
how to debug bootloader in flash?

s3c44b0x does not support flash breakpoint(unlike other processors such as lpc1758 which has on-chip flash), then how to debug bootloader when it still runs in the flash? ...

Assembly language : try to understand a small function

Hi, for my work, I need to reverse what this portion of code (ARM9) is doing. Im a java developper & I really don't understand this portion of code related to a single function. Of course I'm asking help because the original code is not more available. Anyone can help me to know what this code is doing with a smal algorithm in any high...

Is there any PHP cache for ARM (AT91)?

I have a php application running on busybox httpd on an ARM-based embedded system. The application is quite slow but I would prefer not to rewrite it in C++. I'm looking for a way to precompile/cache it on ARM but cannot find any of the systems to be available for this architecture. ...

why should the address be specified when in static linking?

background: flash at 0x02000000/2M, SDRAM at 0x10000/16M, processor: ks8695. the Bootloader and OS are burned into the flash, when resetting, OS is copied to SDRAM at address 0x10000, then set PC(program counter) to 0x10000 (that is, run the OS). since the PC is set to 0x10000(since the processor can execute the first instruction of OS...

Is ARM a more secure instruction set?

I have read that 'Normal' ARM instructions are fixed length - 32 bits. And that no ARM instruction can jump into the middle of another instruction - something that is easy to do with x86 instructions. (For x86, Google's NaCl tries to 'fix' this by aligning instructions on 32 byte boundaries.) Does this make ARM programs more secure or ...

ARM assembly print register value in decimal

Hey, I have an exponentiation subroutine that does the calculation and puts the result in r0. Currently I can print the result in hexadecimal, but I also want to print it in decimal. After doing a lot of searching online I haven't found a straightforward way of doing it. Seems like a simple task to do but I can't figure it out. thanks ...

Optimizing ARM cache usage for different arrays

Hi Folks, I want to port a small piece of code on ARM Cortex A8 processor. Both L1 cache and L2 cache are very limited. There are 3 arrays in my program. Two of them are sequentially accessed(size> Array A: 6MB and Array B: 3MB) and the access pattern for the third array(size> Array C: 3MB) is unpredictable. Though the calculations a...

ARM development and emulation

I have an ARM device (network storage) with debian installed. I can pull out drive and dump fs image (using dd). The OS there is debian, I use ubuntu. What do I need to install (software) to be able to cross-compile? I can mount image and modify its content. How can I emulate that device to test cross-compiled executables? UPDATE: I d...

Microsof Assembler to GNU Assembler conversion

I have an ARM assembly code that compiles well with Visual Studio. I would like to now use the same ARM assembly code and compile it with GNU Assembler. As you know the syntax of both assemblers are different. I was wondering if there is any tool that can convert from these Assembly syntaxes. ...

Negative dates in SQLite

Newly compiled SQLite displays a strange behavior concerning the date/time functions. Do you have any idea what is going on and how to fix it? $ date Mon Mar 8 14:52:11 CET 2010 $ ./sqlite3 TEST0 SQLite version 3.6.22 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> SELECT d...

Seg Fault when using std::string on an embedded Linux platform

Hi, I have been working for a couple of days on a problem with my application running on an embedded Arm Linux platform. Unfortunately the platform precludes me from using any of the usual useful tools for finding the exact issue. When the same code is run on the PC running Linux, I get no such error. In the sample below, I can reliabl...

what is the difference between ELF files and bin files

The final images produced by compliers contain both bin file and extended loader format ELf file ,what is the difference between too , especially the utility of ELF file. ...

Question about Objective C calling convention and argument passing on ARM

I want to know how objective C runtime handle arguments when I call a objective C method like [NSString stringWithFomat:@"%@, %@", @"Hello", @"World"] There are three arguments for this objective C call, how does it work compared to typical way on a ARM system. I have known register r0, r1, r2, r3 will hold first 4 arguments, how abou...

ARM processor for gigabit ethernet

Hi Geeks, I am working on a project which is a handheld device to do some measurements on IP packets. So I need to process the packets by my processor. I am planning use ARM processor for this project. Can anybody suggest if ARM is the right choice for packet processing of Gigabit range? ...

Want to configure a particular peripheral register in ARM9 based chip

Hi, I have verilog based verification envirnoment for ARM based chip. I have to write new tests in C++ to verifiy a peripheral. I have all ARM based GCC tools in place. I do not know how to make a particular peripheral register visible in C++ based test. I want to write to this register, want to wait for the interrupt from the periphera...

Preventing objects from being linked if they are not needed?

I have an ARM project that I'm building with make. I'm creating the list of object files to link based on the names of all of the .c and .cpp files in my source directory. However, I would like to exclude objects from being linked if they are never used. Will the linker exclude these objects from the .elf file automatically even if I inc...

overriding enumeration base type using pragma or code change

Problem: I am using a big C/C++ code base which works on gcc & visual studio compilers where enum base type is by default 32-bit(integer type). This code also has lots of inline + embedded assembly which treats enum as integer type and enum data is used as 32-bit flags in many cases. When compiled this code with realview ARM RVCT 2.2 ...

How early can I call kalloc in an arm linux kernel?

I would like to dynamically allocate memory from the machine_init function in my arm linux kernel. Calling kalloc can result in a complete failure of the system to boot. My debugging tools are very limited so I can't give much more information regarding the failure. Simply put, is it legal to call kalloc from a machine_init function in...

Any porting available of backtrace for uclibc?

We are running the uclibc linux on ARM 9. The problem is uclibc doesn't support backtrace. When a core dump happens, I cannot grab the call stack. Does anyone have a good solution for that? For example, an existing porting of backtrace for uclibc, or any good method to grab the call stack when a core dump happens (uclibc+ARM+Linux)? ...

How to Integrate DOM into V8 engine?

Im in the process of developing Browser for ARM Device. I've done rendering of pages and basic javascript executions using V8. Now am in the process of Integrating Javascript DOM. Is any independent library version (.so) of DOM available? ...