
printing document path with SSI

I'm currently trying to print out a document path with SSI in Apache. I've managed to get it working, except that I have to hard code in the 'http://' at the beginning. My current code is: You are currently here: <a href="http://&lt;!--#echo var="HTTP_HOST" --><!--#echo var="REQUEST_URI" -->">http://&lt;!--#echo var="HTTP_HOST" --><!--#...

Showing the DirectoryIndex in the URL with Apache

Is there a way to show the DirectoryIndex file in the URL as default? For example, if the DirectoryIndex is index.html, when I typed in www.someurl.com, it would automatically display www.someurl.com/index.html ...

How do I use mod_perl2 and Apache Bucket Brigades?

I'm writing an application to do proxying and rewriting of webpages on the fly and am pretty settled on using mod_perl2 - there is an existing implementation using mod_perl (v1) that I'm working from. In mod_perl2, there's this idea of APR::Brigades and APR::Buckets which, from my vague understanding, are an efficient way to do the sort...

Open Microsoft Word in Java

Hi there I'm facing a problem, anyone can help me?? The Problem is : I'm trying to open MS Word 2003 document in java, search for a specified String and replace it with a new String. I use APACHE POI for to do that. My Code is like the Following : public void searchAndReplace(String inputFilename, String outputFilename, HashMap<...

Apache - authorising a user in multiple groups

I'm trying to work out how to check if a user is a member of Group A and Group B with basic authorisation in Apache. Currently I have: AuthType Basic AuthName "Log Authors" AuthUserFile /iweb/s3078033/apache2-secure/auth/user.file AuthGroupFile /iweb/s3078033/apache2-secure/auth/group.file Require group admin logger which only checks ...

Rewrite rule-- If incoming request is not consist of certain characters then rewrite to other URL

How to construct a rule that checks if the incoming request is of certain terms, if no, then reroute to other URL? For example, I have a website my.example.com. If the incoming URL is my.example.com/login then it should execute that request. If it's something else (not login), then the request must be reroute to your.example.com. For ex...

Slow Client connection blocks Mongrel

I have a Apache + Haproxy + Mongrel setup for my rails application. When I hit a particular server page, mongrel takes around 100ms to process the request and I get the page in around 5 secs due to data transmission time on my slow home connection. Now I see that during these 5 secs of data transmission, mongrel does not serve any ot...

i can do http://pc_name and smb://pc_name... to test my local site or use shared resources. anything similar that is so handy?

when testing out our machine for apache or SVN, i found that we can actually use http://pc_name when our computer is named "pc_name" and other PC on the same network can access that PC by that URL at port 80. and a mac can connect to my PC shared resources by Finder -> Connect to Server -> smb://pc_name these are great. are there ...

Handling web requests on server side

Situation: a user clicks on a link, the server gets the request and starts processing it. In the meanwhile, the user clicks on another link, the server gets the new request while processing the 1st one. What happens? On the client side we only see the webpage from the 2nd request, but is the process from the 1st request killed on the ser...

Nesting Apache Tiles Template

So I found this: http://tiles.apache.org/framework/tutorial/advanced/nesting-extending.html Here is the example: <definition name="myapp.homepage" template="/layouts/classic.jsp"> <put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles tutorial homepage" /> <put-attribute name="header" value="/tiles/banner.jsp" /> <put-attribute name="menu" val...

MySQL error "No Database Selected"

Hello, I am using LAMP on localhost. I can login which uses mysql db, get to the main page (data driven), but when i enter this particular page, its fine, but when i refresh the error is "No Database Selected" then one every page says so. I restarted the Apache, MySQL server Browsers FF,IE, Chrome all show the same errors, cleared ca...

conf or .htaccess-- when to use which?

Apache URL rewrite logic can be written either in conf or .htaccess file. Which one is more suitable, for which occasion? And let's say I have .htaccess in my web root directory, and I have a conf file defined on Apache/conf directory also, which file will kick in first? ...

How to access site running apache server over lan without internet connection.

I am running a server on Windows XP SP2 computer using EasyPhp. Lets call it computer_1. The ip address of computer is Now I have another computer ( computer_2) on the lan with ip address I want to access the site on computer_1 from computer_2. comupter_2 can ping computer_1 (ping works) But when I...

Apache .htaccess password protect with relative path

I want to create a .htaccess file in my DocumentRoot, so that the directory is password protected. But the password file, I want to specify by using the relative path of DocumentRoot. So, if I am checking out the code in another system, it just works as it is. The password file will be part of my source control. How can I access the ...

webservice client - No write method for property

Hi, when I execute a webservice client - generated by Apache Axis (2) - for usage of a webservice (published with xFire including Aegis configurations) I only have got the following error: No write method for property {http://service.company.com}elements in class ... at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFault...

Apache FilesMatch - matching a folder in the regular expression

Hi, I'm trying to cache some files using a .htaccess file for Apache2. I want to cache a particular folder longer than anything else, so i've been trying to use the FilesMatch directive like this: <FilesMatch "skins(.*)\.(jpg|png|gif)"> ExpiresDefault A2592000 </FilesMatch> I'm hoping to be able to cache all image files in ...

How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2

I've got fresh install of Apache 2.2 on my Vista machine, everything works fine, except mod rewrite. I've uncommented LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.s but none of my rewrite rules works, even simple ones like RewriteRule not_found %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/index.php?page=404 All the rules I'm using are working on my hostin...

Php 5.3 or 6 windows install

How do I install latest versions of PHP as Apache 2 module? PHPIniDir directive throws error. And what's more important, there's no php5apache2.dll file or similar in latest distributions of PHP! Example distr php 5.3 Dmitri. ...

Using altered %{REQUEST_URI} in RewriteCond file exists check

Hi there, I'm wanting to take a URL such as http://localhost/universe/networks/o2/o2_logo.gif and do the following: If it begins with /universe/ Strip /universe/ from it to become /networks/o2/o2_logo.gif Check if this exists in %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/networks/o2/o2_logo.gif If so, silently rewrite the request to this file. If I use a rul...

Session Management in TWebModule

I am using a TWebModule with Apache. If I understand correctly Apache will spawn another instance of my TWebModule object if all previous created objects are busy processing requests. Is this correct? I have created my own SessionObject and have created a TStringList to store them. The StringList is created in the initialization sect...