
Final value of an appended element using jquery

Hi all, I have a table in which i append rows on onclick event, the row has a button which enables you to delete it ... this works fine. The problem comes when i have inserted some rows e.g 5 rows, and i delete any row btwn the 1st and last row then add two consecutive rows , the last row is duplicated with the counter value of the prev...

jquery - append indexed input fields depending on value of other input

I have a group of indexed input fields that contain an autocomplete text field that returns a list of names found in the database. The user can add as many "groups" as they need to, with each "group" containing a set of incremented indexed input fields. If the user begins typing, however, and ultimately enters a name that isn't found i...

jquery append behaving strangely in jquery dialog

I have a jquery dialog in which I display a form. The form has a "picture_fields" div in it that I append new fields to if the user clicks on "Add More Pictures", i.e. the form displays with one "Picture" file-field, but the users can add more be clicking the "Add More Pictures" link. This all works great the first time the dialog with...

appending content to a list using checkbox

Thanks to the invaluable assistance of several Stack Overflow participants, I'm very close to the desired results ... here's a recap and update, for interested parties: I have a series of product modules, each of which contains (among other things) the product's name and a 'compare' checkbox. My objective is to generate a list of select...

Replace Appended text with new text on Click

With jquery I am adding a div and appending the text "click to view" when the div is showin I would like to change that text to "click to close" Right now I have $('#toggle_template') .css('cursor','pointer') .append(' (click to view)') .click(function(){$('#template').toggle(500); $('#toggle_template').find(' ...

How to check wether an URL already has a parameter inside it?

Using PHP I need to check wether an URL I am appending information to already has a parameter or not. So if the URL is I would need to add on &b=2, ie However if the URL was I would need to append Is it possible to check for t...

add javascripts and css files dynamicly to html using javascript

Hi. I am building a javascript widget and i need to add my widget css and js files dynamicly to the client page. I am doing this for now: var css = document.createElement('link'); css.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); css.setAttribute('href', 'css path'); document.getElementById('test').appendChild(css); alert(document...

jquery appended html is not detecting javascript?

sorry if my question deosnt make sense, but thats the best way i can put it, i have this jquery script that when user clicks the login link, it appends the html form to do so, which works fine, but the appended(login-form) uses jquery to log into the site, but it deosnt seem to detect the javascript, oppose to when i put the login form ...

How to appendReplacement on a Matcher group instead of the whole pattern?

I am using a while(matcher.find()) to loop through all of the matches of a Pattern. For each instance or match of that pattern it finds, I want to replace with some new text. This text will be different for each one so I am using matcher.appendReplacement() to rebuild the original string with the new changes as it goes...

Jquery parse JSON and append after delay

Hi, I have the following code: function loadTweets() { $('#mainForm').submit(function(){ return false; }); $('#send').click(function(){ $('#tweets').html(''); var searchTerm = $('#search').val(); var baseUrl = ""; ...

jquery append html show hide in IE.

Hello All, I need help with displaying images from a MySQL database. What I have is a an Dynamic PHP/HTML table that has multiple pages with a pagination link. The table layout is: Book Title, Author, Publisher, Category and image. I can connect to database with connection script - working OK. I can see all the information for the table ...

Add table elements from array of objects using jQuery

I know that given enough time I'll figure this out, but it sure would be nice if some kind soul can point me in the right direction. I am relatively inexperienced with jQuery, but I have somewhat intermediate javascript knowledge. Given an array of objects in the form: [ {"value1":"10/14/2010", "value2":"1", "value3":"1178.94"}, ...

StringBuilder append() and null values

I have a list of Strings, and I want to concatenate them with spaces in between. So I'm using StringBuilder. Now if any of the Strings are null, they get stored in the StringBuilder literally as 'null'. Here is a small program to illustrate the issue: public static void main(String ss[]) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ...

jquery ajax validate,success,append

hi, i have this working code index.php <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("form#submit").submit(function() { // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send v...

JQuery: Clone when moved offscreen

I have a slider and the slider stretches 100% of the page. I wish to programmatically clone the first element as it leaves the screen and place it at the end, or rather, just move it, without a clone to keep the memory low. Could somebody point me in the right direction to do this? I'm currently using EasySlider 1.7 Cheers ...

Recursion Append list

Heres a snippet: translate("a", "4"). translate("m", "/\\/\\"). tol33t([], []). tol33t([Upper|UpperTail], [Lower|LowerTail]) :- translate([Upper], [Lower]), tol33t(UpperTail, LowerTail). Basically what i want to do is look up in the table for a letter and then get that letter and add it to the new list. What i have works if ...

Appending at run-time to a dictionary

I have a function named OpenAccount() which takes in the details from the User and appends it to my database dictionary. I have a database file(module) which is imported in my function file. I have a function called AppendRecord(key,**dictvalues) which appends values to my database file. However I am not able to call the function and ...

jQuery: issue with functions to appended text

I am trying to make an "More" after 10 posts of the news topics. To these news topics, there´s some functions, you can click comment, then appears and you comment without going to another page (AJAX call) and some other like this. This works fine on the first 10 posts. Now when you click More at the bottom of these 10 news topics, you ...

Python - Neaten this append/extend conditional

Hey, I have a method which I will accept either a single object or a list of objects. I want to add whatever is passed to another list. Currently, my method looks like this: def appendOrExtend(self, item): if type(item).__name__ == "list": self.list.extend(item) else: self.list.append(item) It seems to me that there shoul...

android append '...' at the end textview

Hi, I have a lsit view and i that i need to add some text. in the adapter, the textview i used is <TextView android:layout_marginLeft="10dp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:gravity="center_vertical" android:layout_gravity="center" android:maxLines="3" android:layout_height="70dp" android:textColor="#000000" andro...