
Apache on Windows and Fiddler

I need to monitor HTTP traffic in my dev env which is PHP/Apache/Windows. But Apache seems to refuse the HTTP requests coming from fiddler which sits between the browser and Apache. Error is No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it I suppose there should be some configuration on Apache which allows traf...

How to log every single access to my website with 2 different domains

I have two different domains that both point to my homepage in the same server. I want to log every single access made to my homepage and log which domain the user used to access my homepage, how can I do this? I tried mod_rewrite in Apache and logging to a MySQL database with PHP but all I could do was infinite loops. Any ideas? EDI...

htaccess url rewrite help

I have the following rewrite URL: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d # Rewrite all other URLs RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?page=$1 [PT,L] Now I want to add an exception, that if the URL is something like mysite.com/abc it should ignore it and all things inside it also. mysite.com/abc/dfgs also sh...

HOWTO: rewrite requests for images, css and js to different folders for each application?

I am trying to build a multi-app CodeIgniter site, where the assets for all apps will be stored in a single folder called “assets.” Inside this single folder, each app would have its own asset folder. So, if this is my root directory… user_guide apps_folder (this is where all my application folders live) system assets ...the ass...

Connection Reuse with Curl, Apache and mod_wsgi

I am deploying a mod_wsgi application on top of Apache, and have a client program that uses Curl. On the CURL api on the user side, I have it attempt to reuse connection, but looking at the connections from wireshark, I see that for every HTTP request/response, a new connection is made. At the end of every HTTP request, the HTTP resp...

How can I deny all but one directory name with .htaccess?

I have this .htaccess file where I prevent users from physically accessing files from the browser (where they should only be loaded through the system) Options -Indexes Order deny,allow deny from all I have one problem though, sometimes I load files via AJAX and there I get 403 Forbidden. I have little experience with apache's mod_acc...

Restriction on the number of webservice call per minute

Is there a limitation of the number of webservice call per minute? If yes, where can I set the parameter? What is governing the limit of number of call per minute? It's the Apache, or the application itself? OK, maybe I should express myself clearer. I have two PHP applications. One is calling another one via webservice. And for the fir...

presentation layer to go with apache torque

I'm planning on using Apache torque as my object-relational mapper (ORM), and I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions around what framework to use for presentation layer with torque. maybe Spring? I don't know if this helps, but my application is basically going to be bunch of forms to input data and based on that data, I'll gene...

free apache log analyzer with report of downloads of authenticated users

Hello. I'm looking a for free apache log analyzer tool which can be used to create a report like the one you can see by going here and navigating to Visitors -> Requests of Users. In essence, I need to see for each authenticated user the actual files he/she has been downloading over a period of time, not their number or their kB count or...

Java web development using Eclipse - Tutorial

I need some step by step tutorials/documents on developing Java web applications using Eclipse/apache. appreciate directions/help. ...

HTTP compression - How to send precompressed files that exist in a EAR file?

Is it possible to send pre-compressed files that are contained within an EARfile? More specifically, the jsp and js files within the WAR file. I am using Apache HTTP as the web server and although it is simple to turn on the deflate module and set it up to use a pre-compressed version of the files, I would like to apply this to files tha...

Virtualhosts Configuration in Apache/Resin (running Adobe Coldfusion8)

I have development server setup running Adobe Coldfusion8 (.war install) on top of Caucho Resin v3.1.9. (CentOS 5.3-64bit) note: This is my first experience with Resin. I am trying to run Coldfusion8 on top of Resin as I was suggested that this would give me great performance gains. My question is: how I can easily integrate multiple...

CSR Generation: Tomcat or Apache?

While not entirely programming related. I recently purchased a SSL certificate, and during the configuration I need to generate as CSR. I am running Tomcat behind Apache via mod_jk. I see two options for generating the CSR one for Apache and one for Java based servers. My question is which do i use? At the moment the site needing th...

.htaccess 404 page not found

I'm writing my own url shortener. I'm done with everything such as creating short urls. But when I try to browse htt p://example.com/rtr93, I get a 404 error. But http://example.com/index.php/rtr93 works find and shows the relevant page (I'm not redirecting to a new url. I'm just getting the relevant record from database which has a colu...

Running a webserver on a virtual machine (VirtualBox) - Pros/Cons in terms of security

I want to sharpen my skills in terms of gnu/linux and get a better understanding of how servers work. So I thought I'd set up an apache webserver with ftp, ssh, svn etc. Since I use Adobe products everyday in my line of work installing a linux dist. straight on my machine isn't an option. Yes, I could probably do a dualboot with linux an...

Using Apache to test a FastCGI application.

I'm trying to use Apache 2.2 and mod_fastcgi.dll on Windows to test a FastCGI appliction I'm making. I've added this to httpd.conf: LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll FastCgiExternalServer "C:\test\fcgitest.exe" -socket fcgitest <Location /fcgitest> SetHandler fastcgi-script </Location> I'm using FastCgiExternalServ...

Remove trailing slashes

Hello, I'd like to work with pages without trailing slashes. So now I want my URL's with an trailing slash to redirect (using .htaccess) to the same URL without the trailing slash. I got two .htaccess files: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule (.*) public/$1 </IfModule> And one in my public folder: Directory...

Why does a hyphen in a RewriteRule break when in a sub-folder

I have a bunch of RewriteRules in .htaccess for SEO purposes. Sample... RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^signup$ /signup.php RewriteRule ^account$ /account.php RewriteRule ^logout$ /logout.php RewriteRule ^login$ /login.php RewriteRule ^recent-questions$ /recent.php RewriteRule ^popular-questions$ /popular.php ... ... (more similar stuff...

Can an NSAPI plugin be used in an apache web server?

Can an NSAPI plugin be used in an apache web server? I suspect the answer is no, but I would like it confirmed. I wrote the plugin for SunOne (formerly iPlanet) and now the company approved webserver is apache. Is it a trivial move? A tedious port? Or maybe I "just" get a variance. Aaron -I don't read Dilbert, because it doesn't se...

how to achieve this in Apache?

I've to domain names pointing to the same IP. What I want to do is: When visited by domain_name1,make document_root:/usr/local/apache/htdocs1 when visited by domain_name2,make document_root:/usr/local/apache/htdocs2 how to do this job? ...