
Summary/reference documentation on Scala standard library types

Details on the packages/types is in the Scala API documentation on scala-lang.org. But that's organised by class and I (as a Scala neophyte) find it difficult to locate the exact data type I need and work out what operation are supported on what (especially in the huge and powerful scala.collections.* tree). Is there an online or dead-t...

Android How do you get total memory RAM in the device?

I can get total available memory by: ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE); MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo(); activityManager.getMemoryInfo(memoryInfo); memoryInfo.availMem; However, how do you get Total memory (RAM) of the device? I did read: http://stackoverfl...

Facebook PHP API/App: iFrame

I have a simple App that used to work in the old API. It's an iFrame app and I can't get the user session with the new API no matter what I try. Here is the code I have now: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); require 'facebook.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'xxxx', 'secret' => 'xxxx', 'cookie' => true, )); $sessio...

Google Maps API - unable to set several infoWindows on several markers.

I have the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } #...

Obtaining Flight information

Hey, I'd like to be able to track a flight according to it's flight number, it's longitude/latitude coord., departure/arrival info. etc. I've seen examples of this here and the FlightTrack Pro app on the iPhone. I was wondering how they got this information? Who provides this service, and what is the API like? Thanks! Dave ...

Handwriting Recognition APIs?

Are there any good handwriting API's out there? A search gives a 1991 project by Sun HRE API. C/C++ APIs preferred! ...

Looking for email to web service api (e.g. push email inbox to webapp)

There are many email marketing/delivery service providers that offer an api to create and send emails: http://postmarkapp.com, mailchimp, etc. Does any one know of a web app that offers the reverse: a service that will parse new emails into more api accessible information? In other words, I am looking for a service that allows me to a...

How much info can you pull out of facebook?

We're interested in incorporating a lot of the facebook info in our application. So for example we want to display your wall's content as part of our UI combined with other stuff etc. With facebook connect how much data can we pull from facebook? Is everything available programatically, including wall feeds, profiles, pictures, etc? Do...

popular search statistics

Does anyone know a script or API I can use in my website to display search statistics (from popular search engines) for various keywords? e.g Google Tv, Black Ops.. ...

Google API for objective-c app

is there a way to get emails from google, send emails, and add contacts to the address book using the google API? I'm doing an obj-c mac application. ...

Google AJAX API Search - returns only 4 values

Hi Im writing a simple class which I am going to use for some testing. My problem being it is only returning 4 results per search phrase. The output is: foo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar http://www.foofighters.com/ http://foo.com/ http://www.foopets.com/ bar http://www.autorepair.ca.gov/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_(un...

(LVCRS) Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition System

Hi, I'm looking for a library to transcript the speech content of a video. 1- Python, Java, C#, C++,... 2- I want a "pluggable" library.. The only respectable library I could find is the SPHINX, and I even don't know if it's a LVCRS and If tey provide the corpuses and acoustic models ! Please any help !! ...

Creating a SOAP proxy ?

I Want to create a SOAP proxy, that modifies the original web service SOAP header, nampespace and keeping the body the same) What is the best way to do this? Create a SOAP provider , that consumes the original web service then modify the header and namespacs? (this seems like alot of work?) ...

Find nearby shops for mobile applications

I'm looking for some kind of way to find nearby shops/companies given a GPS location. I was looking at the Google Places API but that is still under development. Is there any other way to accomplish this? ...

How to use Public API?

I came across a jQuery lightbox plug-in called PrettyPhoto. Seems very interesting. At the bottom of documentation I noticed a section about Public API, which I paste in its entirety below: Version 2.5 introduced an easy to use API. You can now open prettyPhoto from anywere. The public API functions are the following: $.prettyPhoto...

Is there an API for booking flights and/or cruises?

I'm creating a website for a travel agent. She wants to include a feature where she can let the user book a flight or cruise(especially this) from her website via an API. I would prefer a free API that provides this functionality, but I am willing to look at quality commercial API's if they offer the services I need. Here are some I hav...

How do I post XML?

How do I post a XML and get the response status from the response? I want to post <myExampleRequest><myValue>xyz</myValue></myExampleRequest> to http://domain.com/GetStatus.aspx The page responds with <myExampleResponse><status>True</status><Message></Message></myExampleResponse> ...

c++ socket stream api

I'm using what looks to be a real nice API for streaming sockets found here: http://www.pcs.cnu.edu/~dgame/sockets/socketsC++/sockets.html. I'm having trouble accessing the IP of the connected user because its a private member of a class "Socket" that is used within another class "ServerSocket". My program looks exactly like the demo on...

PHP: Array acting strangely in foreach

Hi, I have a class that is query data via a SOAP client. the results of the query are returned as an array of objects. Something strange is happening. I'm not sure if it only occurs when there is one element in the array. Here is the code: function getNotes($ticketid){ $ticketid = $this->ms_escape_string($ticketid); $conn ...

How to creating JavaScript API to control the embedded video players

Is there a way to create JavaScript API to control the embedded video such as CNN Videos http://www.cnn.com/video/ even though CNN doesn't provide an API to control it? ...