
Allowing PHP to change file and directory ownership and permission

Hi, I'd like to build a simple web app, which manages some directory on a server. I want to give people the option to use chown and chmod. What is the safest way to give PHP this permission? The quickest thing is just running Apache and PHP as root, but that doesn't seem to be a smart idea. One other thing I thought of, was creating a...

Apache htaccess re-write URL rules?

I want to create URL re-write rules for following URL in htaccess. http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/ -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=fun http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular&amp...

How do I make a url forbidden in apache mod_rewrite, based on the query string?

How do I make the following url forbidden in apache; main/index.php?site=ing I have tried the following; RewriteRule ^main/index.php?site=ing - [F] but with no luck... ...

Django apache mod-python setup (vista)

I am trying to setup my development environment on my local vista machine (django+apache+mod-python+postgres) and for some reason I can't load the settings. Everything works on the built-in server but not under apache. Here is my httpd.conf <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpyt...

How to check if PDO support is enabled in my Apache Installation?

I am using a shared hosting through CIPL.in. They use cpanel. I am trying to deploy a ZEND app on my website. However it keeps giving the error. An error occurred Application error Exception information: Message: The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded Stack trace: #0 /home/cubeeeco/worminc/libr...

Apache2: Environment variables for user http

Hello, Is it possible for the apache2 user, http, to have environment variables like normal users do? How would I go about setting those up, if possible? ...

how to re-write my url with mod_rewrite on apache?

I purchased a domain: josecvega.com Whenever someone tries to access http://www.josecvega.com it forwards them to my web-server. I have turned ON the mask, so when you initially reach my web-server of IP,, it still shows http://www.josecvega.com, but when you click on a link that takes you to another location on my web serv...

php.ini config file scan performance

Does enabling the configuration option with-config-file-scan-dir when compiling PHP lead to performance issues? Specifically, does this tell the PHP binary to do a file system scan every time the PHP module is loaded to respond to a request? I imagine it does, and that having multiple ini files causes just a little more disk access o...

apache route to program download

I am looking to host a ".exe" file for our clients to download and i wanted to place it at "www.example.com/file". i have created a .htaccess route from "/file" to the location of the program but when you go there the browser doesnt know what file extension to use. Is it possible to slip the file extension in there? ...

Why do some page requests hang when fetching Javascript/image assets using Safari and Apache 2.2.3?

Some of the users of our Ruby on Rails app have complained that page requests occasionally hang indefinitely under Safari (a couple have noticed it under Firefox, but it's overwhelmingly Safari users). After some investigation it seems that these requests are being served correctly by our Rails application and the hang occurs when fetch...

Sending POST data with curl and php

Greets. So, I'm running Fedora Core 8 on an Amazon EC2. I installed httpd, php5 and libcurl, and a bunch of other stuff. Seemed to be working great, but then I realized that POST data isn't being sent by curl in my php scripts. Same request in the command line works tho. I also ran the same php scripts on my local machine (Win XP) and a...

Understanding mod_proxy and Apache 2 for writing a comet-server

Hi folks, I currently try to implement a simple HTTP-server for some kind of comet-technique (long polling XHR-requests). As JavaScript is very strict about crossdomain requests I have a few questions: As I understood any apache worker is blocked while serving a request, so writing the "script" as a usual website would block the apach...

404 Error: Mod_Rewrite not working

I managed to get some help from a previous question and I have the following in my .htaccess in my web root. # REWRITE DEFAULTS RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # /view.php?t=h5k6 externally to /h5k6 RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /view\.php RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]*&)*t=([^&]+)&?.*$ RewriteRule ^/view\.php$ /%2 [L,R=301] # ...

Strange problem with Apache Virtual Hosts

I have recently installed Apache 1.3.41 on a Windows Vista machine. I have not changed the default settings in httpd.conf aprart from trying to setup virtual hosts, as follows: Added some host names in the hosts file: localhost #::1 localhost mysite mydomain I made the following folders ...

Apache Django Mod_Wsgi - auto reload

I am trying to auto reload my django app which uses apache + mod_wsgi on my local windows machine. I'd like to know where do I add this code that's referenced in the following article: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode def _restart(path): _queue.put(True) prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid() ...

Apache 2, Joomla 1.0.x configuration causes malformed response in IE 6+?

Hi all, A friend of mine has inherited an old Joomla 1.0.x site, that amongst other things has a big problem with IE visitors. The site is viewable here: http://intellepark.co.za If you browse the site with Firefox, the GETs / responses bounce around as follows: 1. GET / 2. 302 to /site 3. GET /site 4. 301 to /...

Subdirectory Rewrite | Include All Relative Stuff

I'm trying to hide actual sub-directory from url path using mod_rewrite. The folder actual name is members and i want users to use area instead. The code I'm using works but no images or relative stuff is loading. The rule is missing certain parameters. Can you point me in the right direction? RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^area/$ /mem...

What are advantages of using multiple instances of OHS 11g webserver?

Few days ago I came to know about the OHS feature i.e can create multiple instances. I am wondering,if using multiple instances of OHS webserver increases the performance of the Webserver. Is there any advantage, other than less server space use for using multiple instances of OHS? Where this feature of OHS is used? TIA Anil ...

mod rewrite /iran/iran/ to /iran/

Hello! I want to do a simple re write from http://www.example.com/iran/iran/province/Yazd to http://www.example.com/iran/province/Yazd This is a codeigniter app that i have put in 'iran' folder. The class name is Iran that is why there are 2 'iran' after each other. I've managed to remove my codeigniter 'index.php' from the url w...

Which one is faster rewrite or folder based URLs?

I am creating URLs in my website as http://example.com/register/ http://example.com/login/ I am creating above URLS by writing following rules in htaccess RewriteRule register/ /register.php RewriteRule login/ /login.php Now its working fine for me, but if I create my URLs by creating seprate folder for /login/index.php and /reg...