
Multiple Table Models with MVC?

Hi All, I am just getting started with MVC, and it seems like it will be a great way to go, once I manage to switch my thinking to it. Most of the material I have come across seems to have a 1-1 relationship between models, views, and tables - ie each model represents a table and allows CRUD, plus more complex functions. What if I hav...

How to learn "good software design/architecture"?

I just listened to a discussion about a project drifting away from the direction it's supposed to go. The problem was "bad software design". Components are not designed to be re-used; the software is hard to maintain, test, extense, and scales poorly. What did the programmers do wrong? Where/how to learn better techniques? Of course, ...

What is the best modeling methodology for representing software system?

What is the best modeling methodology for representing software system. I mean like UML and so on. Is UML better or is there something better than that out there? My need is to represent graphically my web application , which is a 3-tier architecture. I need a engineering model methodology like UML to depict the entire software system f...

Where do you draw the line between design and architecture ?

The Agile architecture question makes me wonder this. Does it depends of what is being build ? Do applications (I mean single computing program here) have an architecture ? UPDATE: to try to clarify the question, I'll give my opinion on the question: I defined the architecture as the cutting of the system in components, and t...

How to avoid circular data-access object dependencies when you need to do lazy loading (and using an IOC Container)?

Note: The examples below are C# but this problem should not be specific to any language in particular. So I am building an object domain using a variant of the S# Architecture. For those unfamiliar with it, and to save you some reading time the idea is simply that you have a Data Access Object Interface for each of your domain objects ...

RIA Server Architecture .NET

I'm using WebORB as a remote gateway for Flex projects. I was wondering what would be the best architecture to use on the Server .NET side. At this moment we are using SubSonic to generate a Data Access Layer. Besides that each call from Flex uses a little bit a transaction script pattern because the server side really only acts as a way...

Can ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Projects be Extended or Patched "in Flight"?

In building an ASP.NET 3.5 WAP, I'm always frustrated by the feeling that no matter how I "isolate" or "encapsulate" bits of logic or UI I'm still going to bring down the whole site any time I need to update a single line of code. I may be misunderstanding how ASP.NET handles changes in the "bin" directory, but given the number of "why i...

Cancelling asynchronous remoting call

Hello, I have a client-server architecture where client communicates with the server using .NET Remoting. Server handles all business logic and database interaction. I need to add an operation which may take a while to execute and the dataset it returns might be quite large. I'm thinking of employing asynchronous call for that. Now the ...

Extension methods usage - Isn't this bad design?

Hi Y'all, I have just started to look at .NET 3.5 so please forgive me if this type of question have been asked before. I am struggling with a decent usage for extension methods, in that I have just downloaded suteki shop an MVC ecommerce offering. In this project there is a pretty standard Repository pattern that extends IRepository. ...

Describe the architecture you use for Java web applications?

Let's share Java based web application architectures! There are lots of different architectures for web applications which are to be implemented using Java. The answers to this question may serve as a library of various web application designs with their pros and cons. While I realize that the answers will be subjective, let's try to be...

What architecture can I use to handle a shopping cart where each product requries different attributes to be saved

I am building an application that is very similar to a shopping cart. The user selects a product from a list, and then based on that product, a few properties need to be set and saved. Example. If the user selects a type of paint that allows custom color matches, then I must allow them to enter in a formula number that they received t...

What is the best way to implement background services for an ASP.NET application?

My ASP.NET application needs a number of supporting services to run periodically in the background. For example: I need to query the database (or cache) every 1-5 minutes, identify overdue work items and notify users by email I need to generate nightly reports that are then emailed to subscribers Plus other system/non-user admin tasks ...

What is the best way to code navigational logic in ASP.NET

Can this be done without MVC? Is there an easy way to abstract or encapsulate navigational logic? I currently have quite a lot of the following in my code behinds (and I know it's probably not the best thing to be doing): protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ... if (condition1) { Response.Redirect("~/N...

INotifyPropertyChanged vs. DependencyProperty in ViewModel

When implementing the ViewModel in a Model-View-ViewModel architecture WPF application there seem to be two major choices how to make it databindable. I have seen implementations that use DependencyProperty for properties the View is going to bind against and I have seen the ViewModel implementing INotifyPropertyChanged instead. My quest...

How do you plan an application's architecture before writing any code?

One thing I struggle with is planning an application's architecture before writing any code. I don't mean gathering requirements to narrow in on what the application needs to do, but rather effectively thinking about a good way to lay out the overall class, data and flow structures, and iterating those thoughts so that I have a credible...

Plugin architecture for file type recognition

I'm working on an app that is needs to be able to process "file paths" to import resources of different kinds. The issue is that in different situations (OS's for example), some of the file kinds are not applicable. What I want to do is define a very basic set of types that everything supports and then have a plug in architecture that su...

Advice on designing loosely-coupled complete systems?

How does one design loosely-coupled systems which may often require data from each-other but don't necessarily belong in the same category? For instance, lets take the old Pet-shop example one-step further and create a pet-store franchise. Each pet-store has its own website listing their contact information, promotions, and current stoc...

Formatting strings in C# consistently throughout a large web application

I'm looking for a consistent way to structure my use of formatting strings throughout a large web application, and I'm looking for recommendations or best practices on which way to go. Up until now I've had a static class that does some common formatting e.g. Formatting.FormatCurrency Formatting.FormatBookingReference I'm not convinc...

C# Best practice: Centralised event controller or not

I have an app which consists of several different assemblies, one of which holds the various interfaces which the classes obey, and by which the classes communicate across assembly boundaries. There are several classes firing events, and several which are interested in these events. My question is as follows: is it good practice to imp...

What are the key factors that ensure successful ASP.NET application scalability?

When starting a new ASP.NET application, with the knowledge that at some point in the future it must scale, what are the most important design decisions that will allow future scalability without wholsesale refactoring? ...