
Apache OpenJpa Action types

Not sure this might be the best place to ask since this question has alot to do with the inner workings of Apache OpenJPA. But maybe someone here knows. Looking into org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.PCPath.java you could find Action inner class wich defines a series of static fields. This one has me a bit lost(it all does, but this...

LGPL, MIT, or Apache - differences?

If I've got some code that I'd like to share and make open source. I'm not a lawyer. What are the big differences between these choices? LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License MIT License Apache License ...

What is the benefit (if any) of using APR with Tomcat?

Tomcat has an option to use APR for handling connections. What are the benefits of using that? Does anyone have firsthand experience with it? ...

Switching from Tomcat to Glassfish

In response to this error where pages are delivered incorrectly, we're considering a switch from Apache + Tomcat to Glassfish. This is inspired not by features, but by frustration with a fault that just won't go away. The questions are: Should we use Glassfish in cooperation with Apache, or replace Apache entirely? The interface betwe...

Direct "puts" in Rails, to Apache log

Hi, What's the configuration setting to get calls to puts to be written to the Apache log file? (Using Passenger to run Rails on Apache) Thanks ...

URL Rewriting/Regex Debug

Hi guys, I need a set of fresh eyes on this. I'm having a tough time spotting the problem. In folder X I have an .htaccess file with the following two lines in it: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9\.-]+)/?$ item-display.php?bibid=$1 [NC,L] My interpretation is that anything in that directory will then be redirected to the ite...

Apache rewrite rule

I want to redirect "http://localhost/b.html" --> "http://localhost/a.html" I tried RewriteRule for that. But somehow it is not working for me. I am using apache2 and my httpd.conf contains: LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_pr...

RedirectMatch and Regex Tomfoolery

I'm trying to redirect all requests for /library/ to an external URL except when .pdf files are requested. e.g. www.mysite.com/library/section should redrect to www.externalsite.com but www.mysite.com/library/docs/some_pdf.pdf should serve up the PDF file without a redirect. Here's what I have: RedirectMatch permanent /library/!(.*\.pd...

Configuring subdomains on an Apache Server

I'm trying to set up a subdomain for a site on an Apache server. I've added in DNS entries for the subdomain and added <VirtualHost> ServerName sub.domain.com DocumentRoot /export/home/sites/domain/web/sub </VirtualHost> to the vhosts.conf file. This is still not resolving to the site. If I do an "nslookup sub.domain...

Large File Upload Errors with PHP

I have an image upload for a slideshow, and the users are continuously uploading files that are 2MB plus. Files under this size work fine, but files over the size cause what looks like a browser timeout. Here are my php ini settings: Max memory allocation: 12M Max file upload size: 10M Max HTTP Post size: 10M Max execution time: 60 M...

Virtualhost For Wildcard Subdomain and Static Subdomain

I have an odd situation where I want to have the urls app1.example.com, example.com and *.example.com all using a different virtual host. This is what I have (excluding example.com cause it just makes it messier) ServerName app1.example.com ServerAlias app1.example.com DocumentRoot = /var/www/app1 # Other configuration for th...

www to non-www redirection .htaccess code not woking on my site?

I want to redirect http://www.example.com to http://example.com via .htaccess. I've found and tried below listed codes but nothing works. can any body tell me the solution. I get this error Socket Error 10049 on all codes when i type http://www.example.com My hosting's Apache version is 2.0.63. My .htaccess file is in a public_html/ O...

Rewrite URL from http://example.com/blog/ to http://blog.example.com/

What RewriteRule (using .htaccess/mod_rewrite) should I use to redirect http://example.com/blog/ (with www or without) to http://blog.example.com/ ? I'm using the following, but getting a redirect loop: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/blog/ [L,R=301] Rewrite...

Is Apache XML security library compatibile with IBM's JDK

I developed an application that uses Apache XML security library for xml encryption and signing. It runs on SUN's JDK without any problems, however, IBM JDK gives me tons of problems. It doesn't sign right (validation fails), pkcs11 provider fails to encrypt. It seems that problem is because IBM provides their own security providers. ...

apache ProxyPass: how to preserve original IP address

We are using ProxyPass to redirect all "/r" requests to jboss on port 18080 as follows: ProxyPreserveHost on ProxyPass /r http://localhost:18080/redirectService/ ProxyPassReverse /r http://localhost:18080/redirectService/ But, that causes the IP address logged in jboss's access log as "". Does somebody know how can we preserv...

Apache PDF digital signatures

Hi, I have a website with a directory listing of all the pdf files which I have uploaded via ftp. By clicking any of the file names, the pdf document will show up in your web browser. Is it possible for outside parties to digitally signed the document in the web browser and save it back into the server with a appended "signed" on the fi...

mod_wsgi/python sys.path.exend problems

I'm working on a mod_wsgi script.. at the beginning is: sys.path.extend(map(os.path.abspath, ['/media/server/www/webroot/'])) But I've noticed, that every time I update the script the sys.path var keeps growing with duplicates of this extension: ['/usr/lib64/python25.zip' '/usr/lib64/python2.5' '/usr/lib64/python2.5/plat-linux2' '/us...

How do I modify sys.path from .htaccess to allow mod_python to see Django?

The host I'm considering for hosting a Django site has mod_python installed, but does not have Django. Django's INSTALL file indicates that I can simply copy the django directory to Python's site-packages directory to install Django, so I suspect that it might be possible to configure Python / mod_python to look for it elsewhere (namely ...

Apache Refusing Connections

I've recently installed Apache on my FreeBSD machine. All was working fine; telnet via the local machine and http through Firefox on my XP box (connected via my DSL router) were garnering the "It works!" page. Then, I restarted my BSD machine and now neither telnet (through both su and my normal account) nor Firefox are allowed connectio...

How to programmatically adjust the disable directive in the mod_jk load balancer configuration?

We have a setup where we have one httpd (apache) with mod_jk talking in a load balance setup to three tomcat servers. We have to recycle each tomcat instance envery three hours. So tomcat1 will restart at 1, and tomcat2 at 2 and ... until tomcat1 recycles again at 4. We want to configure a script or a type of program to disable the ...