
What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector?

What are the differences between these two data structures and where should you use each of them? ...

java ArrayList: how can i check if two ArrayList differ, i don't care what's changed.

Hiya. How can I check if two ArrayLists differ from one another? i don't care what's the difference, i just want to know if they're not the same. thanks! update thanks for all of your comments so far, seems that I need to clarify some issues. I'm fetching scores list from database every minute, and only if the scores list that i fet...

Is converting this ArrayList to a Generic List efficient?

The code I'm writing receives an ArrayList from unmanaged code, and this ArrayList will always contain one or more objects of type Grid_Heading_Blk. I've considered changing this ArrayList to a generic List, but I'm unsure if the conversion operation will be so expensive as to nullify the benefits of working with the generic list. Curren...

ArrayList & contains() - case insensitive

Hi! I want the contains() method from ArrayList to be case insensitive. Is there any way? Thanks ...

How do I sort an ArrayList lexicographically?

I am trying to sort an ArrayList of Strings that represent card values. So, some cards contain letters ("King") and some contain Strings containing only a number ("7"). I know to use Collections.sort, but it only sorts Strings that contain letters. How do I get the ArrayList to be sorted by number as well as alphabetically? Edit: Sorry,...

Beginner question: ArrayList can't seem to get it right! Pls help

I have been staring at this code all day now, but just can't get it right. ATM I am just pushing codeblocks around without being able to concentrate anymore, with the due time being within almost an hour... So you guys are my last resort here. I am supposed to create a few random balls on a canvas, those balls being stored within an A...

Problem in arranging contents of Class in JAVA

Hi, I have some classes and I'm trying to fill the objects of this class. Here is what i've tried. (Question is at the below) public class Team { private String clubName; private String preName; private ArrayList<String> branches; public Team(String clubName, String preName) { this.clubName = clubName; ...

Problem displaying contents of a class in Java

My problem is i have a class and in it there is a list of elements of another class. public class Branch { private ArrayList<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>(); String brName; public Branch() {} public void setBr(String brName){this.brName = brName;} public String getBr(){return brName;} public ArrayList<P...

Return ArrayList from .net web service to android application using kSoap

My web service is returning quite a bit of data, so i'm storing it in an arraylist and returning that to my application. I don't know whether or not this is the preferred method or not. When the arraylist is returned and displayed in my application, it also displays the arraylists "anyType" section. I'm new to this whole process so i'm s...

Problem in deleting content and displaying all the content in JAVA

Hi, again i'm here with my classes, my software is almost done after finishing last two things i will continue to GUI development. Anyway, here is my code: public class Team { private String clubName; private String preName; private ArrayList<Branch> branches; public Team(String clubName, String preName) { t...

ArrayList<String> to CharSequence[]

What would be the easiest way to make a CharSequence[] out of ArrayList<String>? Sure I could iterate through every ArrayList item and copy to CharSequence array, but maybe there is better/faster way? ...

Remove successive 0th entries in args[] for a Java command line interface?

I recall seeing, somewhere, an example that stepped through String args[] by deleting the lowest numbered value(s) public static void main( String args[]) { while (args.length > 0 ) { // do something and obliterate elements from args[] } } Obviously, a variable tracking current position in args and compared to args.length ...

Problem using SAXParser to get a list of strings to an arraylist

I'm trying to parse a web service response using SAXParser and get certain values, store them into an arraylist, then display them in a listview. Example XML being returned from web service: <ArrayOfStrings> <string>value</string> <string>value</string> <string>value</string> </ArrayOfStrings> Here is my SAXHandler class: public clas...

java arraylist format

Hi All ! I am having one problem in java arraylist. I am good in databases :) We normally use "group by" to group rows. I want the same thing but in java for one of my project I have following format in arraylist name1:val1 name1:val2 name1:val3 name2:val8 name2:val7 name7:val54 name7:val76 name7:val34 I want to convert this arraylist...

VB.NET Strange sort behavior?

Hi, I've got a class with the following overload: Public Overloads Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer Implements IComparable.CompareTo ' I want a logmile, darn it! If Not TypeOf obj Is Logmile Then Throw New ArgumentException If Me("beg_logmile") > obj("beg_logmile") OrElse Me("end_logmile") > obj("end_logm...

How to remove everything from an ArrayList in Java but the first element

I am new to java programming, been programing in php so I'm used to this type of loop: int size = mapOverlays.size(); for(int n=1;n<size;n++) { mapOverlays.remove(n); } So I want to remove everything but the first item, so why doesn't this work? As I get it, after removal, array keys are rearranged or not? ...

Getting a list of elements from an ArrayList

Let's say I have a bean like below. class Customer{ private String code; private String name; private Integer value; //getters setters omitted for brevity } Then from a method I get a List<Customer> back. Now let's say I want to get a list of all member "name" from the List. Obviously I can traverse and build a List<String> of...

ArrayList indexOf() returns wrong index?

Hi Experts, I have a problem with ArrayList. I'm using ArrayList like this: private ArrayList<Playlist> mPlaylists; where Playlist is a class inherited from another ArrayList. I do the following: p = new Playlist(...some parameters...); mPlaylists.add(p); Later, when I use 'p' to get the index in the list: int index = mPlaylists.i...

Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android

Hello all, I've been working with SQLite on android and I would like to add an arraylist to a column in a table, and then fetch the data back as an arraylist. The arraylist is a list of Longs. I've noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS, however it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a byte[] first before being able ...

Android ArrayList populated with last elements data

I am using the Android onTouchEvent to register touch and the associated movement. I then want to iterate a sprite along that path. I need to store the path traced by the finger for use later on. The problem is that after the finger is lifted off the screen the ArrayList (pArray) is completely populated with the X & Y position of the...