
View management and selection in desktop app

How is view management and selection typically accomplished in a desktop app? I know the FrontController is a popular pattern in web apps but I have the feeling that it is not well suited for desktop applications since selecting pages is easier than selecting nested child views for instance. Would my main app view need to know about all...

.Net Remoting Vs WCF

Am working on a .Net website which is going to have 1000s of concurrent users. Am thinking of keeping the business components on the app server and UI components on the web server.Database ( sql server 2005) will be hosted on another server.Am also planning to use load balancing. Given this, whats the best way of communication from web s...

How have you structured your network oriented apps?

I'm starting the design of a new app that is primarily network oriented, and I'm looking for some advice from people who have come up with a good architectural design, or OOP class model. Please describe the basic architecture and/or class structure. Did you abstract out the communication bits? What class entities did you come up with...

Best options for implementing my own Transaction provider

I'm using a remote 3rd party storage solution that does not have support for transactions. I want to implement my own pseudo-ACIDity in .NET for this solution by simply attempting to rewrite/delete non-failing Entity inserts/update to get to an old-data-but-good-data state when other inserts/updates fail inside a transaction context. I...

Browsing for a directory and Cancel, Retry.

I've gotten my brain in a knot over the simple task of getting an application directory from the user. I have an AppFolderDialog form, which I use as a dialogue, on which there are OK and Cancel buttons, a read only textbox, and a Browse button. The browse button opens up a FolderBrowserDialog. Now when the user clicks OK, I need a lo...

Class design with APIRequest and Response

I designed a class which creates XML for a POST in order to call an API call to a third party API. The class has helper methods; One to form the HttpWebRequest and then one to send it. My question is this: Should the response (which ultimately I'm going to shove into an XMLReader and parse it to get the values) be returned as an HttpW...

Class Design C# Namespace Separation

I am still trying to workout separation of function and how it applies to class creation and namespace inclusion. I have a custom class SoftwareComponent which when presented to the user will most often appear as a ListItem. Is creating a ToListItem method a good idea? I worry because I have now placed a dependency in the class which wil...

Architecture question involving search & session state

I have a grid with several thousand rows that can be filtered and sorted. On each row you can click a details button, which will bring you a new page with detailed information about the page. Because this is a button, you can't middle click or right click and open in a new tab. In addition, when clicking back you lose your filters and se...

Server architecture for a multiplayer game?

I'm planning to build a small multiplayer game which could be run as a java applet or a flash file in the web browser. I haven't done any server programming before, so I'm wondering what sort of server architecture i should have. It'll be easy for me to create perl/php files on the server, which the java/flash code contacts to update th...

Unit Testing - definitions

Like anything else understanding the words makes it much easier to learn the language. Can anyone chime in with all the words used in unit testing with their definitions (ex. Mock, Fixture, etc. ) ...

How to override a Base Class method and add a parameter

I have this in my base class: protected abstract XmlDocument CreateRequestXML(); I try to override this in my derived class: protected override XmlDocument CreateRequestXML(int somevalue) { of code } I know this is an easy question but because I've introduced a param is that the issue? The thing is, some of the derived...

Difference between frontend, backend, and middleware in web development

I was wondering if anyone can compare/contrast the differences between frontend, backend, and middleware ("middle-end"?) succinctly. Are there cases where they overlap? Are there cases where they MUST overlap, and frontend/backend cannot be separated? In terms of bottlenecks, which end is associated with which type of bottlenecks? ...

Design problem: Get child object type information avoiding if statements in presentation layer

I have a customer hierarchy like so: abstract class Customer { public virtual string Name { get; set; } } class HighValueCustomer : Customer { public virtual int MaxSpending { get; set; } } class SpecialCustomer : Customer { public virtual string Award { get; set; } } When I retrieve a Customer, I would like to show on ...

Should I put client access on a different Web Site

I have worked on a Web Application based on ASP.NET Web Forms for a client of mine. This Web app is used internally and externally to manage pension plans. My client now wants to open up access for the participants of a pension plan so that they can view how much money they will have when they retire, who are the beneficiaries, etc. Par...

A database schema for Tags (eg. each Post has some optional tags).

Hi folks, I have a site like SO, Wordpress, etc, where you make a post and u can have (optional) tags against it. What is a common database schema to handle this? I'm assuming it's a many<->many structure, with three tables. Anyone have any ideas? ...

Applications for using couchDB and a RDBMS together

Wondering if there was a scenario where one would use a document-based DB and a relational DB together in a best-of-both-worlds scenario? ...

Migrate from couchDB to RDBMS

Wondering if it is possible to migrate from a document-based DB (eg. couchDB) to a RDBMS (eg. MySQL). ...

Java Application Architecture Guide

Is there a Java Application Architecture Guide that is a counterpart of this: ? ...

Software Architecture training resources

Hello all, What are the best resources to properly establish oneself in best Software Architecture practices. ...

What are some good resources for designing a web-services based architecture that can scale well?

I have a web application that currently has about 500,000 users, averaging about 500 page views per hour, and we are expecting to have to scale up to 20,000,000 users within the next year. Our current system cannot handle that scale, and so we need to move to one that can. I was thinking a services-based architecture would be more ro...