Hello, I'm struggling to use calloc and realloc for my array initializations. I'm trying to write a program which calculates a final sum from the command line arguments using fork() with a companion program.
If I receive a odd set of integers from the command line such as: ./program 1 2 3 4 5.
It should see that amount is odd and ini...
I'm attempting to serialize a class to XML, but I have some strict requirements on the output (because I want Rails' ActiveResource to consume it). One of those requirements is specifically for arrays. Here's two examples:
class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } }
List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
people.Add( new...
In an array such as the one below, how could I rename "fee_id" to "id"?
[0] => Array
[fee_id] => 15
[fee_amount] => 308.5
[year] => 2009
[1] => Array
[fee_id] => 14
[fee_amount] => 308.5
[year] => 2009
I am writing some matrix routines in Delphi and this problem came up. I have defined a real matrix thus:-
RealArrayNPbyNP = Array[1..200,1..200] of Extended;
I have populated this array with a 5 x 6 matrix.
How do I query the array to get the number of rows (which in this case will be 5) and the number of cols (which in this case will...
Evening all,
Can someone suggest an approach for recursively merging arrays, in the same way as PHP's array_merge_recursive() function does, except that integer keys are treated the same as string keys?
(its important for the process that the keys remain parse-able as integers)
For example:
$a = array(
'a' => array(1)
$b = arr...
What is an efficient way to initialize and access elements of a large array in Python?
I want to create an array in Python with 100 million entries, unsigned 4-byte integers, initialized to zero. I want fast array access, preferably with contiguous memory.
Strangely, NumPy arrays seem to be performing very slow. Are there alternatives ...
So here's what I have so far:
void sortArray(int amountOfScores, int* testScores)
for(int i = 0; i < amountOfScores; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < amountOfScores-1; j++)
if(*(testScores+i) > *(testScores+j+1))
int temp = *(testScores+j);
*(testScores+j) = ...
I am new to C#.I have been thinking of adding a ButtonControlArray where i can store each button control.Here is part of my code.I am creating a 6*6 array of button Control.
ButtonControl buttonControl;
ButtonControl[,] arrayButtons = new ButtonControl[6,6];
public void createGrid()
l = 0;
I'm fairly new to OpenMP and I'm trying to start an individual thread to process each item in a 2D array.
So essentially, this:
for (i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
a[i][j] = b[i][j] + c[i][j];
What I'm doing is this:
#pragma omp parallel for shared(a,b,c) private(i,j) reduction(+:diff)...
$arr[] = array(...,'id'=1,'prev'=>2,'next'=>null);
$arr[] = array(...,'id'=2,'prev'=>3..,'next'=>1);
$arr[] = array(...,'id'=3,'prev'=>4,'next'=>2);
The order of each record can be arbitary.
How to sort this kind of array so that record with prev's value null is first,and the one with null next is last?
players will either be empty or a comma seperated list (or a single value). What is the easiest way to check if it's empty? I'm assuming I can do so as soon as I fetch the $gameresult array into $gamerow? In this case it would probably be more efficient to skip exploding the $playerlist if it's empty, but for the sake of argument, how wo...
How do I convert the following to a clear one-liner in ruby?
def questions
results = []
sections.each do |section|
results = results.concat(Question.find_all_by_survey_section_id(section.id))
I feel like I could use the &: (Symbol#to_proc) and returning methods in there somehow.
I have a Rails named_scope which is using a condition to pull specific days of the week from the table like so:
:conditions => [ 'EXTRACT(DOW FROM bookdate) IN (?)', (1..6).to_a ]
The 1..6 date range will be a variable depending on the dates the user wants,
Which produces this SQL
(EXTRACT(DOW FROM bookdate) IN (1,2,3,4,5,6)
My pr...
Do I really have to do this to reset an array ??
foreach ($array as $i => $value) {
this one makes more sense, as the previous one is equivalent to $array=array();
foreach ($array as $i => $value) {
The manual on "extract" shows you can extract an array like:
into $one,$two...
But the extract function doesn't return the variables. Is there a way to 'globalize' these variables? Maybe not using extract, but a foreach loop?
EDIT: (explanation about what I'm trying to achieve)
I have an array co...
How to convert a array <-> string?
I've a bi dimensional array and i need to save to database and retrieve.
Dim myarray(,) as string = {{"some","some"},{"some","some"}}
I have csv file with 14 columns and I want to sort it in ruby by 6th column then by 2nd and then by 11th column.
There is nice method .sort_by but it works only for two columns, doesn't it. And array_of_arrays.sort_by {|e| [e[2], e[0],e[1]],} doesn't work.
so let's say in the sample below I want it to be sorted by 3rd,1st,2nd columns
I have a config.inc file in a web app that I am building. It contains an array with config values for things like the mysql database, etc. I would like these to be entered by using a simple form, that asks for the server, login/password for the database, etc, then these get written to the config. file.
Is there a preferred method of d...
How does time.localtime() work exactly? I can call up the "array" (tupple, I think it is called - because it is immutable?) and reference/index components of it. For example:
>>> time.localtime()[0]
But if I do:
print time.localtime()
time.struct_time(tm_year=2010, tm_mon=2, tm_mday=7, tm_hour=14, tm_min=46, tm_sec=58, tm_wday...
I have an object that contains an array of objects.
things = new Object();
things.thing = new Array();
I'm wondering what is the best method to remove duplicate objects from an arr...