
android append '…' at the end textview _EDIT

Hi, I have a lsit view and i that i need to add some text. in the adapter, I need to append ... at the end and i used the following when i give android:ellipsize="end" in the only shows 2 line eg: asdnfsdfdsf asdfsdfasdf sdfsd sdfsdf sdfsd ad... And when i give android:ellipsize="start" it is as : asdnfsdfdsf asdfsdfasdfd ......

How to append rows to a table when the last row is visible in the browser?

Some sites have tables which appends rows when you scroll the browser so that the bottom of the table is visible. Guess it's something like this: jQuery detects that the end of the table is visible in the browser $.getJSON is used to fetch the next rows from the server the rows are appended. Questions: How do I detect that the las...

Problem with jQuery

if ( !this.labelContainer.append(label).length ) this.settings.errorPlacement ? this.settings.errorPlacement(label, $(element) ) : label.insertAfter(element); (this code is from validate plugin, it repeats for each input) label is <label>text</label> element is <input /> This works good, it adds label directly after the element...

Jquery does not works on links which is inserted using append()

I am inserting content to a div using jquery like: $('#divItem').append("<a href='abcd.aspx' class="toolTip" target='_blank'>Go to abcd</a>") and I am using a jquery plugin to show tooltip on mouse hover the links(that uses class "tooTip").The tooltip works fine for all the links present in the page except the links that I have added ...

append using HTML/ java?

I would like to append a .txt file ussing HTML or java I know this is possible but keep on running into the ActiveX warning, which in this case is just annoying (we know ActiveX stop being so darn dogmatic) is there just a simple way of scripting this without AxtiveX prompts? The current script as follows (or at lest snippit of) <titl...

Help with appending text file VBA Express

Hi, Can anybody tell me how to create a Form in VBA that has two text boxes that when filled append a text file. Lets say that the user types CHICKENS in textbox1 and EGGS in textbox2 then I want a sentence generated in the associated .txt file that says: Don’t count your CHICKENS before your EGGS hatch. Then if the user would decide...

Appending to new line

Hi i have the following code which appends a text base file knowen as a .pgp file; all works fine except that everytime i launch this app i append the text in one continual line i need the text to appned to a new line eveytime it is used. Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Butto...

VBA wont append http:// to text based file?

hi, i need the following line to write START http:// in vba however it wont write ithe http:// part to the pgp (text based) file whats the trick for this? objWriter.WriteLine((TextBox5.Text) + "," + " " + "START http://" + (TextBox6.Text) This is the rest of the code if nesesary: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVa...

jQuery .append() in MSIE

function loadSavedSort(start) { start = parseInt(start); if ( isNaN(start) ) start = 0; var listing = $("#viewsavedsort .listing"); listing.find('.item').remove(); var start = $('#savedSortStart').val(); $.getJSON('saveajax.php', { 'start': start }, function(data) { $("#viewsavedsor...