
Looking for help with implementation of a heap data structure

I have an operation on a heap, a fixdown operation . This is the code: public class Heap { public static void fixdown (int a[],int k,int n) { while (2*k<=n) { int j=2*k; if (j<n && a[j]<a[j+1]) j++; if (!(a[k]<a[j])) break; swap(a,k,j); k=j; } } ...

Dynamic Array traversal in PHP

I want to build a hierarchy from a one-dimensional array and can (almost) do so with a more or less hardcoded code. How can I make the code dynamic? Perhaps with while(isset($array[$key])) { ... }? Or, with an extra function? Like this: $out = my_extra_traverse_function($array,$key); function array_traverse($array,$key=NULL) { $out...

PHP : flatten array - fastest way?

Is there any fast way to flatten an array and select subkeys ('key'&'value' in this case) without running a foreach loop, or is the foreach always the fastest way? Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => string [value] => a simple string [cas] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( ...

C# Array Maximum

I have 2 arrays named Arr1 and Arr2 in C#. They are of the exact same dimensions... I need to get the element of Arr1 corresponding to maximum of elements in Arr2 beginning with given indices ... e.g Get indices of the max of Arr2 [ 1 , 10 , 3 , i , j ] for all i,j Return Arr1 [ 1 , 10 , 3 , i , j ] Of course I need the elegant sol...

int[][] array not working - java applet

OK so the array is not working. My code: I am trying to check if blocked(lastX,lastY) of the following tile he is on. I count the tile the player is standing on by adding or minusing X and Y when they go up, down, left, or right. So if the player starts at 0,0, they press down twice and right on...

Comparing Two Arrays Using Perl

I have two arrays. I need to check and see if the elements of one appear in the other one. Is there a more efficient way to do it than nested loops? I have a few thousand elements in each and need to run the program frequently. -Alex ...

Checking values in this array, JQuery

Hi. I have this array (JQuery) where I add all my form's controls, it looks like: var name = $("#name"), surname = $("#surname"), address = $("#address"), phone = $("#phone"), photo = $("#photo"), grade = $("#grade"), profession = $("#profession"), e...

Array.BinarySearch does not find item using IComparable

If a binary search requires an array to be sorted before hand, why does the following code work? string[] strings = new[] { "z", "a", "y", "e", "v", "u" }; int pos = Array.BinarySearch(strings, "Y", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); Console.WriteLine(pos); And why does this code result return -1? public class Person : IC...

How to Declare an Array of Generic Dictionaries in C#?

I want to create an array of Dictionaries. But the array size is unknown. For integer, i used List to obtain the integer array of unknown size. But in the case of Dictionary, am not able to create a list of Dictionary. Is thr any wayz by which this can be done? Dictionary(int, String) paramList=null;I am want to create the array of param...

What are the differences between these Array methods

These static Array methods have me puzzled. They seem to do the same things. Are they available for older legacy code? Array.IndexOf Array.FindIndex Array.LastIndexOf Array.FindLastIndex ...

Accessing array in MASM

Hi guys, let's assume I've got the address of my array (passed as a pointer to the function) in esi register. How can I access a particular cell of the array? i.e: my_array[a + b * c] where c is constant. Thank you for the fast reply! Cheers ...

Get values from DB field into an array with PHP

Hello, I have a field in my DB that holds value separated by commas like; $tmp_list = "COB,ISJ,NSJ," Now when I fetch that the row, I would like to have them in an array. I have used array($tmp_list) but I get the values in one line only like: [0] => 'COB,ISJ,NSJ,' instead of [0] => 'COB', [1] => 'ISJ', [2] => 'NSJ' All help i...

Concurrency problem with arrays (Java)

For an algorithm I'm working on I tried to develop a blacklisting mechanism that can blacklist arrays in a specific way: If "1, 2, 3" is blacklisted "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" is also considered blacklisted. I'm quite happy with the solution I've come up with so far. But there seem to be some serious problems when I access a blacklist from multiple...

easy c question: compare first char of a char array

How can I compare the first letter of the first element of a char**? I have tried: int main() { char** command = NULL; while (true) { fgets(line, MAX_COMMAND_LEN, stdin); parse_command(line, command); exec_command(command); } } void parse_command(char* line, char** command) { int n_args = 0,...

Is it possible to load ListPreference items from an adapter?

I'm setting out to create a settings activity for my app. I've defined a PreferenceActivity with a nice layout including a ListPreference object for the user to select a bluetooth device. I'm having trouble dynamically populating the list. I would like to populate ListPreference with values from an array adapter (which I'll create and p...

getting a key out of a javascript hash

I'm working with the latest draft of the twitter annotations api. An example bit of data looks like status { annotations : [ {myAnnotationType:{myKey:myValue}}, {someoneElsesAnnotationType:{theirKey:theirValue}}, ] } now i want to check a status to see if it has an annotation with myAnnotationType in it. I...

PHP compare two dimension array

Hello guys I would like to know how to compare two two-dimension arrays value. First array Array 1 ( [0] => Array ( [0] => a ) [1] => Array ( [0] => b ) [2] => Array ( [0] => c ) } Second one Array 2 ( [0] => Array ...

resizing an array with C

So I need to have an array of structs in a game I'm making - but I don't want to limit the array to a fixed size. I'm told there is a way to use realloc to make the array bigger when it needs to, but can't find any working examples of this. Could someone please show me how to do this? Thanks! ...

SQL to CodeIgniter Array Missing Data Issue

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT t1.numberofbets, t1.profit, t2.seven_profit, t3.28profit, user.user_id, username, password, email, balance, user.date_added, activation_code, activated FROM user LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, SUM(amount_won) AS profit, count(tip_id) AS numberofbets FROM tip GROUP BY user_id) as t1 ON user.user_id = t1.user_...

Delphi 6: How to search a dynamic array for sub-string quickly?

How can I search a dynamic array of char in Delphi 6 for a sub-string and get back an index to a match, not a pointer? I've seen functions in Delphi 6 that do this for strings but not for dynamic char arrays. There is a function called SearchBuf but that function returns a PChar pointer to the match location when what I need is the arr...