work in enterprise with a common source repository, emphasizing sharing of common code. I'd like the source hierarchy to look something like this: - src - java - common - net - database - team1 - team2 - team3 - lib - tests - jav...

Compile Scala 2.8.x code with Apache Buildr

I have been struggling to get Buildr to compile my Scala 2.8 project and I was hoping someone might have figured this out already. Currently I have the standard HelloWorld application with a buildfile like the following: ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_17' ENV['SCALA_HOME'] = 'C:\scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6' define ...

importing maven dependencies into intellij's classpath

Hi all, I am using Buildr with a java/scala project. Dependencies are descried in the buildfile. An as you may know, Buildr downloads dependencies into ~.m2 folder (as maven2 does). I am wondering how can I import dependencies (from ~.m2 folder or buildfile) into my Intellij project to enjoy the code completion and error detection amo...

Apache Buildr issue with ant task / Hash.from_java_properties

I have a buildr script that first loads a java properties file, then creates an ant task. I'm getting an abort error: Buildr aborted! org/apache/tools/ant/DefaultLogger when running buildr. Here's the (simplified) buildfile: CONFIG = Hash.from_java_properties("a=1") define "my_project", :version => "1.0" do ant("ant_test") do |ant...

Package method having no effect in Buildr

I'm trying to package a scala project into a jar and write properties to the Manifest using Buildrs package() method. The package seems to have no affect on the Manifest. Here's the build file: VERSION_NUMBER = "1.0.0" GROUP = "Green" COPYRIGHT = "Green CopyRight" require 'buildr/scala' Buildr::Scala::Scalac::REQUIRES.library = '2.8....

Choosing a scripting/build tool

Hi, We are currently working on a project with both actionscript and Java. Up to now, we were using Ant as our main build tool, but the dumb amount of duplication it implies and the lack of flexibility (we are building a pretty large amount of small sub-projects, and copying all of the build files every time is a pain) are pushing us t...

How do I find out Apache Buildr/Maven 2 repo names

I'm just starting to use Apache Buildr and I'm constantly running into the problem of not knowing what repo urls and versions are available for me to use. For example I want to use Scala 2.8 in a build file, the id i previously used was: 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT But now this is not found. I also want to use the latest version of Apache POI. If...

How to develop a gem in staging environment?

I am trying to hack through a forked gem (buildr). As such I cloned it from github and began to butcher the code. The official gem is installed on my system (under /usr/lib/ruby.../gems/buildr...). There is an executable which I need to use in my dev process - buildr. Now I want the buildr executable and the library to point to my forke...

Help -- trying to build Apache ODE source code with Buildr

Hi, i am trying to build APACHE ODE source code with Buildr using Ruby. I installed ruby and installed Buildr with it, but when i run the command rake package on the root of APACHE ODE source code it gives me this error C:\workspace2\APACHE_ODE_1.X>rake package --trace (in C:/workspace2/APACHE_ODE_1.X) rake aborted! uninitialized consta...

passing classpath to custom tasks in java/scala based project within buildr

I am using buildr to build my scala project and suppose I want to run a main program among the source code, I need to define custom task within buildr which is very easy. However, how can I pass the classpath dependency automatically?(i.e) suppose you have a large number of jar files added already as dependency within buildr. Is there an...

buildr create a jar that include libs and other project

I have 2 Java projects (eg p1 and p2) and I want to create jar (using buildr) that contains both projects and their libs. p2 depends on p1. compile.with(projects('p1'), removeDups(project('p1').compile.dependencies), removeDups(P2_LIBS)) package(:jar).with( :manifest => {'Main-Class' => 'com.p2.Main'} ) compile.dependencies.each do |...

How to build/test Scala without IDE dependence?

I'm well into learning Scala now and enjoying it very much; I hope to start future projects in it, rather than Java. What I'm enjoying less is the (relatively) poor IDE support. I've found both IDEA and Eclipse with the Scala Plugin (including nightly builds) to be a bit unreliable or difficult to use - I want something I can always de...

Copying files during compilation process

I use builder for my buildprocess. I have some java classes in my src directory as well as some *.qvto files. These files just need to be copied to target/classes. However, this should be done as part of the compilation process, as these files represent some part of code that does not need to be compiled. Currently, I am stuck and do n...