
Dependency injection: do we all need to know that?

One of my friend (he is a .NET/C++ developer, as I am) asked me: Dependency injection: do we all need to know that? Why? Could you please tell: Your opinion: do we really need to know that pattern and how to implement it? Good reference (link) that could explain "why?" Thank you a lot. P.S. I am understanding that I am asking ...

How can I make this application re-usable?

I made a .NET Windows form that allows users to view a particular document and sign it. I want to make it re-usable for future applications. The challenges are: The text to be signed requires parameters. Before the user signs it, the text is just a query - not saved anywhere When the user signs it, the text he/she signed must be sto...

Structuring a software development team - by specialization or by task?

As a software developer for 6 years, I've had a range of experiences with different teams, from negative to positive. One of the best experiences I had was in a certain project team at a financial organization. There were a number of factors that made the project successful, but I think the team structure was a key aspect of it. To su...

Trying to determine if NHibernate or anything else would apply for accessing a web service

Here's the situation. We have a 3rd party middleware (using SQLServer as a back-end) which we communicate with using an HTTP service link and XMLRPC-like messaging. The service always returns a dataset as results of any commands that returns something. There is a way to pass an embedded SQL statement to the service. So, we do not have...

Rails architecture?

I would like to be able to read Rails source code, but I think I can't really do it, because I don't know were to start and how different parts of the code are connected. For example, it's obvious what ActiveModel does and I can read the code, but I don't understand how a Rails app generally gets loaded and when exactly ActiveModel comes...

Design Question About Converting POCOs From One Layer Into POCOs In Another Layer

I have a layer of business-level objects and a layer of contract-level objects in a WCF service application. The business layer objects I'm referring to are just entity or POCO objects that I'm using to hold data. The contract-level objects I'm referring to are the objects that make up the WSDL my clients see (also POCOs). When I return...

Design to reduce code redundancy - Java/WebServices

Hi All, Scenario: I'm working on a web services project. It supports SOAP and REST. The SOAP request and response are handled by XmlObjects. The REST architectures uses plain POJO's for request and Response. I have a common controller to handle the request from SOAP and REST. This controller understands a common object (Request Object)....

why Object.GetType() is not virtual?

code sample taken from MSDN public class Test { public static void Main() { MyBaseClass myBase = new MyBaseClass(); MyDerivedClass myDerived = new MyDerivedClass(); object o = myDerived; MyBaseClass b = myDerived; Console.WriteLine("mybase: Type is {0}", myBase.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("myDerived: Type is {0}", myDeriv...

Using python to provide application services

My company's web architecture has essentially got an extra layer due to client security requirements, which complicates the process of developing applications a bit. I'd like to get some input and suggestions on the best way to do so. First, an overview: presentation layer - this is mostly PHP, with some flex applications as well. We ...

tricky interview question for experienced php web developer

Possible Duplicate: What PHP-specific questions would you ask in a job interview? I need to interview some experienced php web developers, some of them with zend certification. Just asking them some php/mysql questions is not enough so I need to test at least the following abilities: abstract thinking self initiative applica...

Help with proper design for generic Socket Server

Hi Everyone, I've created a generic 'SocketServer' class in java which takes the following arguments: String address, int port, Class socketProtocol, String encryptionType, int backlogSize Basically, I want other developers to be able to instance this class in their projects and set some simple options for encryption, backlog, address,...

Help Desk ticket system: Windows app vs web app

I want to create a small helpdesk ticket control system at work, that would allow users to enter a help request ticket; these tickets would then be assigned to a technician to work on, and the technician would mark it as "FINISHED" after the job is done. The requesting user would then be able to confirm and "CLOSE" the ticket, so that a ...

File transfer with odd requirements : fault tolerant but non-duplicating.

I need to come up with a solution for complicated file transfer. I can do this, but I want to know if anybody knows of an open source solution that already does 90% of what I want to do. The requirements are very odd. Don't try to understand them, they are a hellish mixture of politics, territory, and bureaucracy. I control two serve...

Design solution needed for Validation scenario

I would like to validate some objects. The validation has two parts: validation whether the user has right to access the object (the specific rights are already calculated and stored in boolean values, there are maximum 4 roles) checking if the object is in a certain state (from a set of states) I have a lot of rules (actually around...

Which layer should host the LinqToSql entity files - In My Case

So i looked around a and didn't find anything that quite looks like what i'm talking about, i know some are similar but this is a more specific question. I'm working on project at home and using the entity framework as my ORM provider, when we work on project at my workplace we use NHibernate and have different DLL's set up for DM \ DAL...

OO-design for painting program interface

I'm writing a painting program. My basic classes are: class Workspace { Bitmap b; List<Command> undoList; } class Command { void execute(); } class ClearScreen extends Command class BlurEffect extends Command class View { Bitmap screen; } class Interface The workspace object holds the bitmap which represents the progr...

Will an MS Access back-end for a client server application have transfer speed problems?

If I use MS Access in the back-end of a client-server type software and the database file is sent from client to server, will it create any problems in further database handling, transfer speed, or performance compared to SQL Server? ...

Loosely Coupled Intra-View Model Notifications w/Veto Option

Hello, In the application I'm building, the user may perform something in one view (backed by a view model) that should trigger an action in one or more other view models. Each of these other vms needs the ability to veto (a.k.a. cancel) the action performed in the first v/vm pair. Example: User clicks on an account in a DataGrid co...

Why don't most CMSs write static .html files to disk?

For a basic CMS that does not require dynamic functionality like comments, why not write static .html files to disk? Then a high-performance, static file, web server like nginx could be used to serve the files. This would theoretically deliver the highest performance web site possible. EDIT: "Basic CMS", in my mind, is something a compa...

Architectural C++/STL question about iterator usage for O(1) list removal by external systems.

This is a pretty straightforward architectural question, however it's been niggling at me for ages. The whole point of using a list, for me anyway, is that it's O(1) insert/remove. The only way to have an O(1) removal is to have an iterator for erase(). The only way to get an iterator is to keep hold of it from the initial insert() or t...