
Indy "Could not load SSL Library" with Delphi 2007/Apache

I know this question has been asked a number of times. I seem to have a bit of a different problem. In my situation after the exception is thrown initially it works fine (and no; I did not turn off exceptions). So what I have done is on the exception I simply repost: IdHTTP1.Post(....... I have put the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll ...

httpd.conf virtual host not working

I've added this: <VirtualHost *:8888> ServerName dietron DocumentRoot /Users/kieransenior/Development/reformsoft_dietron/trunk/var/www/dietron/htdocs <Directory /Users/kieransenior/Development/reformsoft_dietron/trunk/var/www/dietron/htdocs> AllowOverride All Options All </Directory> php_value inclu...

How to keep a text file readable just from php and python, and not by users?

There is a way to keep a text file on my server, but that only my php and python scripts would be able to read it, and if the user just type the url of the file will obtain a forbitten state? I'll like to keep it in the website directory, httpdocs (or httpsdocs, maybe). Tha file will contain my database user and passord, and other stuf...

Apache logs -- what is difference between %a and %h?

%a is "Remote IP-address" and %h is "Remote host", but when I test it, both print out the same IP addres. What's the difference? sample log output for log format "%a %h: ...

Can I do this? Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Axis

Hello! We're making a product which requires a web service to hook up to an existing database used by one of our other products. Owing to time constraints we need to get this thing up and running pretty quickly. Our web server is Apache on a Linux machine, and the client software for the new product is constrained to communication on Po...

Apache + Tomcat: Using mod_proxy instead of AJP

Is there any way I connect Apache to Tomcat using an HTTP proxy such that Tomcat gets the correct incoming host name rather than localhost? I'm using this directive in apache: ProxyPass /path http://localhost:8080/path But it comes through as localhost, which is useless when we have a bunch of sites on the same server. I could set the...

Set up a specific SVN Repository

I would like to set up an SVN Repository on this Old machine I have at home and make it available over the net. This Computer is quite old, so I want to use Ubuntu Linux. I browsed around for some time, looking for certain combinations, and have now made up my mind as to what I want, but I cant find anything that implements it all, and ...

Disable Trinidad's automatic addition of stylesheets

Does anyone knows how to completely disable skinning support in Apache Trinidad? All I need from the solution is to skip sending trinidad-specific CSSes all together. I'm trying to overcome some CSS issues arising from theirs styles (like the one adding 8px top margin on IE with the absolutely highest priority). ...

Simple and persistent CGI interface

I like the simplicity of CGI with Apache, but would like to be able to just leave my code running between CGI requests. mod_perl keeps coming up in this context, except that I'm not writing in Perl. I'm aware of FastCGI, but am looking for something much simpler - something that doesn't involve networking or libraries in the CGI progra...

Virtualhostname is not prepended to routes with Passenger 2.2.2 and Rails 2.3

Before the switch and in all apps on this passenger that run rails 2.0 my routes would yield "myapp/controller/action" Now they yield "controller/action". Interestingly the stylesheet_link_tags do work as normal. I prepend a prefix in the production environment to deal with this but it is a hideous hack of course. Any help is appreci...

CGI-PHP error and Redirection Issue Wordpress MU

Hi, I installed wordpress Mu at http://www.optimalthinking.com/community/wp-admin/install.php But when I visit http://www.optimalthinking.com/community/ I get Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly. This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This means that a page will only be ser...

Apache rewrite domain requests to subdomain requests

Hi-- Caveat: I am not an Apache expert or webmaster by training or trade (C++ developer), so I expect this is a fairly obvious, newbie-level question. Apologies in advance. I need an Apache 2.x rewrite rule that will map a requested domain into our domain as a subdomain. Simplified Example(s): domain1.com/index.php?option=80 -> do...

HOWTO transfer a request made to an Apache server to an IIS server without using a URL redirect?

My Apache 2.2.9 runs on Debian Lenny 5.0.1 with 2 network interfaces, one interface has a public IP and hostname, the other is not configured. This machine caters to services that run on the LAMP stack. There is a Windows Server 2008 SP2 machine running IIS 7 that serves our ASP.net needs. The box can be configured to be either on a loc...

Redirect 301 Transfer to New Domain Output URL is Ugly

I am moving my blog to a new domain. I am trying to do this through .htaccess. While the redirect is okay - the output URL is 'ugly' example in old domain .htaccess file: redirect 301 /archives/2009/06/02/hello-world/ http://indiapoint.net/archives/2009/06/02/hello-world/ So if we click http://www.i3pep.org/archives/2009/06/02/hello...

SVN - Permission Denied

I have set up a Linux Server and installed Apache and SVN and dav_svn on it. Now, when I try to upload to https://x.x.x.x:x/svn/repo with Tortoise SVN I get Can't open file '/server/svn/repo/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied I have Set up my SSL correctly (I can checkout, no problems, even remotely due to Port Forwarding). I'm ...

Can't install zend debugger

Hi, I'm trying to install zend debugger in my Ubuntu 9.04 machine, I've done it in win. but not in linux, I hope you could help me, this is what I've done: 1)Copied the file ZendDebugger.so to /etc/php5/apache2 (didn't choose this folder for anything in special). 2)Added this lines to php.ini: zend_extension="/etc/php5/apache2/ZendDeb...

How can I speed up a web-application? (Avoid rebuilding a structure.)

After having successfully build a static data structure (see here), I would want to avoid having to build it from scratch every time a user requests an operation on it. My naïv first idea was to dump the structure (using python's pickle) into a file and load this file for each query. Needless to say (as I figured out), this turns out to ...

Django: Mod_python error: ImportError: Could not import settings

I'm a complete noob here, so please bare with me on this one. Trying to get django to work with apache, and i'm getting the following error: ImportError: Could not import settings 'MyDjangoApp.settings' (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named MyDjangoApp.settings My django app is located in /home/user/djan...

Combining mod_access and mod_auth

I am working on a beta site that is currently password protected. I want to experiment with Yahoo BOSS as a search solution, but I can't find an equivalent of Google's Webmaster Tools that allows me to enter the username/password to login. I thought about modifying my Apache config to require password protection UNLESS the visit looks l...

How to handle requsts from IIS to Apache?

Hi all! I need to create something like proxy between IIS and Apache So hostheaders I would like to set up on IIS because it's Windows 2003 Server but I have some applications that should be hosted under Apache. In this case I think that I should set up something like proxy... Any ideas? ...