
How to invoke js without displaying the code

Hello, I was wondering, I want to plant a JS tracking code (analytics) in a few websites to track their traffic. But I don't want that when viewing the site's source code people will be able to see that I've embedded the JS tracking code there. Is it possible? Maybe by using an Apache/PHP trick? Thanks, Roy. ...

Need help on Apache htaccess redirect rule

I need to redirect from path /articles/20090425-swine-flu-kills.html to /2009/04/swine-flu-kills.html In the original path, the digits after articles are the dates in yyyymmdd format. This to convert to "/yyyy/mm/" in the new path. I suppose need some regex but I am not sure how. Would appreciate help. Thanks ...

Can anyone show me a good tutorial of Apache Wicket ?

I want to use apache wicket for pagination but i am not much aware of that . so if anyone can tell me where can i find the examples and tutorials , ...

backup MySql databases and email them somewhere at a certain time

We're running a CentOS server with a lot of MySql databases atm, what I need is a really easy way for us to back those up. Since many of them are under a couple of meg. Dumping, zipping them up then sending them to a secure Google Apps account sounds like a pretty good idea. So what I need is: a script that will dump and zip the databas...

Apache Response Time

Hello, I have been using Apache on my local LAN. The problem is that i recently installed APC (along with PHP5-dev and apache2-dev). Now the response time of Apache has reduced. It roughly takes 2 seconds to for a php page to load, where as earlier it took around 500ms. Although in firebug is shows the old response times. Why is this s...

Performance differences running PHP under Windows/IIS 7 vs. Linux/Apache?

There is a PHP application right now on a Linux box running under Apache with MySQL. Since we are a windows shop, management wants to get rid of the Linux box and move everything over to windows. Is there a performance difference between the two platforms? Or, is there any significant difference at all, in terms of performance or managem...

Configure Apache to use Python just like CGI PHP

Hi, I think one commonly known way of adding PHP to an Apache webserver is to configure it like this: ScriptAlias /php5.3 /usr/local/php5.3/bin Action application/php5.3 /php5.3/php-cgi AddType application/php5.3 .php Now I tried to write a similar configuration for Python: ScriptAlias /python /usr/bin Action application/python /pyth...

Apache rewrite rule forces download


Removing .htaccess Authentication Restrictions

I have a project that has .htaccess Authentication but i want to remove it for a certain assets folder. i tried adding a htaccess in that folder with : AuthType none Satisfy Any Allow from All Order Allow, Deny but it doesnt seem to work :( Any thought on this. Thank you so much Edit The directory i am trying to unprotect is not a ...

Magic Apache redirecting for /~username

Hi, I have inherited a webserver already serving some websites. I am trying to migrate some of those sites to a new webserver. One of those websites has a page called: http://mydomain/ABCDepartment/ This URL also works: http://mydomain/~joesmith and the index page for joesmith actually lives in /var/www.../ABCDepartment/people/joes...

Configure apache for system passwords?

I know I can use htpasswd to create a password file for apache, but how do I configure it to use valid users or groups from the system? ...

Cannot get started with mod_rewrite

I have in the past successfully managed to copy/edit/paste rewrite rules on an apache server over which I had limited control. Now however I am experimenting with an Apache server which I can restart and configure to my heart's content but I cannot get even a basic rewrite example to work and that is after I have read at least two tutor...

Where to start with FastCGI and C++

Anyone have any links or resource regarding writing a proper C++ FastCGI application? (on top of Apache using mod_fastcgi or mod_fcgid). ...

Get apache linux user from php

Hi folks, I'm on a foreign linux system and need to determine the user that apache runs on (and so does php). The aim: I need to get the owner of the script (this is no problem as I can use SplFileInfo) and compare it to the owner of the apache process. I'm open to any alternative proposals. Regards, Mario Edit: Additional info: T...

Does Apache basic authentication defend brute force attacks?

Will it shut down & lock up after repeated false password tries, and/or will it add lags in-between retries? Or does this depend on which modules you or your provider install? Thanks! ...

Configuring Subversion to use system users/passwords

I'm using Subversion 1.6.1 with Apache, on a Linux machine. The server is running over http, not https. I want to allow people to authenticate using the same login/password that they use to log into the machine via SSH. The SVN manual only explains how to use HTTP Basic Auth and Digest authentication. But with these approaches, I need t...

mod_rewrite or mod_alias ?

I have a server, it's httpd.conf already has some "RedirectMatch permanent" directives in it. I'm not that familiar with mod_alias, I've only ever used mod_rewrite. What's the basic difference? I don't see a "L" flag in mod_alias to stop processing rules. Which one should I use for best practices of redirecting from one subdomain to ...

Using Apache and mod_ext_filter, need to dynamically replace values of static file based off of query string.

I've got a situation where I need to alter the contents of a cached file based off of one of the query string arguments passed in. I'd love to use sed to do a simple regular expression replacement of a value based off of said argument but I can't figure that one out. I could use a ruby script to do the replacement for me but can't seem...

Where do I find a test http server for simulating timeouts and error codes

I am thinking that this would be an Apache server with some custom pages, or possibly a java application. Used for browser or http client testing, it should give me a variety of 500 errors when a specific page is requested. Give me a page that responds in 5 seconds, 10, 30 or whatever. Give me a page where the first byte does not come...

mod_rewrite help to pass full path with query string

I'm doing some caching based on the whole url, including query string, and need Apache to recognize the file and use it. It seems to find a match but then strips the query string off before rendering the file. url: www.somesite.com/default.asp?foo=bar Cached page filename on the filesystem in the cache folder: default.asp?foo=bar My c...