
Moving a element of a ArrayList to the Front while keeping the order C#

Say i have a Array like so, The, Quick, Brown, Fox, Jumps and i need to move/shift one of the elements to the front so it looks like this Brown, Fox, Jumps, The, Quick How can one sort an array like a revolving door? by moving one element and having the rest follow behind? Is there an easy method or should i just copy/loop/slic...

which method shoude be used to compare 2 similar strings in java?

hi all 1---- i'm using java. which method shoude be used to compare 2 similar strings. if the strings are similar, it return TRUE(ABC is similar to B, B is similar to ABC) . 2------- how can i get the number of times a string is repeated in an array of strings? some of The strings are similar (for example person is similar to twolegper...

Sorting a list of items in a list box

I want to get an bunch of items from a list box, add them to an array, sort it, then put it back into a different listbox. Here is what I have came up with: ArrayList q = new ArrayList(); foreach (object o in listBox4.Items) q.Add(o); q.Sort(); listBox5.Items.Add(q.ToString()); But it doesnt work. A...

c# Get object property from ArrayList

Can't figure this one out I have an ArrayList of classes: // Holds an image public class productImage { public int imageID; public string imageURL; public DateTime dateAdded; public string slideTitle; public string slideDescrip; } public Ar...

JAXB: How to unmarshall objects in lists?

Perhaps a stupid question: i have a List of type <Data> which i want to unmarshall into a XML file. This is my class Database containing an ArrayList... @XmlRootElement public class Database { List<Data> records = new ArrayList<Data>(); public List<Data> getRecords() { return records; } public void s...

Taking N number of arrays and turning it into a multidimensional array with N rows JAVA

I am trying to write code that will turn N arrays into a multidimensional array with N rows. I currently have a code that can turn 2 arrays into a multidimensional array with 2 rows. However, I am unsure how to modify it in order to make this code take N arrays. Additionally my code currently can only take arrays of the same size. Howev...

How to sort an ArrayList using multiple sorting criteria?

I have an array list that contains Quote objects. I want to be able to sort alphabetically by name, by change, and by percent change. How can I sort my arraylist? package org.stocktwits.model; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class Quote implements Serializable { private static final lon...

Help comparing float member variables using Comparators

I am able to compare Strings fine, but would like to know how I can rank floating point numbers? getChange() returns a String. I want to be able to sort descending. How can I do this? UPDATE: package org.stocktwits.helper; import java.util.Comparator; import org.stocktwits.model.Quote; public class ChangeComparator implements Compa...

Sorting ArrayList Not Working Properly

I am trying to sort my ArrayList, but when I check the first item in my supposedly sorted array, it is incorrect. I am not sure why? Am I missing anything? Here is my Comparator: package org.stocktwits.helper; import java.util.Comparator; import org.stocktwits.model.Quote; public class NameComparator implements Comparator<Quote> { ...

Java: Put objects of different types into a ArrayList for a ModelCollection. Interaces?

I want to have my models wrapped up in a ModelCollection which is mostly used for a ListView. The Collection has always the same attributes like title, totalResults (for Pagination) and it shall contain the listItem-Models in the ArrayList "items". However, these models have different types like "ModelCategory" or "ModelChain" and often...

How to sort a "Book" ArrayList without SQL?

My Book app gathers a collection of Book objects using lookups against different Merchant objects: List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); for (Merchant merchant : merchants) { books.addAll(getBooksForMerchant(merchantName); } It has to sort the List on the basis of a dropdown box: <select class="sortByDropdown" name="sort"> <o...

Deciding on a strategy for paginating Book listings without SQL

I have an ArrayList of Books pulled from different Merchants and sorted in Java, depending on user preferences, according to price or customer reviews: List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); This requires me to keep a large chunk of data in memory stored as Java objects at all times. Now that I need to paginate this data into listi...

How to return an index within an ArrayList based on an attribute of the elements it holds

Hello :), is it possible to determine the ArrayList-index of an element inside the ArrayList based on one of its attributes? In my particular case I have an Object "worker" with the attributes "name" and "worker_id". The worker_id is an ID I get from the database. Since the first worker-object inside the ArrayList doesn't necessarily ...

Iterating and processing an ArrayList

I have a List of objects. I want to iterate through this list of objects and process some subsets of objects based on a condition and finally create a new list of objects with some processed objects being eliminated. What is the best way to do this.? Example: Actual object : List<Cars> Iterate through this list and find Cars with sa...

How to send an ArrayList of custom objects in a Bundle

I have an application that uses a service to create an ArrayList of custom objects (MyObject) every x seconds. I then want my Activity to obtain this ArrayList. I'm currently planning on having the Service send a message to the Activity's handler every time it finishes the query for the data. I want the message to the Handler to conta...

Arraylist in C.

HELLO WORLD, GUYS!!! I am currently writing a program to implement an arraylist (or dynamic array) in C. Hmm... I think I have 70 - 80% done with it, however, I found a serious problem with my codes when testing them on a couple of machines. Briefly, I inserted a group of strings( char* ) into my arraylist, and tried to get and display...

Possible to displaying Arraylist of object's value in setListAdapter or SimpleAdapter for listview?

HI, I would like to know if it is possible to display Arraylist of object's value in setListadapter or SimpleAdapter for listview? String ArrayList works fine, I am just trying my luck with Object ArrayList ArrayList<userinfo> list = new ArrayList<userinfo>(); setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<userinfo>(this, R.layout.messages, list)...

Assigning an array to an ArrayList in Java

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to assign an array to an ArrayList in Java. ...

How to return an arraylist from a method

Hello. I need help. For this specific method. I am trying to get it to return an arraylist that I tokenized. public ArrayList read (){ BufferedReader inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("processes1.txt")); String l; while ((l = inputStream.readLine()) != null) { ArrayLis...

Problems with my program involving arraylists, bufferedreader, methods, and overall forgetfullness of how java works.

Hello everyone. I am having difficulties with a program that I have been working on all day. I am trying to read a text file and read each line one at a time. Take that line and make an arraylist of the words of the line. then using the index of the arraylist define terms with it. public class PCB { public static void main(Strin...