
How to implement URL pattern interpreter as used by Django and RoR in PHP

What's the best way to implement a URL interpreter / dispatcher, such as found in Django and RoR, in PHP? It should be able to interpret a query string as follows: /users/show/4 maps to area = Users action = show Id = 4 /contents/list/20/10 maps to area = Contents action = list Start = 20 Count = 10 /toggle/projects/10/active map...

Database Driven Front End Controller / Page Management Good or Bad?

I am currently working within a custom framework that uses the database to setup a Page Object which contains the information about Module, View, Controller, etc which is used by a Front Controller to handle routing and the like within an MVC (obviously) pattern. The original reason for handling the pages within the database was because...

Zend_Framework- Where to Place $_GET and $_POST (HTTP Request) handling?

I recently read this post which led to a series of other posts that all seem to suggest the same idea: Models do everything, the View should be able to communicate directly with the model and vice versa all while the Controller stays out of the way. However, all of the examples shown are fairly simplistic and none really show an example ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Front Controller pattern?

I currently design all of my websites with a file for each page, then include common elements like the header, footer and so on. However, I've noticed that many frameworks and CMSs use the Front Controller pattern. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Front Controller? Is the pattern simply used in frameworks and CMSs be...

two session_starts() hang PHP app

Context: I was going to build app using mod_rewrite (front page loading child pages), but got stuck on loading session_enabled pages from the front controller page. Problem: The problem is that I use session_start() call twise, PHP page stops responding. Which is strange, the session_start function is harmless and they are called on di...

View management and selection in desktop app

How is view management and selection typically accomplished in a desktop app? I know the FrontController is a popular pattern in web apps but I have the feeling that it is not well suited for desktop applications since selecting pages is easier than selecting nested child views for instance. Would my main app view need to know about all...

Is it possible to use a "front controller" in Rails?

In Spring MVC a Dispatcher servlet is used as a "front controller" to handle all of the application requests and route them appropriately. Is it possible to use such an approach in Rails or is it required to write a separate controller for each type of action without having a "traffic cop" (front controller) directing the flow? ...

friendly code to transition from page controller to front controller

I am in the early stages of creating a small-medium sized web application by myself. I read "PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice," and I decided to use page controllers because quick production is a high priority. Page controllers were also appealing because I am unfamiliar with PHP frameworks and creating an elaborate front controller ...

Php site structure

I'm currently in the process of setting my website, largely with php. Though this is my first time using it so I'm running into some problems. I've got the basics of the site down. Registering, login-in, profile page e.t.c. However this is where I seem to have to make a decision about the site layout. For instance. Currently a user's p...

Best practices of implementation of front controller using java servlets

Suppose we have some project with next structure: web articles main.jsp sidearts.jsp central.jsp forum main.jsp css js WEB-INF web.xml Note that we don't have front controller at this point yet. After deploying with some facet (let it be 'asdf') we can access our pages using next URLs: http://localho...

Zend framework: Removing default routes

I'm using Zend FW 1.9.2, want to disable the default routes and supply my own. I really dislike the default /:controller/:action routing. The idea is to inject routes at init, and when the request cannot be routed to one of the injected routes it should be forwarded to the error controller. (by using the defaultly registere Zend_Control...

How to refactor long Front Controller?

I am using a Front Controller to send the user through a series of pages with questions. Pretty much everything must be dynamic as the pages, the questions, and everything else is set in the admin interface and stored in the database. I am tracking the user's progress through the database by storing a unique identifier in the session a...

Zend Framework: How to disable default routing?

Hi All, I've spent many hours trying to get this to work. And I'm getting quite desperate. Would be great if someone out there could help me out :) Currently using Zend Framework 1.9.5, though I have been struggling to get this to work for many versions now. What I want to do is provide my own routes through an XML config, and make su...

How to create user-friendly and seo-friendly urls in jsf?

For example, I have class Article with methods getTitle () and getContent (). I also have ArticlesService with method getAllArticles (). How to create a list of links with meaningful names (formed with #{article.title})? Like:

Java Front Controller

Hi, I'm thinking of implementing Front Controller in my J2EE application. Could you please suggest the same with few links (with source code examples) & any standards to follow? Best regards ...

How do I implement a front controller in Java?

I'm writing a very simple web framework using Java servlets for learning purposes. I've done this before in PHP, and it worked by consulting the request URI, then instantiating the appropriate class and method. This worked fine in PHP, as one can do something like $c = new $x; $x->$y;. I'm unsure however of how to translate this to Java...

Pretty URL to string parameters

I have a website that use this style : /index.php?page=45&info=whatever&anotherparam=2 I plan to have pretty url to transform the previous url to : /profile/whatever/2 I know I have to use .htAccess and to redirect everything to index.php. That's fine. My problem is more in the index.php (Front Controller). How can I build back the ...

Design Patterns: What's the antithesis of Front Controller?

I'm familiar with the Front Controller pattern, in which all events/requests are processed through a single centralized controller. But what would you call it when you wish to keep the various parts of an application separate at the presentation layer as well? My first thought was "Facade" but it turns out that's something entirely diff...

Going from small to medium sized websites.

I've been coding websites for a couple of years now, mostly in php and xhtml. I come from the design world, but I'm proud of doing standart compliant websites and great interfaces. Also used Wordpress and loved it. Most of the time there were really simple commercial websites, with no database included, where everything is done from scra...

Should all Front Classes use singleton?

Consider Martin Fowler's Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, and the pattern of Front Controller: Apparently, it uses the singleton pattern. Well, I have a package of classes in php application that work together (like Zend's Controller Package) and there is one class t...