
Artificial Intelligence - Intelligence Agent that cleans and paints

I remember when I was in college we went over some problem where there was a smart agent that was on a grid of squares and it had to clean the squares. It was awarded points for cleaning. It also was deducted points for moving. It had to refuel every now and then and at the end it got a final score based on how many squares on the grid w...

Learning the Structure of a Hierarchical Reinforcement Task

I've been studying hierachial reinforcement learning problems, and while a lot of papers propose interesting ways for learning a policy, they all seem to assume they know in advance a graph structure describing the actions in the domain. For example, The MAXQ Method for Hierarchial Reinforcement Learning by Dietterich describes a complex...

set of training images for a simple neural network

do you know any good set of training images for my test neural network preferably a tagged set of images of numbers or letters or simple symbols faces or real images might be too complex at this stage. (i am tiring to implement a Boltzmann machine) ...

Help me choose a topic for my graduation thesis with NAO

Hello, I would like to get some advice about my graduation thesis. The professor has already gave me some basic guidelines and I have two weeks to decide. My graduation thesis should be coding "something" for the NAO robot. The "something" should be coded using the Silverlight technology. Now I just need to decide on what the "somethi...

Implementing HexQ Algorithm

Does anyone know if there's an open source implementation (in any language) of the HexQ algorithm for hierarchy discovery in reinforcement learning, or something like it? I'd like to evaluate it in different domains but I'm having trouble understanding how to implement it from the paper's description. ...

Flight game AI algorithm ?

Greetings all, I am in the designing phase of one of my hobby project.I am going to develop an 3D air-combat game . (inspired by HAWX). But I am wondering how the AI works for enemy crafts ? I guess ,they do not move along a path (path finding on a graph)as in FPS games . What kind of algorithms can I use for enemy craft movement? Are t...

Automated question answering (FAQ) in .NET

Hi I would like to build a very simple application - Automated FAQ. I searched the internet and found some information about different approaches but there is no .Net specific example. Do you have som experience of building such application or maybe know some .Net specific examples? It would be very interesting to take a look at one. H...

A question about classifiers in Machine Learning

Hi All,I am taking classes on intro to AI,and the teacher mentioned some point that for the classifier ZeroR,the accuracy under ZeroR is a helpful baseline for interpreting other classifiers. I searched online about this but still couldn't get my head around it,could anyone give some idea on what that means please,thanks in advance. ...

How to determine the most informative feature in a tree learned by Weka

Hi there. I used the weka to train a J48 classifier,and it returned a textual representation of tree. Now if I want to determine which feature is the most informative,how could I proceed?Any idea is welcomed. Thanks in advance. ...

What is the best way to filter spam with JavaScript?

I have recently been inspired to write spam filters in JavaScript, Greasemonkey-style, for several websites I use that are prone to spam (especially in comments). When considering my options about how to go about this, I realize I have several options, each with pros/cons. My goal for this question is to expand on this list I have create...

Genetic Programming library for Java

I'm looking for a good genetic programming library for JVM. (not genetic algorithm but genetic programming) I tried JGAP ( and Watchmaker ( Unfortunately, those tools have only experimental and immature support for genetic programming (they are mainly focused on genetic algorithms). Perhaps...

Algorithm for text classification

Hello. I have millions of short (up to 30 words) documents which I need to split into several known categories. It's possible, that a document matches several of the categories (seldom, but possible). It's also possible that a document doesn't match any of the categories (also seldom). I also have millions of documents which have already...

What is in the future for JADE?

I'm starting my thesis on Agents and Smart Objects interaction and I'd like to know what's in the future for JADE, the Java Agent framework. I find the whole concept of agents, programmable behaviors, federations and their help in solving Artificial Intelligence problems very interesting but will it always be an academic field, like Hask...

Please help me on choosing right classifer

Hi all, I am facing a problem on selecting correct classifier for my data-mining task. I am labeling webpages using statistical method and label them using a 1-4 scale,1 being the poorest while 4 being the best. Previously,I used SVM to train the system since I was using a binary(1,0) label then.But now since I switch to this 4-class ...

When does AI become more than just complicated predefined logic?

I cannot pretend to being to understand how AI software is created, but while reading some news articles today the thought occured to me: When does AI become actual AI and not just complicated IF statements in the background? If everything software does comes down to determinable IF statements with some degree of randomness, how does it ...

What are excellent AI Journals?

Hello, I've become interested in AI and want to keep up with the latest AI research. Can someone recommend the top 2-3 AI journals I should read? Thanks! ...

is this classification result acceptable?

Hi all, I have a very simple linear classification problem,which is to work out a linear classification problem for the following three classes in coordinates: Class 1: points (0,1) (1,0) Class 2: points (-1,0) (1,0) Class 3: points (0,-1) (1,-1) I manually used a random initial weight [ 1 0,0 1] (2*2 matrix) and a random initial bias...

Best companies for my wireless and artificial intelligence

My interests are wireless networking and artificial intelligence. It'd be great if I could integrate these into my job. Currently I'm a grad student and am looking for an internship. Which are the big and most exciting companies in these areas? ...

How to best approach the problem of trying to determine the form of an unknown function

I have a set of variables X, Y, ..., Z. My job is to design a function that takes this set of variables and yields an integer. I have a fitness function to test this against. My first stab at the problem is to assume that I can model f to be a linear function: f(X, Y, ..., Z) -> aX + bY ... cZ My first idea was to use either PSO (Par...

What is the best data-structure to represent a checkers board when speed is the primary concern?

I am currently implementing something quite similar to checkers. So, I have this table game and there are both white and black pieces. Where there are neither white or black pieces, you dno't have pieces. I'm currently doing the GetValidMoves() method that'll return all the current moves one can do with the current board. I am thus won...