
PHP extensions won't load on Apache startup

I've added php as a module for Apache 2.2.11: LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" And also added AddType application/x-httpd-php .php And in PHP.ini, my extension dir is set to: extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" And yes, the directories are correct and all files do exist. But when I start apache, I get these errors: ...

Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method

Hi all, I'm doing a Get and Post method for an android project and I need to "translate" HttpClient 3.x to HttpClient 4.x (using by android). My problem is that I'm not sure of what I have done and I don't find the "translation" of some methods... This is the HttpClient 3.x I have done and (-->) the HttpClient 4.x "translation" if I hav...

How do I write an .htaccess rewrite rule to convert query strings into segmented URIs?

Is there a way to put a rewrite rule in htaccess that will convert query strings to segmented URIs? For eg. http://domain.com/controller/method/?a=1&b=2&c=3 should get rewritten as http://domain.com/controller/method/a/1/b/2/c/3 All there is to do is remove the ? and replace the &s and the =s with a /, but I'm not quite su...

301 redirect index.html to / or /index.php

Greetings, I have just moved a website from IIS to Apache and am having a little trouble redirecting the index file without causing an infinite loop. Both of these individually will cause a loop- Redirect 301 /index.htm /index.php Redirect 301 /index.htm http://www.foo.com/ Below is a copy of my current .htaccess. Can someone help ...

Apache Ignores SSLRequire Directive

I have setup Apache to serve Subversion data. The configuration looks like this, <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNPath /path/to/svn AuthType Basic AuthName "My Project" AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/dav_svn.passwd Require valid-user SSLRequireSSL <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT> Require valid-user </LimitExcept> </Location> T...

Enable mod_deflate to send Content-Encoding: gzip

EDIT I have found that the problem is actually php minify. This was sending the deflated content instead of Apache. I'll find more on this. According to High Performance Web Sites, if I enable mod_deflate in Apache 2.x, by adding the following line, it should send gzipped/delfated content: - AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text...

Beginner Apache URL Rewrite Question

I'm just trying to figure out if I'm on the right path - additional details on rewriting the URL in my example would be appreciated. I have installed a CMS program and would simply like that www.example.com be pointed to www.example.com/cms. I just want to know if URL rewriting through apache is the best way to accomplish this? Thank y...

Using mod_rails to host multiple apps under SSL, same domain

I'm trying to get multiple rails apps hosted under the same domain, but different directories. My configuration before attempting to host multiple apps (which works great), looks like this: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName secure.mydomain.com DocumentRoot /root/store/public </VirtualHost> I google'd around and found documentati...

Mixing RewriteRule and ProxyPass in Apache

I was working on debugging an issue today related to mixing mod_proxy and mod_rewrite together and I ended up having to use balancer://mycluster in the RewriteRule in order to stop receiving a 404 error from Apache. I have two questions: 1) Is there any other way to get the rewritten URL to go through the balancer without adding balance...

Having a CGI script catch all requests to a domain with Apache.

Hi, Using Apache 2, I want to configure my website so that any requests to the domain are forwarded to a Python CGI script. Basically, if the user goes to http://www.example.com i want the cgi /cgi-bin/cgi.py to execute. If the user goes to http://www.example.com/index.rss I want /cgi-bin/cgi.py to be executed with /index.rss as the ar...

mod_jk in apache

Hi, I use Apache 2.2 and Tomcat 6.0.18 on Windows XP. I want to to redirect the URL that comes to my Apache instance into Tomcat with the module mod_jk. I want to be able to redirect from http://localhost/myvanityURL to Tomcat where the app is located at http://localhost:8080/MyApp/Start. I have installed the module. If I enter the URL...

datetime.now() in Django application goes bad

Hi, I've had some problems with a Django application after I deployed it. I use a Apache + mod-wsgi on a ubuntu server. A while after I reboot the server the time goes foobar, it's wrong by around -10 hours. I made a Django view that looks like: def servertime(): return HttpResponse( datetime.now() ) and after I reboot the server an...

Shut Off All Caching on Firefox, Apache, PHP Plugin, Etc.

I want to shut off all caching on my Apache running under Linux, and all caching on Firefox and... is there anyplace else I might be caching? I want my PHP and .css files to be fresh from disk all the time during development. Disclaimer: I am asking about Apache as a dev tool, not as a deployment platform. If I ask about IIS and why it...

Can mod_rewrite convert any number of parameters with any names?

I'm a total n00b at mod_rewrite and what I'm trying to do sounds simple: instead of having domain.com/script.php?a=1&b=2&c=3 I would like to have: domain.com/script|a:1;b:2;c:3 The problem is that my script takes a large number of parameters in a variety of combinations, and order is unimportant, so coding each one in the expression a...

Can php5 coexist with php4?

Hello. I use apache. I want to let php4 coexist with php5 in one server, but what kind of method will there be? ...

Strange CSS/Apache problem

I have been trying to install ReviewBoard and all looks like it has gone well, in as much as I can access the site and functionality However, I have strangeness where no style sheet appears to be applied for some reason. I suspect it may be a permissions issue on a folder that it can't access or some Apache setup error I have made. ...

Getting Apache to execute command on every page view

Is there any way to get Apache to run a command/program every time a web page is requested? I know I could scan the logs for new entries every minute or so, but can I get Apache to directly call the command? There might be an option like this in one of the configuration files, but if there is I don't know what it is. My server is running...

mysql access without webserver (ex. Apache)

I was wondering if there is a way to access a database service on a remote computer without having a webserver installed on that computer? Does MYSQL DBMS provide some interface (port) which can be connected directly to, or is a webserver (that forwards the communication) mandatory? ...

Protect Plesk login page from search engine eyes

Hi Folks, I was wondering if would it be possible to protect the "https://www.DOMAIN.com:8443" URL from search engines listing perhaps using the htaccess to redirect the 8443 port from "DOMAIN" to elsewhere? This is the VZPP Plesk - Login Login to Plesk. Please enter your login information. Username. Password. Interface Languag...

Rewrite for all URLs

I would like to rewrite something like: http//www.example.com/index.php?var1=val1&var2=val2&var3=val3 Into http://www.example.com/var1/val1/var2/val2/var3/val3/ I'm looking for a solution to work on an arbitrary number of variables. Can it be done? ...