
oo-spaghettio web architecture

I've noticed that the majority of enterprise web apps I've worked on over the past few years have seemingly mis-used the powers of oo. That is, what once would have been perhaps 1000 lines of HTML and script, has often now morphed into 10,000 lines of code, 50 classes, and 2000 method calls to do basically the same thing. I.e. oo and l...

Does anyone else have the feeling that solutions for simple projects are often overengineered?

Somehow I've got the feeling that many projects become heavily overengineered so every possible change-request can be tackled with the effect that the change-requests that occured are very hard to implement. Somehow I get that feeling in nearly every project I'm currently working on. It is like everyone is thinking "which cool api, fra...

Flash Site Architecture - one swf vs many?

I'm about to start building a site entirely in flash (per the client's request), using AS3, and was wondering about best practices for doing so in terms of application architecture. The site isn't too large--think homepage, persistent nav, 8 subsections or so, each with their own content but similar design between subsections. In the pas...

Do you use an architectural framework for Flex/AIR development?

Given that Flex is still a relatively young technology, there are already a bunch of architectural frameworks available for Flex/AIR (and Flash) development, the main ones being Cairngorm and PureMVC. The amount of architectural frameworks is remarkable compared to other technologies. I was wondering how many of you use an architectural...

Reinventing CMS

I have been working with CMS systems since before there was a term for it, and even though there are thousands of different platforms out there - some of which are pretty decent - I just can't shake the feeling that we still haven't cracked the CMS problem. Back in the mid-90s, there were dozens of search engines competing for users:...

Should the data access layer contain business logic?

I've seen a trend to move business logic out of the data access layer (stored procedures, LINQ, etc.) and into a business logic component layer (like C# objects). Is this considered the "right" way to do things these days? If so, does this mean that some database developer positions may be eliminated in favor of more middle-tier codi...

What is the limitation of PerlNet?

Hi everyone, I've used PerlNet for a data extraction project. Perl is a powerful language for extracting data and text manipulation with a huge CPAN module. However, my program need some kind of UI, thread... which I decided to use .NET C#. With Perl Dev Kit, we have an option to wrap an Perl module to a .NET DLL and use this DLL direct...

Software Bandwidth/Database Growth Formulas

Are there any industry standard formulas or rules of thumb for determining: Application bandwidth usage/requirements Database growth requirements I have recently started managing a new .NET 3.5/SQL Server project and would like to take a more structured approach than previously when determining exactly what my application needs in te...

Killer Apps architecture description

Some weeks ago a friend of mine showed me a website where the architecture of the most popular websites is explained and described (youtube, amazon,facebook) and it also showed some interesting statistics about them. Does anyone know where can I find this information? ...

Resources for designing .dll structure

I just came out of a design meeting and had a question posed to me about where I got one of my ideas about how to structure some .dlls of a project we are building. To be honest I have no idea where this "idea" came from it just seemed like natural knowledge to me. However it would useful if I could back up these opinions with some docum...

What is the best architecture for multiple game servers that need to talk to each other?

The game is a low graphic (SVG) strategic game. Each server represents a Game Domain with its players. All servers should be able to talk to each other, as players can move (in the game) from domain to domain/send "diplomatic messengers" etc.. We have chosen this idea as it enables us to enlarge the world map endlessly, it enables secon...

Fault tolerant software architecture

I'm looking for some good articles on fault tolerant software architectures. Could I please have some recommendations. ...

crating a CORE Layer so it can be use with Delphi and .NET

I have a little problem implementing in this company that I work in, We have 3 .NET developers (me included) and a Delphi (pascal) guy that we have a lot of big programs/applications and I need to pass 2 of them to a Web Application. My idea is to divide the core functionality of the already existing windows applications so, using ASP.N...

Which one should I choose? X86 or X64 Architecture ? (while installing Windows 200X server OS on a Dell PC GX680)

I am trying to install windows server operating system on a DELL optiplex desktop GX600 series, During the installation, In the first step I was asked to choose between: 1)Windows 2008 X86 Architecture OR 2)Windows 2008 X64 Architecture Now, how do I determine what architecture my Dell desktop is built on and which OS installation opti...

Architecture recommendation for load-balanced ASP.NET site

UPDATE 2009-05-21 I've been testing the #2 method of using a single network share. It is resulting in some issues with Windows Server 2003 under load: end update I've received a proposal for an ASP.NET website that works as follows: Hardware load-balancer -> 4 IIS6 web servers -> SQL Server DB ...

What are the best practices for internal security standards in companies with large SAP investments?

I work in a large company, and I'm interested in best practices for internal security standards. We have a large ($500 million +) investment in SAP, and we also have .Net and a bit of JEE in our internal environment. I've found some documentation from MS and SAP, but it's outdated and not very specific. So far, it looks like we could e...

What are the advantages of using WCF over frameworks like MassTransit or hand written MSMQ client?

I am looking at using MSMQ as a solution to do asynchronous execution in my upcoming project. I want to know the differences between using WCF and frameworks like MassTransit or even hand written MSMQ client to place/read task off MSMQ. Basically the application will be several websites (internal through LAN or external through the Int...

Is my reputation system secure?

BOUNTY: To get bounty either show me how to play the system, or explain why you think it's impossible to play it. I'm developing a reputation system for a site that allows you to start your own blog of sorts, and to comment and have favorites etc. I aim for a very short ruleset that is easy to understand for the users and can't be "pla...

High Level Design for Installation and Upgrade Application

I need to write a very simple WinForms application, but I often get stuck in over analytical mode with these. I get stuck on Yes, No, Retry loops, and with very little thinking to do about the actions of the application, I start thinking about the 'workflow' of the application. Should I just have a method for each task, and call each one...

Is there a benefit to using a DTO rather than a shared reference to Entities in a common assembly?

Hello: I'm trying to get a clear final answer to a question that's driven me nuts for a long time. It's commonly expressed that BLL should contain Business Logic and Business Objects (BO), and have a reference to the DAL. The DAL on the other hand, cannot have a reference to the BLL, so it cannot accept the BO's as arguments, or return ...