
Setting up svn so that it can be accessed over the internet

Once set up with apache web server, can svn be accessed over the internet or only within a local network? ...

How do I make Apache know which app directory to use for different domains?

I'm trying to create a site with CodeIgniter. I will have multiple domains served from this server, and what I am trying to do is to separate the HTTP requests for www.example1.com from the ones for www.example2.com and then redirect them to the their correct application folders. Say this is my directory structure: system application...

Access and Display Images/ Prompt File Downloads that are located outside the application folder

How to access and display the images that are located outside the application folder? Let's say I have a file directory that stores all the images and other file types, and this file directory is located on a different drive then my application folder. For certain file types ( such as .pdf, .doc, I want to prompt the user to download tho...

Apache log lines appearing out of sequence - why?

I've got an apache web server, and when a certain user accesses a certain page I get a log line who's timestamp is out of sync. Sample output: IP1 - - [22/Jun/2009:12:20:40 +0000] "GET URL1" 200 3490 "REFERRING_URL1" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET ...

Is there a Python interface to the Apache scoreboard (for server statistics)?

In short: Is there an existing open-source Python interface for the Apache scoreboard IPC facility? I need to collect statistics from a running server WITHOUT using the "mod_status" HTTP interface, and I'd like to avoid Perl if possible. Some background: As I understand it, the Apache web server uses a functionality called the "score...

Redirect 301 www.www.example.com

I'm using LAMP server, and I need to redirect requests like: www.www.example.com to www.example.com and other variations like (wwww.example.com, etc) I know I can do it in .htaccess, but I don't know the regular expression that I should use to represent all these possibilities. Or there is any diferent approach, comming from the vhost...

Why would the browser cache assets (images, js, etc.) while GETting but re-request everything after a POST + 302 redirect?

We've got our ETags and expiry headers setup properly and when browsing around the site without posting it is really very snappy. However, after any POST (which is almost invariably followed with a 302) you can see the browser re-request all the images. Is there something that could be causing this? Is there a setting that handles thi...

Production Grade Server Software

I am currently using XAMPP to test and Run my website on my Laptop. Is there any (Good,Production Grade,Free,AMP based) server software? Or Can I manually fix the security holes in XAMPP (like no password for 'root') to bring it up to production level? Platform : Windows Technologies: Apache, MySQL, PHP Requirements: Hosting on Own se...

Set up svn repository from my Linux desktop with apache

I want to set up an svn repository on my Ubuntu desktop that may be accessed from the outside (over the internet). Any recommended tutorials? I have looked around but get stuck with most of them... ...

How to Setup Multiple Authentication Types for 1 Subversion Repo?

We have an SVN 1.4 repository that uses Apache 2.0 for authentication; specifically, the mod-auth-sspi module to authenticate with our Windows Domain. The relevant portion of httpd.conf looks like this: <Location /svn> AuthType SSPI AuthName "My Subversion" SSPIAuth On SSPIAuthoritative On SSPIDomain MYDOMAIN SS...

How can I make my .htaccess skip rules conditionally?

I want to redirect all URLs that do not contain "_js","_css", "_img", etc., to my dispatch script. Somehow it doesn't work. For instance, all files inside my /_js/ folder are unaccessible (meaning: they are sent to index.php instead of getting to the physical files residing in that folder). Here is my htaccess: IndexIgnore * Options +...

Django Apache Redirect Problem

I'm configuring my Django project to run on Apache using mod_wsgi. I am attempting to run Django below the directory 'cflow' on apache, but am running into problem with redirects. My apache conf looks something like this: ... WSGIScriptAlias /cflow "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\wsgi\django.wsgi" <Directory "C:\...

YQL table for Apache access logs

YQL SHOW TABLES has CSV and HTML. What about a table for Apache access logs? ...

Boostraping using apache and php or another method

So i've got the following code: ini_set("include_path" , ini_get("include_path") . ":/Library/WebServer/Documents/__CMS/:"); ini_set('display_errors', 'ON'); $base_url = ''; $lib_dir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/__CMS/'; header('Location: admin/main.php?base_url='.$base_url.'&lib_dir='.$lib_dir); which is pretty ugly but...

What is the best way to set up shared php script files on a webserver?

I'm running the same php script on many domains on an apache2 server. Only some of the files change between domains, and the rest are always the same. Right now, every time I set up a new domain, I copy all the files, but I'd really like to have these common files in one place so any changes would affect all domains. I've thought of usi...

Setup expires headers PHP & Apache

How can I setup expires headers in PHP + Apache? I'm currently using an auto_prepend to serve resources gzipped but I'd also like to maximise the cache. How can I set these up? ...

Caching image requests through PHP - If-Modified-Since not being sent.

I am serving images through php and having some problems setting it up to respond with 304 headers to save on load time. Most of the code below I found on php.net. It works, however ALWAYS responds with 200. For some reason the If-Modified-Since header is not being received on any requests even though I am sending the Last-Modified head...

Run PHP code from .htaccess?

Say I have a rewrite that needs to pass the url to a PHP function and retrieve a value in order to tell what the new destination should be? is there a way to do that? Thanks. UPDATE: Thanks so far guys..I am still having trouble but i'll show you my code: .htaccess #I got the file path by echoing DOCUMENT_ROOT and added the rest. R...

How to programmaticaly build an APR1-MD5 using PHP

Much like this question I want to generate an htpasswd file entry from PHP. However it needs to be the APR1 (Apache) style, as mentioned in the original answer (The answer did not show how to implement the APR1 style), to work with mod_dav_svn. I can't seem to find a working implementation that will create the password. I found this (I...

How to: URL re-writing in PHP ?

I am trying to implement URL rewriting in my PHP application. Can someone share a step by step procedure of implementing URL rewriting in PHP - MYSQL. In my application I want to implement following URL rewriting, I want to redirect 1. http://example.com/videos/play/google-io-2009-wave-intro 2. http://example.com/videos/play/203/googl...