
Specify smtp server for php mail() in freebsd?

I have two dedicated servers, one of which is configured for sending email out (SPF, DKIM, other domain whitelisting methods, etc). I need to send email from both servers, but I want to send mail from both servers through the server that's been set up for it. It doesn't look like I can explicitly set an SMTP server directly in the mail ...

Apache .htaccess file redirect

Should be easy for someone. My files are in this directory: /user/home/peter/mygame/production/ I am required to access my site using: www.foo.com/peter (which brings me to /user/home/peter/) How do I tell apache: www.foo.com/peter reads from /user/home/peter/mygame/production/ Thanks. ...

htaccess Domain Simulation

I have a server that hosts stuff automatically from /var/www. I copied a directory like domain.com inside /var/www. I then added domain.com into my /etc/hosts for (localhost/loopback). What's the .htaccess trick with Apache so that I can hit my site with: http://domain.com/ and it automatically knows to look in /var/www/domain....

mod_rewrite adding unwanted file extension

I set up Phorum to use search-engine friendly URLs on my local server (Ubuntu Jaunty). It worked perfectly. Upon moving the site to the production server (Gentoo), I get 404 not found for all pages. The mod_rewrite logs below show the problem. The same rules are being used on both installs: RewriteEngine On # READ RULES RewriteRule ^(...

Apache .htaccess vs httpd - does it really matter?

I know this question has been asked many times and I've researched it myself on Google as well but just can't come up with the answer I need. My hosting company is NOT letting me use the httpd config file, instead it wants me to use .htaccess. I am not a server admin but I have to believe that there is a performance hit for using this ...

how to check mod_deflate is enabled in apache?

Is there such a command that can tell this? ...

what does this configuration in apache mean?

Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary Can anyone give a detailed explanation for this? ...

Testing for mysterious load errors in python/django

This is related to this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/926579/configure-apache-to-recover-from-modpython-errors, although I've since stopped assuming that this has anything to do with mod_python. Essentially, I have a problem that I wasn't able to reproduce consistently and I wanted some feedback on whether the proposed solution see...

How to password control access to all urls except one in apache 2

Hi Apache Gurus I want to password protect all urls on my beta site at the moment. Except one url because it is called by flash and flash can't handle basic auth properly it seems. So i want to disable basic auth for that one url. This is my config in apache. Apache is a proxy for tomcat but that should not matter right ? <IfModule mod...

How is the sausage made tour of apache/php/mysql interaction

I am having trouble understanding how apache/php/mysql stack works on a low level (including interaction with the browser). Is there a good description somewhere (a book, a website, etc) that will walk me through the whole path and explaining how starting with a browser reqesting a url, http requests is being sent, how apache talks to ph...

Can the SVN and HTTP protocols be used safely on the same repository simultaneously?

We would like to evaluate whether the SVN protocol works better for our team than HTTP, but we don't want to commit to a full switch just yet. Right now we have an Apache sever serving up our main repository. Can we safely use svnserve.exe to with the same repository so that a few of our developers can test it? My initial guess is that ...

Mono (mod_mono) & Apache (httpd) on Fedora 10: failing to start correctly

Hi It seems I am one of the few trying to get Mono's mod_mono to run on httpd on Fedora 10. Mono is installed and the httpd is configured to use mod_mono.conf But when I do this: service httpd start I get this error: Starting httpd: [crit] (13)Permission denied: Failed to attach to existing dashboard, and removing dashboard file ...

Is there a way to use htdigest from Windows?

I do not have ssh access to a machine with htdigest and I use Windows. Can someone help me? ...

How to find & fix memleaks inside Apache + PHP + Win2k3

Alright folks, We've got Apache 2.2.11 running mod_php 5.2.9-2 on a Windows Server 2003 (Small Business Edition) box, and each request spikes somewhere around 4 to 8MB of RAM, followed by approximately 2 to 6MB of freeing. Basically, the amount Apache releases is always notably less (by megabytes) than the amount it allocates during the...

LightHttpd vs Nginx

Ok, I have seen this question quite a few times here on SO and as well as elsewhere on the web. But..they are all pretty old, so I will post it again. I have the following needs: Ability to handle lots of simultaneous HTTP connections (like comet). This is the reason I am looking at other webservers rather than apache. Should be easy ...

How to benchmark apache with delays?

What is a good way to benchmark apache with a delay between requests from a unix command line? The only benchmark tool I know from the command line is ab and it doesn't support delays. ...

Is there an Apache Velocity plugin for Netbeans 6.5 or higher?

I'm looking for a plugin similar to the Eclipse plugins Veloeclipse or Velocity Web Edit for NetBeans. Update: I tried the Velocity Editor Support plugin mentioned by Kathy Van Stone (thanks!), but it's not quite as robust as I had hoped. It doesn't support code folding, directive tag matching, or code completion, as far as I can tell....

Apache MaxClients when KeepAlive is Off

with apache, is it reasonable to reduce MaxClients when KeepAlive is Off? currently, MaxClients is set to 150, which is the default for mpm-worker. nginx serves static files and reverse-proxies to apache we are averaging around 12-15 requests per second cpu load avg is never above 0.8 on a quad-core box thanks! ...

Trac Using Database Authentication

Is it possible to use a database for authentication with Trac? .htpasswd auth is not desired in this install. Using Trac .11 and MySQL as the database. Trac is currently using the database, but provides no authentication. ...

Is it safe to have tell Apache server to handle .js and .css files as PHP?

Based on an answer I saw in this question: Link I'm wondering, is this a safe thing to do? Suppose I implement this and a page gets requested that has a couple of JS and CSS files linked to it. Are the textfiles simply sent or does the server first parse them? Don't have a server to test it right now. Also, is this a common method of ...