
Apache server (C++) is not starting in fips mode?

Hi Could any one know apache server is not starting in fips mode in some PCs. Description: We have a client-server application where Apache webserver is the server and IE is the browser. Recently we have made this Apache webserver FIPS 140-2 compliant. Hence now it can work in FIPS mode. We are able to run the server in FIPS mode on a...

Having latest copy of SVN'ed files in document root

A while back I asked link text and I got some great answers. What I would like to know is if there is a way to keep the files under my web applications document root, and when I make a change, commit them back to the repository. From what I understand, in order to work on files, they can't be in the web root. Having to move them out to ...

Is there a realtime apache/php console similar to webrick or mongrel with ruby on rails?

Is there a realtime apache/php console similar to webrick or mongrel with ruby on rails? I want to be able to monitor what the heck my server is doing. edit: but I don't want to grep the log Thanks! ...

sIFR Cause initial page load to stall?

Hello everyone: I just recently launched my blog, and I think that sIFR is causing intial page loads to stall, basically causing an internal 500 error or timeout. The URL for the site is http://gothamblack.com/ For the life of me, I cannot determine what is going on. I am currently running the latest version of sIFR, with the replace...

Apache/Rails/Passenger directory URLs that don't end in '/' fail to 404.

I'm using Apache with passenger to run a rails app. In my rails app, I have some static content in subdirectories of the public directory. Each subdirectory has an index.html in it. So, inside the public directory, I have a subdir called 'b' and inside it, is an index.html. So it's like this: /public/b/index.html I have links to th...

How do you simply add new custom rewrites to the .htaccess of a wordpress without fail?

I've added some extra functionality to my wordpress so that I can visit it with a variable and do extra stuff. The problem is, when I turn my ugly dynamic link into lovely permlink formatting in the .htaccess file, wordpress overrides it / ignores it. I've heard there's a way to do it, but the ways I try to do it based off what people h...

document.ready not executing on every load

Hello! I have a strange problem. I have a jQuery document.ready function executing some script on the page. When I was testing it through opening the file with firefox/opera it worked. When I uploaded it to the server (I tried both my home apache and my shared hosting) it only works once in 10 loads maybe. What could be the problem? T...

What's the difference between APR (Apache Portable Runtime) 1.3 and 0.9?

I'm just getting started with APR and it seems that there are two supported versions developed side-by-side: http://apr.apache.org/ The docs don't explain the difference between 1.3.x and 0.9.x... Can anyone please shed light on the matter? Or in short, which should I use? ...

Error 404--Not Found (while using apache and weblogic)

I have an application deployed in weblogic, and am using apche server.Normally, when I enter the url for the application, it should display a jsp (1) kind of please wait then this one will redirect to another jsp (2). the problem is when I enter the url of the application, it displays jsp (1) "please wait" and while redirecting it gives...

Java web services on fedora 10i386

Hello, I am a .net web services developer. I want do develop web services on Java platform using LAMP platform. Currently I have fedora 10i386 with Apache web server and eclipse IDE. Please suggest me tools, plugins for eclipse that I can use to develop web service's as it is possible in .net platform using visual studio and MS sql se...

Redirect using .htaccess

I want to redirect all user page requests to a page on the same domain. For example, I have an "under construction, BRB" page that I want all users to see when they try to access ANY page on the site. I tried using this: Redirect 302 / http://www.domain.com/index2.php What that does is try to apply the redirect to the index2.php pag...

jboss url decoding

Hi, We have a servlet hosted on jboss which works on HttpServletRequest. But sometimes we receieve requests that do not get decoded by jboss, and when we do getQueryParam on HttpServletRequest, we get null. The jboss access log shows the url in encoded form. Normally, when everything works smooth, url is shown decoded in access log. e.g...

performance implications of php output buffering with Apache and MySQL

I am a bit confused about how php buffering works. Let's say you have a php page foo.php and output_buffering = 4096 in php.ini, and Apache recieves a get request for foo.php. foo.php starts executing, and as soon as 4096 bytes are ready, they are sent to Apache. Apache starts sending those 4096 bytes to the client. Here's what I d...

Apache mod_deflate based on url parameters

Can mod_deflate module in apache be invoked based on url parameters and not for all the server requests ...

writing mod_rewrite for form data

I am trying to rewrite an url with get-data from at form. This is working all good when committing strings with only English letters. But when commit Norwegian charachters (this is a Norwegian page), only the non-rewriten url is displayed. My mod_rewrite sentences looks like this: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /resultpage.php$ RewriteCond ...

301 redirect with PHP and MySQL on 404 ... how?

I am transferring a large static website of 500+ pages to a Joomla installation but what I am wanting to do, rather than code a 500+ line .htaccess file, is to use PHP's built in 301 header redirect to dynamically redirect requests that come in to the new URL. So for example, after I move the site, the following URL would 404 without a ...

404 Error Page ~ Redirect an Image - PHP

I use a custom 404 page in a PHP application. On that 404 page, I check for certain 'known' older pages that no longer exist, and then redirect user to newer or most relevant current page. Works great. Now I am faced with a series of old images that have been removed, and am looking for a way to redirect the images to a new image (all ...

Are CNAMES slow ?

I'm using CNAMEs together with S3/CloudFront to serve some static files like js, css, images, etc. I do it to make the bucket's URL pretty and because I think is better have all targeting to my site and in case in some future I want to move those files the change should be transparent. Today reading blogs I saw some think CNAMEs are e...

Which should I create: an Apache server extension, or a server from scratch?

Briefly, I need to create a server whose back end queries information from another server. I'm wondering how others might approach this problem. Here's a longer description of the problem: I need to create a server (call this server Alpha) that makes requests to another server (call this server Omega) based on web pages that are reque...

Images missing when using ProxyPassMatch to redirect aspx requests

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName mine.abc.def.edu ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.aspx.*) http://mine.abc.def.edu:8080/$1 </VirtualHost> I am running IIS on port 8080, and Apache on port 80. I have gotten the above in the apache config to successfully redirect ASP.NET pages to IIS, but the images on the pages are missing. I was thinking I need so...