
Apache POI Color cell with formula

I want create a excel with Apache POI in java and I must insert in a cell a formula: A3=B3+C3. Is possible to insert another formula in A3 that color the cell if his value is> 0? I use Apache POI 2.5.1 ...

How can I get around this classloader hierarchy problem?

I run iplanet's java applcation server, something in it is loading commons-logging-1.0.4.jar That's fine until one of my applications calls AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory which is another apache library that also uses commons logging. I put the jar on the jvm classpath and get this error Invalid class loader hierarchy. You have more tha...

How do I set X-UA-Compatible header to IE=EmulateIE7 for IE 8 browsers using Apache 2.0?

I am able to set this header X-UA-Compatible "IE=EmulateIE7" using the following directive in my Apache 2.0 httpd.conf file: <Location /mypath> Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=EmulateIE7" </Location> How can I configure Apache to only set this header for IE 8 browsers? ...

How to I stop an infinite redirect loop?

Hi, I have a blog that has a redirect loop, and I can't understand htaccess too well right now (late, and needs to be done by the AM) so am hoping for a quick fix. The site is throwing 301s from xxxxx.org to xxxxx.org/index.php, and back to the beginning. The htaccess file is as follows: # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Rewri...

How do I stop charset being set in the HTTP headers of a Railo application?

I am using Railo 3.0 for a web application (setup exactly the same as this excellent guide). I have a CFM page that serves up some old HTML files using the cfcontent tag. This content is in various character sets (all defined as meta tags in the HTML). The problem is that all my CFM pages are getting sent out with UTF-8 set in the HTTP r...

[mod-rewrite] foo.com/city/staticpage-cityname.html --> foo.com/staticpage-cityname.html

My current solution is to put everything in the site root although it gives the desired result it has crowded my root folder (more than 200 cities). I would like to put all the cities in /root/cities/ folder and rewrite so that it looks like they are in the root folder. www.foo.com/cities/citypage(.html) to www.foo.com/citypage(.html) ...

[Apache] Unwanted mod_rewrite behaviour

I just did a fresh install of lamp stack on ubuntu and enabled the mod_rewrite module for my default website. What I want is something similar to the drupal's queries, when the whole query string is kept in one variable. For this purposes the following mod_rewrite code may be used: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ home.php?q=$1 [L,QSA] The problem ...

Apache <LocationMatch> regEx field

I can't seem to set regex correctly for the directive. The syntax is: <LocationMatch regex> ... </LocationMatch> I've tried many of the following to no avail: <LocationMatch "^/(admin-media|connect|css|downloads|images|images-web|js)/.+$"> <LocationMatch "^/(admin-media|connect|css|downloads|images|images-web|js)/.+"> <LocationMatc...

Apache authentication via DOD PKI CAC

How does one implement Apache (within Linux) authentication using Department of Defense CAC cards? I've heard it can be done but have not come across any details. Currently we use Windows Active directory for Apache authentication but only using Logins/Passwords. Soon the requirement will to be use CAC cards only. Any hints would be a...

Netbeans ejb project glassfish to apache geronimo

Hi, I have created a project using Netbeans with glassfish. It is a java ee and I have created some ejbs. I need to run this on Apache Geronimo but I don't know how to do this. Any pointers? thx ...

.htaccess and seo-friendly urls

We have an ecommerce site right now that carries a range of brands. The brand pages carry urls as follows: http://www.&lt;DOMAIN&gt;.com/catalog/brand/view?id=2 We need to utilize more friendly (seo-friendly) urls such as: http://www.&lt;DOMAIN&gt;.com/&lt;BRAND&gt; but such that it would resolve #1 above. Is this done in .htacc...

htaccess file restriction

I have a directory on my webserver. It does not have an index page. so when u access the directory via a web browser it lists the files in it. Now i want to create a htaccess file that can block the directory listing so that when you access it via the web browser, the files in the directory would not be listed but would be able to access...

gzipping server responses worse off

Hi guys, Following yahoos performance teams advice, I decided to enable mod_deflate on Apache. In checking the results (using HTTPWatch), the gzipped responses took on average a 100 milliseconds more than the non-gzipped? The server is on average load using <5% of CPU. Compression level is at minimum? have you guys experienced resul...

Apache mod rewrite simple redirect

I want requests to my site to work as follows: http://example.com/ would pull up the index.php file (the current default behavior) ideally without displaying the index.php http://example.com/foo.php would pull up foo.php as would be expected http://example.com/blerg would redirect to http://example.com/bar.php?code=blerg I have the f...

APC not recommended for production?

I have started having problems with my VPS in the way that it would faill to serve the pages on all the websites. It just showed a blank page, or offered to download the php file ( luckily the code was not in the download file :) ). The server was still running, but this seemed to be a problem with PHP, since i could login into WHM. If...

Redirect Apache to Tomcat - IllegalStateException when navigating in the app

Hi, I'm using Apache 2.2 and Tomcat 6.0.18 on Windows XP. I've enabled the mod_proxy module to redirect the traffic from my Apache web server to Tomcat. I only updated the httpd.conf file to have the redirection like this: ProxyPass /myapp http://MYMACHINENAME:8080/MyApp/Start ProxyPassReverse /myapp http://MYMACHINENAME:8080...

.htaccess not working - only caching images and not JS or CSS

Duplicate: Why isn’t my javascript & css caching ? I'm noticing that I'm only receiving 304 HTTP codes (cached content) for images but not JavaScript or CSS. My .htaccess file is: Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks # Enable ETag FileETag MTime Size # Set expiration header ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 w...

Why isn't my javascript & css caching ?

It's appears ONLY javascript and css are not caching ... but images are caching. I am using Firebug and when I refresh the page, I notice in Firebug a lot of 200 HTTP responses for js/css but am receiving 304 HTTP codes (content not modified) for all of my images. So it appears that my JS and CSS are not caching. Also, when using YSlow...

How can I prevent cross-site request forgery with Perl and Apache?

Are there any transparent library that I can use or something easy so I can prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) with Perl and Apache? How can I generate tokens for forms and validating them server-side? ...

Web server - when should I use chunked transfer encoding ?

Looking at various web servers HTTP Headers, I notice that Google.com has: client-transfer-encoding: "chunked" What is chuncked transfer encoding and should I be using it on my web server? ...