
Glassfish with Apache. Why SSL?

I have been looking around to figure out how to configure Glassfish front ended with Apache. And most of the tutorials using the load balancing plug in is making me enable SSL on Apache. I am trying to understand the connection. I should be able to do non SSL communications when I dont have a need for SSL. ...

Apache mod_rewrite redirect to internal server

Hi I am not sure if this is the write thing but that's the reason i am asking here for help. I have server one (Apache) and server 2 (IIS). Server one has external access but server 2 does not. I need to host http content on both of them on port 80. Without changing ports on the firewall etc., is it possible for me to redirect a call f...

Apache and mod_rewrite: Redirect domain to subdirectory

(I know this is not a programming question per se, but it involves regular expressions, so at least it is borderline... ) The setup: Apache 2.0 with mod_rewrite on Windows. Two domains, let's call them domain1.example and domain2.example. I would like to host both domains on the same server ("server1"), so I point them to the same IP a...

How do i do readable urls?

Assume I have the url http://example.com/user/me, where me is the user name. When the user types the url into the address bar, I want to reveal the details of the user. I do not want urls such as http://example.com/user.php?user=me Any help appreciated, working on LAMP ...

Apache equivalent of lighttpd url.rewriteonce?

I have my application entry point like this. /app/index.php <-- this is the main dispatcher. And application specific folders under /app/ /app/todo/ /app/calendar/ /app/bugtrack/ Each application folder cotains application specific files. I would like to pass all requests unders app to pass through /app/index.php. So that. /app/...

Error while loading FastCGI module in apache 2.2

I'm using apache 2.2 (part of the xampp distribution) and I was trying to load my scripts written in lua using fastcgi, so I added to httpd.conf this: LoadModule mod_fcgi modules/mod_fcgid.so and now when I try to start apache I get the following error: syntax error on line 530 of /xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Can't locate API module...

The correct way to make a rewrite rule?

I have a .htaccess in my site www folder that has this rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^(\w+)/?$ /$1.php It works, if you type in http://sampardee.com/urltest - It finds urltest.php and brings it up. However, if you type in http://sampardee.com/urltest/ it still brings urltest.php up but the CSS stops working. I have the CSS file specified ...

Run a php app using tomcat?

Is it possible to run a php app using tomcat? Before you tell me to just use httpd, I already have a java application running on my webserver at host/myapp. Now I want to install RoundCube at host/roundcube. One is php however and one is java. I keep seeing offhand references saying this is possible but no real instructions. No, I do not...

Can you force an apache restart in a post-commit svn hook?

I have the following post-commit hook setup and running: #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/svn update /var/www/html/dev > /var/www/svnrepo/hooks/post-commit-log I'm developing in Python/Django and whenever I make any changes to any ".py" file, I have to SSH in and "sudo /sbin/service httpd restart"... Is there a way to add this to the bottom of th...

.htaccess rewrite without www AND redirect to subdirectory

I'd like to redirect www.example.com/* to example.com/* And at the same time redirect example.com/* to example.com/forum/* But I also have /wiki/ and /blog/ and /style/, so I don't want to redirect example.com/style/* to example.com/forum/style/* This is what I have at the moment, which is not working quite correctly: Opti...

Apache rewrite certain urls to separate part of codebase

Hi, Basically I have 2 separate code bases, v1 and v2 for the sake of this example. I want to redirect a certain area of the v1 site to v2 so we can periodically port the old code to new code. Now, I have done this exact sort of code porting before, I just can't remember the exact specifics and whether we did some apache voodoo to get...

Apache 2.2 ignoring VirtualDocumentRoot VirtualHosts?

I have several domains that I would like to have wildcard subdomains enabled for through mod_vhost_alias Included in my httpd.conf I have the following generalized rules: <VirtualHost [ip here]:80> ServerName domain1.com ServerAlias www.domain1.com DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost [ip her...

Apache resource usage vs Mongoose or other lightweight web server

How much memory and/or other resources does Apache web server use? How much more are lightweight servers efficient? Say appache vs. Mongoose Web Server Neil Butterworth you out there? Thanks. ...

Is there some place to download an AIX mod_jk binary?

I needed to front tomcat with apache on AIX, but there is nothing in http://www.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/aix and googling around was unsuccessful. I eventually built it from source (painful as there is bureaucracy around getting the compilers installed at this large corporate). But shouldn't this binary downl...

How do I have mod_perl reload source files on change?

I am using mod_perl for web development. I do not want to restart mod_perl every time I modify a Perl module. I came across solution about Apache::Reload. I install this module from CPAN, modify httpd.conf accordingly & add "use Apache::Reload" at my perl module, as stated in documentation. I tried the reload all module method, & r...

Apache webservice deserialization problem in .NET

Hi, i have big problem with deserialization of XML response from third-party webservice. here is xml response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchem...

Issue with trying to Login to a https secure using apache commons httpclient class

Hi, Iam trying to login to a https secured site using Apache commons httpclient. Iam not getting any way to pass the certificate along with my httprequest , since I cannot find any such classes in HttpClient Package. If anybody can guide me on where do I need to add the certificate handling? Any package to do it? Am open to ideas, a...

How do I block people from intentionally re-submitting a form?

I'm building a website using Ubuntu, Apache, and Django. I'd like to block people from filling out and submitting a particular form on my site more than once. I know it's pretty much impossible to block a determined user from changing his IP address, deleting his cookies, and so on; all I'm looking for is something that will deter the ca...

Apache rewrite rules redux

I've got a REST framework that when plopped into any directory should Just Work(TM), and it seems to work fine when I've got projects in subdirectories, but not if it's in root. So, given a few example directories; / /project1 /bingo/project2 /hoopla/doopla/minor/project3 All of these works fine, except I'm getting "funnies"* when the...

How do I restore Apache and PHP to Leopard defaults?

I used this guide on Apple's website to enable PHP on my computer but I lost all my Apache configuration files in process. I ran this script which I found on Google to restore Apache on Mac OS X: #!/bin/sh # run with ./apache_refresh.sh #If permissions error do: chmod u+x filename.sh #WARNING THIS MAY DELETE OR CHANGE YOUR APACHE SETTIN...