
Databinding an ArrayList to a ListBox in VB.NET?

Hello, I'm working in VB.NET I have an ArrayList named Invoices populated with objects of the class Invoice. I'd like to data bind this to a ListBox so that as the contents of the ArrayList are updated and changed the ListBox updates. I've implemented a .ToString function on the Invoice class, I just don't know how I'd go about bindi...

Syntax error on ArrayList declaration

Hi, I've got the following code: import java.util.*; public class Group { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } } Eclipse (3.0.0) complains about the ArrayList declaration: syntax error on token "(", on both tokens "<", and then on token "=". I'm using java 1.5.0_0...

how do i populate JCombobox with arraylist

I need to populate jcombobox with ArrayList is there is any way to do this. Abdul Khaliq ...

Java Vector or ArrayList for Primitives

Is there an expandable array class in the Java API equivalent to the Vector or ArrayList class that can be used with primitives (int, char, double, etc)? I need a quick, expandable array for integers and it seems wasteful to have to wrap them in the Integer class in order to use them with Vector or ArrayList. My google-fu is failing ...

How to reorder a 60mb CSV file

I have a .csv file that is ordered in a certain way. I want to reorder it by another field. Your ideas would be much appreciated. I only have to do this once, not multiple times, so performance is not too much of an issue. What I am thinking. If I just create an object (java) to hold each of the fields and then create an ArrayList of ...

Deleting objects from an ArrayList in Java

Hi guys, I have a big doubt and I hope someone can help me out. I need to delete some objects from an arraylist if they meet a condition and I'm wondering which way could be more efficient. Here's the situation: I have a class that contains an arraylist containing some other objects. I have to iterate over this arraylist and delete all ...

ArrayList object sorting

Hi, I have to sort ArrayList which consists of objects. Object: ID, Quantity. The ArrayList should be sorted by ID. How to implement this? ItemIdQuantity = new ItemIdQuantity (ID, Quantity); ItemIdQuantity.Sort(); // where must be sorting by ID ...

From Excel (or any file) to Array List C#

I want to put some numbers from Excel to array. Let's say I have an Excel file with some numbers like this: 23 34 1 3 100 56 45 43 56 4 87 6 89 9 this is just one column in excel (or any file) And i want to put those numers in arraylist as integer numbers, i dont need the result as one number but all those numbers to be in int valu...

How can I create a list Array with the cursor data in android

How can I create a list Array (the list display First Alphabet when scroll) with the cursor data? ...

Java howto paint on a graphic in an order I want

Hello In C# I saw already the SpriteBatch class (In the XNA plugin for XBOX games). In that class is it posible to paint in layers. Now I want to do the same in Java because I'm making braid (See my other questions) and I have an ArrayList from all the GameObjects and that list is not made in the correct paintoreder. For exemple: I ha...

c# collapse array list

if i have class foo { int a int b } and a List<foo> myList is there some short hand notation for to make a List<int> from eg myList[*].a, ie pick out a from each element and making a new list clearly this can be done by iterating through myList, but seems to happen often and i was wondering if there's a shortcut notation sa...

Java Regex not working - why?

match.matches() returns false. This is odd, because if I take this regex and test String to, is shows two matches. What am I doing wrong? Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("FTW(((?!ODP).)+)ODP"); Matcher match = regex.matcher("ZZZMMMJJJOOFTWZMJZMJODPZZZMMMJJJOOOFTWMZJOMZJOMZJOODPZZZMMMJJJOO"); if (match.matches()) { Syst...

Performance Diff on using DataTable vs ArrayList as Datasource on ASP .NET

I am currently working on a web application. I was just wondering which has a better performance when used as a DataSource for say a DataGridView or a DropDownList control. I believe that DataTable is harder to create unless you get it from a DataReader but if you have a ORM layer that abstract the use of DataAccess classes like DataRea...

Java errors and syntax. Any help appreciated

I am asking for help on self-help, which is kind of an oxymoron. How do I bug you nice folks less by solving more of my own problems? I am in my last week of Java programming and I am having a huge hurdle with learning Java. I have read all the books but I keep getting hung up on tiny little issues. It is like trying to build a house ...

Why is vector array doubled?

Why does the classic implementation of Vector (ArrayList for Java people) double its internal array size on each expansion instead of tripling or quadrupling it? ...

How to union data in ArrayList C# 2.0 ?

How to union data in ArrayList C# in dotnet framework 2? example of data : 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 how to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...

Blackbery JDE ArrayList?

So. Um. The Blackberry JDE does not include java.util.ArrayList, even though it knows about java.util? What's up with that? Is there an equivalent class for BB? I don't want to use an Array, really, because I have an unknown number of objects I'm dealing with. why does the Blackberry JDE leave so much out? -Jenny ...

Correct way to synchronize ArrayList in java.

Hi there, So basically I'm not sure if this is the correct way to synchronize my ArrayList. I have an ArrayList "in_queue" which is passed in from the registerInQueue function. ArrayList<Record> in_queue = null; public void registerInQueue(ArrayList in_queue) { this.in_queue = in_queue; } Now I'm trying to synchroniz...

byte[] to ArrayList ?

Could somebody tell me how can I convert byte[] to ArrayList by using C# under Windows Mobile? Later edit: this would go like having an ArrayList containing instances of a custom type. This list goes to a database (into a blob) as a byte array (the conversion is done by the database API); What I want is to revert the byte[] to ArrayL...

Arraylist in Visual Basic .net

Can I get an example of how to make something like a Vector or an ArrayList in Visual Basic .NET? ...