
RewriteCond not stopping at end.. /example will work... but example/anotherlink doesnt

Hi.. this might be a no brainer to some, but I am trying to specify some RewriteCond in an .htaccess file and I am failing badly. Heres what I have : RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} employee [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /resources/employee [L,R=301] will redirect fine... but if I include any other rules that include 'employee' like th...

require_once() cant find the include path...

Hi i am trying to indlude a file by using require_once(). i am using xampp apache php server. the file test.php is in htdocs drupal folder is also in the same directory where the include files is. the code in line 5 is require_once ‘drupal7/includes/bootstrap.inc’; i am getting error Warning: Division by zero in C:\xampp\htdocs\imp...

GET Variables Show Up in URL on .htaccess Rewrite of URLs That Don't Terminate with /

I'm having an issue with my rewrites exposing GET variables if the originating request isn't terminated with a forward slash (/). Here's my rule: # All requests are routed to PHP RewriteRule ^(.*)$ framework/index.php?framework=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] If I visit: http://www.domain.com/folder/ everything works great. If I visit: htt...

Apache2 won't Gzip my js/css

My server doesn't seem to gzip my css and javascript files. It works for HTML. Here's my config: http://pastie.org/1105941 And here's my result: http://i35.tinypic.com/audv0k.jpg Also tested Google Page Speed, and made Apache2 log the compression results. They say the same. What could be wrong here, since it does compress the HTML? ...

Apache: mod_rails and mod_php - can I run both both at the same time?

My goal is to run multiple Ruby on Rails web apps and one PHP application on Apache2 from a single server. All of those virtual hosts will be Name-based and running on 80 port. Is it possible? How can I do that? Will it have any negative performance impact because of these mods_x cooperation. ...

apache/htaccess url rewriting help .

Okay what i want to do is ... http://domain.com/hdu79ejo above should be redirected to http://domain.com/client/?share=hdu79ejo where hdu79ejo can be any value. But ... http://domain.com/client and http://domain.com should not be redirected at all. Here is my code RewriteEngine on RewriteCond $1 !^(client) RewriteRule ...

Handle error 404 on nginx+apache

Hi, I have apache + nginx as proxy,in nginx.conf I have: server { listen 94.23.xx.xx:80 default; server_name proxy ; # "_" is for handle all hosts that are not described by server_name charset off; access_log off; location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_ad...

w3c-markup-validator apache configuration, validate local

I have some troubles configuring w3c validator at my local server. I'm using fedora 9 and apache httpd. I have installed witjh yum the package, w3c-markup-validator. This is my apache configuration: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName validator.example.org DocumentRoot "/usr/share/w3c-markup-va...

Having trouble with a simple .htaccess redirect

I've been working on this for a while and have tried a lot of different solutions I've seen on the web and can't seem to get this to work. I have a site at www.mydomainname.com. The page that I want to handle ALL page requests is www.mydomain.com/index.php. I'd also like to set this up to work for any other domains that I point to this ...

php apache and temporary files

I have a web based application which server's content to authenticated users by interacting with a soap server. The soap server has file's which the user's need to be able to download. What is the best way to serve these files to users? When a user requests a file, my server will make a soap call to the soap server to pull the file a...

Railo: won't find default at http://domain.com

I'm having an issue with Railo 3.1.0 running under Apache on Windows Server 2003. When going to http://www.domain.com it defaults to index.cfm. When going to http://domain.com it doesn't find index.cfm. http://domain.com/index.cfm works fine. Anyone know where I can configure this? ...

Read Flex/Flash URL which has Transfer-Encoding chunked

I have a problem reading from Flex a url which has Transfer-Encoding: chunked because the FLex waits for the server to send terminate signal which in chunked transfer isn't sent... ...

What Apache/PHP/Server settings might affect the speed of a CodeIgnitor model instantiation from one server to another?

One of the pages in one of my apps runs very slowly on the web server compared to my local test server. There are some radical differences in the environments that might explain it, but I'm hoping for a more solvable solution than that. Server: Solaris 10 Apache 2.2.9 Prefork PHP 5.2.6 The server is run on a cluster of 4 not-even-a-yea...

two project directory in ssame server, apache. how can i differentiate

now the situation is like am trying to view the www.b.com it is going to document root of a.com how can i change it as both a and b should work.? can i use alias.? like checking id there is bb in request go to document root of bb or else go to document root of aa. What can i do to achieve this? ...

Guidlines and best practices to make a proxy-friendly site

This is a question to proxy and plugin developers. The usual mindset when it comes to specific sites is "They make changes which breaks our plugin; we change the logic to make it work again". But, what if the other side worries about this too? If we want to compile a set of guidelines and best practices for site development for a proxy...

Is there any way I could change the order of which Apache VirtualHosts load first?

I'm using a wildcard subdomain to manage most of my requests but I'm running into an issue of getting one of my subdomains (let's say, wiki.domain.com) to load first. I understand that loading this inside an httpd.conf or something would just be a case of resorting which VirtualHosts load first, but I am using a2ensite and sites-availab...

apache, httpd.conf and symfony - can't see styles or images

Well, seems that so far the tutorial is working as it suppose to. However, I can't get it to use styles and images. I am using win7 + wamp + symfony sandbox 1.4 The project i the Jobeet tutorial. the path for the www folder is: "d:\dev\wamp\www" My project folder is located directly under the www path and named: 'banana'. I changed ...

Apache Axis2 and Spring3 how to use @Autowired

I haven't used Apache Axis since my 1.x days so I am little rusty here. My question is this.... How do I go about using the @Autowired annotation in my Apache Axis2 service endpoint class? Is this possible? I did some google searching and have yet to find anything conclusive. I am using Apache Axis2 version 1.5.1 and Spring 3.0.3. I just...

Display 500 error on any error in apache

I want to configure Apache to send to the user a 500 response with a custom 500 page when a PHP script raises a fatal error. What I have now is that it will print the error inline with the page content which is good for development but not for production. Thanks in advance. P.S.:any good tutorial on how to tune php/apache for productio...

register .htaccess and .htpasswds using php

How do I register a new username/password on apache (.htaccess and .htpasswds) using php? ...