
C# Problem with ProcessStartInfo

Hi. I am using a ProcessStartInfo to patch a file with a text file like this (through cmd.exe): app.exe temp.txt patch.ips I wrote this code: ProcessStartInfo P = new ProcessStartInfo("app.exe"); P.Arguments = "temp.txt " + _patchpath; P.CreateNoWindow = true; P.UseShellExecute = false; P.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Proce...

What kind of variable is ARGV in ruby?

From what I have read ARGV should be a constant since it is all uppercase, but I was able to write a quick program that changed one of the values in ARGV without error. So what type of variable is ARGV? p ARGV ARGV[0] = "Not the orginal" p ARGV ...

Reorder function arguments in Lisp

I'm interested in an operator, "swap-arg", that takes as input 1) a function f of n variables, and 2) index k, and then returns a the same function except with the first and kth input variables swapped. eg (in mathematical notation): (swap-arg(f,2))(x,y,z,w) = f(z,y,x,w) Now my first idea is to implement this using rotatef as follows, ...

can any one list all the valid arguments for setstyle() function for UIcomponents?

hello i am working with actionscript flex and using UIcomponents i need all the valid arguments for this function for example component.setStyle("borderColor","white"); i need all valid strings for first string parameter and 2nd valid argument for there value setting, i have some of them that are given below but i need all possible...

form doesn't allow editing

I have a following form: class PlayForwardPageForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PlayForwardPageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = PlayForwardPage exclude = ( 'id',) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): post = super(PlayForwardPa...

printf as argument of function

Usually usage of function: my_func("test"); Whether I can use this parameter so? my_func(printf("current_count_%d",ad_id)); int my_func(const char *key) ...

iphone argument keep its data problem

i'm facing a really strange problem here i'm having this method in iphone sdk which all what it have to do is get the next row data from the database and i want to make some validation so the user don't go to -1 row for example.. so i did the code ___________________ -(void)getPageContent:(int)inx{ CryptAppDelegate *appDelegate = (Cr...

python argument taking 3 arguments? Where?

I'm working with the google safebrowsing api, and the following code: def getlist(self, type): dlurl = "" + api_key + "&appver=1.0&pver=2.2" phish = "googpub-phish-shavar" mal = "goog-malware-shavar" self.type = type if self.type == "phish": ...

Passing constants as arguments in INNO's Exec()

I have created an installer using Inno Setup in which I am executing an exe that I created to create a small service inside Windows XP. I need to pass two arguments to the exe - "-install" and the path of the installation directory. I have no way of expanding the constant {app} to pass the actual value inside of {app}. Is there some way ...

Java WS application ignoring arguments sporadically

I have recently put together a JWS application which gets it's argument from a dynamically created JNLP file (details can be found here). It's all good except the application ignores the argument (starts without loading the specified number) on my system (linux x86_64). It seems however that the JWS application exactly as intended on the...

ArgumentException was unhandled.

Here's a screenshot of the error: The error itself is: The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid. Going to the app.config file of that same project I can find: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <connectionStrin...