
Installing PHP extensions in Debian

I'm trying to install the PECL extension pecl_http so that I can use PHP's http_negotiate_language() function. I'm running PHP5 on Apache2 and Debian Lenny. I installed the php_http package from the debian repo, however, I still can't use that function in my php scripts! The package also doesn't show up under phpinfo(). I tried installi...

Setting up SSL on a local xampp/apache server

I'm trying to access a Active Directory from my local webserver. To do this I'm using the latest version of xampp and a PHP script called adLDAP. If I understand things right, I need to enable SSL to access https URLs. I've tried to google it but with no luck :( Could anyone link a tutorial or explain to me how to install SSL on xampp/ap...

I can't login to my Django app when debug is set to False

I have a very strange problem, and I don't know how to fix or debug it. Short Story: I get locked out of my Django app when Debug is set to False. Long story: Case 1 (the first time it happened): 1. I enter my login info, but It just redirects to the login page. 2. I restart the server, try to login, and it works fine, I get in. 3. a...

How to stop Sessions.ser from being created?

Hello all, I am using Apache Tomcat 6.0 to deploy and run my JSP projects. But time and again one issue crops up while running the project. Sessions.ser is created which does not allow to run the project. The error message displayed on the browser is like 'Requested resource not found'. Everytime, this .ser file needs to be deleted man...

Finding the last row in an Excel spreadsheet.

I'm trying to find the index of the last row in an excel spreadsheet using Apache's POI for Java. I thought this should be possible with getLastRowNum() or getPhysicalNumberOfRows() but they don't seem to give the right results. For example, I have a one line spreadsheet and these two functions return a value of 1140. Another two line...

Apache mod_status: stop request from being truncated

I have Apache with mod_status enabled with ExtendedStatus On. But it truncates the text in "Request" and I can often never see the full request. How can I make it so mod_status stops truncating Request? ...

PHP doesn't show any kind of errors

Hello everybody I have a PHP server at home for development. It is running: Ubuntu 9.10 Apache 2.2.12 PHP 5.3.2-0.dotdeb.1 MySql 5.0.7-dev Currently the settings in the php.ini for displayiong errors are: display_errors = on error_reporting = E_ALL But I do not see any errors in my php script. Also very strange is that phpinfo() s...

how do i troubleshoot transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining or Empty reply from server?

Hi all, Recently and without any website code changes, a few of our dynamic PHP pages are either only partially rendering or not rendering at all. When the page won't render at all, and when I run curl, this is what I see: curl -lv http://mysite.com/create_ad.php * About to connect() to mysite.com port 80 * Trying 66.777.888.999... ...

.htacess windows problem

Hi, In the root directory of a small site i'm developing i have the following .htacess file: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-F RewriteRule .$ index.php that basically allows me to have pretty urls as it remaps every path that does not exists on the server (eg : /user/details/145 ) as a call ...

404 Not Found When Requesting URI With Encoded Patameters

I am pretty sure this is some problem with the Apache configuration because it used to work on the previous hosting provider with the same PHP/MySQL configuration. In my application, users are able to delete photos by going to URIs like this: http://example.com/my-account/remove-media/id/9/ret/my-account%252Fedit-album%252Fid%252F1 Th...

Single Sign On with apache on windows 7 and mod_auth_sspi

I am running a apache (xampp 1.7.3) server on my local windows 7 PC. This PC is connected to a LAN and a Active Directory domain called "colours". My local username is CHRISTOPHER-PC/Christopher, and the domain username is COLOURS/Christopher. For admin connection to the AD server, I use a PHP scripted called adLDAP. As default, this sc...

tomcat behind 2 apache http server

I have this architecture: http Ajp [Apache A] -------> [Apache B] ----------> [Tomcat] there is a way to configure [Apache B] to forward an ajp request in order to achive this: Ajp Ajp [Apache A] -------> [Apache B] ----------> [Tomcat] ??? many thanks in advance. ...

help with rewriterules

I need help rewriting online.php to -> /users/online and profile.php?id=3426 to -> /users/3426 and users.php to -> /users Would this be possible? And is there any good mod_rewrite cheat sheets out there? ...

configure mod_rewrite to allow img, js and css files?

in my .htaccess i've got these lines: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L] i tried to include js files with this line: <script type="text/javascript" src="system/application/media/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script> but it doesnt work since the rules dont let it pass. it w...

Will an Nginx as reverse proxy for Apache help on dynamic content only

I am planning to move all my static content to a CDN so on my server I only have dynamic content left. I now have Nginx set up as reverse proxy to Apache. The static request that came in where directly delivered by Nginx without having to go to Apache. In this case Nginx handled a large portion of the request and I can clearly see the n...

.htaccess makes php files downloadable

I have an .htaccess file with following content: AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php For some reason, whenever I upload it to the server, Firefox then wants to download PHP files instead of showing them, I think the Apache server has some error. What's wrong? Thanks in advance ^^ ...

VisualSVN Server RewriteRule/Redirect Apache

Hi, Relating to another question I asked regarding setting up Mercurial under VisualSvn server. Currently when you go to the /svn/ url you can see all repos including hg repos. I now want some way to redirects you to the correct url for hg repos Eg myserver/svn/MecurialRepo => myserver/hg/MercurialRepo Or the correct hg script is run,...

Mono and Apache are serving files with no ASP.NET processing

On a new Rackspace Cloud Server box (Ubuntu 9.10), I've installed apache2, libapache2-mod-mono, and mod-mono-server2. I've disabled mod_mono and enabled mod_mono_auto, but whatever I do, requests for Default.aspx return the actual contents of Default.aspx (in this case, "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and sh...

setup apache virtualhost (windows)

Hi, How to setup virtualhost for multiple domain name on windows ? I will use it for my own test projects. I have 3 projects that I need to setup and at the moment I'm using xampplite for the portable apache. www.foo-bar.com --> direct to c:\xampplite\htdocs\foo-bar\ www.abcdef.com --> directo to c:\xampplite\htdocs\abcdef\ www.qwert...

apache rewrite rule to flow requests for all .php files to a specific file

I'm working on a simple website. I'm using a template file (template.php), which has all the shared HTML, and accepts a parameter (say 'page'). then opens the page file and includes the page in itself. something like this: (the code is just a prototype. no validation/filtering is required). <?php //template.php ?> <html> <body> ...