
What would be the best suggestions for a developer aspiring to become architect?

My career goal is to become architect. I would like to know from people who made such transition what are the best suggestions/hints/recommendation that would be critical in making the change. Thanks ...

.NET Entity framework project layout (architecture)

I'm trying to determine how best to architect a .NET Entity Framework project to achieve a nice layered approach. So far I've tried it out in a browse-based game where the players own and operate planets. Here's how I've got it: Web Site This contains all the front end. C# Project - MLS.Game.Data This contains the EDMX file with all...

Dealing with awful estimates

A recent project I worked on was proven to be severely underestimated by the architect. The estimate was out by at least 500%. Unfortunately I was brought onto the project after the estimate had been signed off with the customer. As senior dev, I quickly realised that the functional and technical spec. contained some huge gaps and unc...

How to analyse system architecture?

Hi All! I hope this is not to off-topic for this site. Recently I have had the opportunity to review banking systems for a client. Given how much time I have had to ponder over architecture in my own projects and for a overall system architecture, it is remarkable how difficult I find this task. I started off writing a list of feature...

Where is that best reference to compare Hibernate and Active Record?

I like Active Record but many say it's bad in performance compared to Hibernate. There should be some good article out there but google can't help me. ...

How to deal with a value object that needs to look up data in the database

I am just starting out with the study of domain driven design and it is quite possible that my understanding of the Entities/Values divide is faulty so if this is so please let me know. From my understanding, since its identity is completely defined by its properties an Address is the quintessential value object. From my understanding,...

RFC with implementing a modular architecture

Looking for opinions on the modularization of web applications. Already most applications regardless of language have a backend DB and support tie-ins with their respective web application server (Apache, IIS, Lighttp, etc ) but a lot of developers I've dealt with have problems coming to terms with using Memcached or anything outside of...

Convenience or "lazy programming" IList management - protecting IList.Add method

How do you manage this simple scenario when you have an object with a list of items. EG: public class ContainerObject { IList<ChildObject> Children { get; } public void AddCustom(ChildObject toAdd) { // Some validation ... Children.Add(toAdd); } } Assuming the collection is initialised to an implementa...

Error reporting tool/service

I was wondering if there is any tool out there which could be easily integrated into my existing application infrastructure and handle the error reporting. Kind of a service. It should allow me (as an application developer) to send unhandled errors into it .. e.g. using a webservice, etc. ...

can I retrofit FluorineFX or WebORB to my C# web service?

I have a C# web service which currently communicates with a Flex app using XML. It's not streaming data or anything, but still I'd like to lower the overhead involved. I have two questions: 1) would I see any benefit from using a technology like FluorineFX or WebORB in terms of reducing load on the server? The Flex clients won't perc...

Best practices for setting up an "enterprise" project in Visual Studio?

I am preparing for the development of an enterprise-style application for a very small business of 6 employees (including myself -- before you question why a 6-person company would need an enterprise application, we have a lot going on with a lot of processes and tools needed to simplify it). As always I'm trying to follow best practice...

n-tier design, lookup tables, and custom entities

Hello, In an n-tiered application where you are using custom entities, how do you find yourself handling data needed from lookup tables? Do you create entities for each of these lookup tables or employ some other strategy? For example. I have a "Ratings" lookup table that will be used to populate a dropdownlist. Would you create a ...

Caching strategy, Output Cache vs Data Cache or both?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC project and I've come to the point where I want to start considering my caching strategy. I've tried to leave my framework as open as possible for the use in caching. From what I heard during Scott Hanselman's podcast uses page output caching and zips that content and puts it into RAM. T...

Recording test data in Hibernate

I have an automated test framework for testing hardware widgets. Right now only pass/fail results of test cases are stored into a relational database using hibernate. I'd like to change this so that various characteristics of the test are stored in the database. (e.g. how many gerbils are running inside the widget, the inputs to various ...

Advice on converting a design-by-accretion Flex project to Mate

We have an internal Flex application which has been designed more through feature creep than by any kind of clear vision. It's basically a kind of CRM and reporting system which utilises quite a lot of Flex components (trees, graphs, custom components, datagrids - all sorts) and talks to a .NET webservice backend. It was initially my fi...

Which programming language should I choose for my high performance webservice?

I am in the process of building a Web Service API for my application. Also, I am planning to expose the Service via both REST and SOAP. I'm interested in getting some feedback from the community as to which programming language I should choose to implement the service? (I know C#, Java and Ruby - RoR well enough to create the service). ...

Single socket multiple clients architecture

I have to maintain a single persistent socket connection to a payment gateway and use it to send financial messages and receive confirmation for the same. My application will be then used by various clients and so I need to devise a way to handle them concurrently and handle issues such as timeouts and retries etc. Right now, my main ...

Is it bad practice to "go deep" with your application of callbacks?

Weird question, but I'm not sure if it's anti-pattern or not. Say I have a web app that will be rendering 1000 records to an html table. The typical approach I've seen is to send a query down to the database, translate the records in some way to some abstract state (be it an array, or a object, etc) and place the translated records ...

Where is the best place to store application parameters : database, file, code...?

I am developing a Ruby on Rails website and I have an "architectural" question : my application needs some parameters and I'm wondering where to store them. In concrete terms, my application receive some requests which are evaluated and then sent. So, the Request model must have attributes concerning these treatments : a validation stat...

Is changing a variable name throughout your entire codebase just asking for disaster?

Let’s say that you decide to change the name of Stack Overflow to Frack Overflow. Now, in your code you already have dozens of objects and variables and selectors with some variation of the name "Stack". You want them to now be replaced with "Frack". So my question is, would you opt to run your entire codebase through a regular expres...