
how do I use mod_rewrite for just one file?

I want to use mod-rewrite for just one file instance: www.domain.com/contact to pull from www.domain.com/contact.php I used a rewrite rule for all files that look like a directory to do this initially but it messed up some diretory redirects I created so in the short-term, I'd rather just do it for a specific file. Thanks. ...

Cakephp Install on Bluehost

How do I set up Cakephp to work properly on Bluehost? Should I place my app, cake and vendor folders as well as .htaccess and index.php files in the /public_html/ directory? I followed the instructions here... http://book.cakephp.org/view/37/Apache-and-mod_rewrite-and-htaccess to no avail. All I see when I type the name to my website is ...

Tomcat shuts down automatically

I'm using Apache and Tomcat on a Windows server and since this morning, Tomcat stops working without any logs. It doesn't hang, it just shut down. There's no log in Tomcat, the CPU/Memory are fines, there are no System.Exit in my code. Anybody ever had this problem? It happens at random, after 5-10 minutes. The application responds no...

"sites framework" on a single django instance

I want to serve up specialized RSS feeds on a different subdomain from the rest of the site. Can I use the sites framework to use a different urls.py and settings.py file within a single django instance. or do I need to set up two apache locations and just set the different settings.py files in the apache conf. The reason I need to set...

it is possible to run more then one app under mod_aspdotnet?

I have an apache server runing on win 2003. i configure the mod_aspdotnet like this guide link text to enable asp.net web app and all ok. just for one web app...! is there any way to configure more the one app? thanks. ...

Refresh Pivot Table with Apache POI

I'm currently working on a Java application that uses a template excel file that contains a pivot table. The template file also has a data sheet that seeds the pivot table. This data sheet is dynamically loaded in the java application through the Apache POI api. When I open the excel file I must refresh the Pivot table manually to ge...

Log web based application.

I'm developing a sort of web application and recently come a need to log some of user activities in it. Therefore come with natural question is it a good idea to use Apache server logging mechanism for that? If the answer is yes, please explain why and so if not. Mine main concern is reduction in performance as a result of enabling loggi...

Mod-Rewrite Problems (Apache) with / slashes

Hey folks, I am betting on an obvious problem here I am not seeing. Here's the important bits for those of you familiar with Mod-Rewrite .htaccess file with mod-rewrite rules exists here: http://www.thedomain.com/.htaccess User goes to this URL: http://www.thedomain.com/test/blog Mod-Rewrite rules should actually tell the server to ac...

Looking for "localhost" apache server that allows .htaccess

Hey all, Is there some apache server software out there that can be installed on my Windows PC (for local development purposes) that also allows .htaccess for URL rewriting? I'm currently using Xampp which does not seem to offer this functionality (although maybe I'm wrong about that). Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

Make a site automatically choose between the WAP or normal version?

I have a website with the following files in the root folder: index.wml index.php How do I get it to open index.php if you are accessing via non-wap browsers, but open index.wml automatically when it is a wap browser. I suspect something must go in the .htaccess file? ...

Apache Integration with Lisp like web language

I've been playing a little bit with Arc/Anarki and Clojure lately. But what I really miss is something like mod_arc or mod_clojure for Apache. What I really miss is good Apache integration for a Lispy web language. Both Arc and Clojure use their own built in webserver that you launch within your code. I want all the functionality, re...

Recommendations for a snappy Ubuntu + Rails server

Hello, I run an Ubuntu 8.04 shared host (VMWare) with Apache + Passenger (= Mod Rails), MySQL and Acts_As_Ferret (in server mode). It's too slow at the first requests. I do a lot of REST operations on it and have very few users. Now I want to do a fresh installation... Which setup (based on Ubuntu) do you recommend for a really snappy...

Apache: return 404 errors instead of 500 errors.

In apache I'd like to return 404 errors whenever I get a 500 error. Its a very strange use case, I know, but I'm wondering if its possible. I found this http://www.4webhelp.net/tutorials/misc/errors.php Which leads me to believe you can change what happens on the different errors. Something like this would be great ErrorDocument 4...

how to configure codeigniter mod_rewrite on wamp?

Hi guys could you please tell me how can I configure codeigniter mod_rewrite on wamp? I've tried enabling it through the wamp menu(wamp-->apache-->apache modules-->rewrite module) and restarting wamp but it's like nothing happened. I'm asking you guys this cause I need to get rid of the index.php in my codeigniter urls through .htacces...

AJAX-safe way to post-process / "wrap" arbitrary web pages?

I manage a system for academic software projects which, as well as other things, allows projects to provide web pages integrated with an instance of the Trac bug tracker / wiki / source browser. The idea is that the users have freedom to design their main pages as they like (they really like that), but with some convenience/branding feat...

start php, apache?

I've just started reading about php, it needs me to install php, apache and MySql to run any php script. can any one suggest me a simplest method to install php, apache and MySql so that i can sun those php script. I've tried the zip files from php.net, Are those required to run the script offline for practicing the script? what do i do ...

Geographic redundancy and MySQL replication

Hi folks, I has a fairly simple site getting 200K hits/day (3-5 hits/sec) using a LAMP configuration. The host is somewhat flaky (read: cheap), so we want to add a 2nd host for guaranteed uptime (I wouldn't call this mission critical, but more annoyance-prevention). MySQL is idling at about 200 qps, spiking for 450 at times. I have s...

Fully securing a directory

What are the different approaches to securing a directory? including an index page so contents can't be viewed the problem with this is that people can still access the files if they know the filename they're after including an htaccess file to deny all this seems to be the best approach, but is there any case that an htacces...

Apache HTTP Web Server Requests

Hi, When an http request is processed by the Apache web server it typically forks a new process unless one is using something like fastcgi. My question is related to "simultaneous requests" when using fastcgi. If I'm using fastcgi and I have a tree-like datastructure in main memory, do I need to worry about concurrent read/write acc...

Are absolute href's OK to use on production sites?

Because of some apache rewrite rules in a project I'm working on, it's convenient to make href's and links in general absolute, because that assures that the browser will find the file behind that link, no matter what the URL is. Example: <img src="http://localhost/project/gfx/abc.jpg"&gt;&lt;/img&gt; instead of <img src="gfx/abc...