
IPC between multiple processes on multiple servers

Let's say you have 2 servers each with 8 CPU cores each. The servers each run 8 network services that each host an arbitrary number of long-lived TCP/IP client connections. Clients send messages to the services. The services do something based on the messages, and potentially notify N>1 of the clients of state changes. Sure, ...

design business class for unit test

I'm trying to clean my code to make it unit-testable. I know that unit tests must be created while coding but... I have to do it now, with code completed. My business class is full of methods with a similar implementation like: var rep=new NHrepository<ModelClass1>(Session); rep.Where(x=>x.Field1==1).ToList(); first error (from my po...

Onion archicecture dependencies in the same layer: Infrastructure and Web communicating

I am designing an ASP.NET MVC application using the Onion Architecture described by Jeffrey Palermo. It is an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 project, where I am requiring that all views be strongly typed using dedicated View Models -- we will not be passing domain models to our views. We are using AutoMapper to do the translation -- AutoMapper is isol...

MongoDB Alternative Design

Since it's really not possible to return a single embedded document (yet), what is a good database design alternative? Here is a situation. I have an object First. First has an array of Second objects. Second has an array of Third objects. db.myDb.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "Seconds" : [ { "Second ...

AMQP client message format

From what I understand of AMQP, "clients" of the message bus can use any format they wish i.e. the fabric is opaque to the client messages. Is it a common practice to include an overhead specifying the protocol format of the messages for a given "exchange"? e.g. have a "\n" terminated first line specifying the protocol MIME-type (XML, ...

Interactive architectural diagram tools

Are there any tools that would allow me to easily create an interactive architectural diagram? I envisage the ability to view a graphical depiction of the architecture at a high level. I would then be able to click on a specific piece of the architecture and drill into it, thus revealing a more detailed break-down of that piece. This pr...

Actions, Permissions and Architecture

Within my logic layer I have the need to check permissions for a wide variety of actions. Some actions are generic but some are highly specialized. Each action has a corresponding permission hierarchy that is evaluated prior to performing the action. I have been tossing around architecture ideas in my head but haven't reached a solid one...

CDC and ETL help/recommendations

Here's the background. We have a few different customers, each with a different backend source database. We want to be back to pick up real time changes to the backend database, then transform the data to a target schema in our target database. After that broadcast a message to other apps alerting the change. To do this we need CDC s...

Flash CS AS3 OOP Software Architecture

When you build a flash piece from scratch using flash, and it's mostly AS3 and you are using all external .as class files, how do you structure your software? what type of global variable structure do you use? does your top level class always look the same? what line of code do you use to program attaching the main sub display objects to...

PHP Architecture: How do I do that?

Hi, I need some help understanding internal workings of PHP. Remember, in old days, we used to write TSR (Terminate and stay resident) routines (Pre-windows era)? Once that program is executed, it will stay in memory and can be re-executed by some hot-key (alt- or ctrl- key combination). I want to use similar concept in web server...

Is there a good Book Resource on modular web application architecture?

I am asking this question because of Zend Framework. I really like it but still the way it offers modularity is not really flexible. For instance a lot of us at first create default and admin module , but in reality it is not reusable. In fact admin should be not a module but some paradigm that takes care of every single module's admi...

good book on Object-oriented analysis and modeling ?

There are some mentioned in here but not directly so Questions should be ok? ...

Looking for way to have REST web service accessed through ESB

I am preparing on how to present using an ESB, such as Glassfish, to a company I am working with, but I realized that they may want to have some of their new webservices switch from SOAP to REST, and this is where I run into a problem, as my experience with ESBs (mainly BEA's ALSB) is that they seemed to be geared toward SOAP. I would p...

Rebuild N-tier app into Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Considering the regular characteristics of an n-tier app with layers like: presentation, business, data access; how is this normally rebuilt to make a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)? Seeking high level overview from programmers experienced in this exercise. To a degree I picture it conceptually flattening out rather than having ...

.NET Game Server

i've a question over here regarding the .Net framework technology and the gaming server. supposely, i've a few game machine acting as a client and i want to connect those client machine to a gaming server, do you guys think it is good if i develop the server application using the .NET framework? the client machine is also developed in d...

Tools to draw and write software project roadmap, eg plans, schedules, tasks for developers?

What are the best tools [commercial and free] to draw and write software project roadmap, eg plans, schedules, deadline dates, tasks for developers? ...

How do I look under the covers and see how HTML is rendered?

For example: <input name="abutton" type="button" value="This is not a button" /> I know this gives me a button. But I also know that someone had to figure out how wide my text was, draw a button of the correct size, place my text in there... etc. Let's use Mozilla as an example. I did some googling and found this, so I think I'm on...

Modularizing web applications

Hey all, I was wondering how big companies tend to modularize components on their page. Facebook is a good example: There's a team working on Search that has its own CSS, javascript, html, etc.. There's a team working on the news feed that has its own CSS, javascript, html, etc... ... And the list goes on They c...

Map Java architecture stack to Microsoft

Coming from Java background, I am now working in a Microsoft shop where we use MS technologies only. Can you please map this architecture stack to the MS world? I am not looking for equivalents to specific layers of the stack, but a proven end-to-end stack that is known to work in the real world: Thanks! Architecture Stack: Hibernate S...

Defining view models for MVC / MVP

Hi guys, Short question - how do you define your view models? Here are some of the options: Pass the actual model into the view. Create a view model with a reference to the model (like Model.Product) Create a view model with the properties needed from the model, and set those from the model. Probably a lot more. All with their own ...