Target IIS Worker Processes on Request

Ok, strange setup, strange question. We've got a Client and an Admin web application for our SaaS app, running on The Admin application can change options displayed on the Client application. When those options are saved in the Admin we call a Webservice on the Client, from the Admin, to flush our cache of the options ...

How to delete a row from a GridView using non-visible data?

I'm writting a simple prototype front end using a GridView that is populated via function, rather than being linked directly to a SqlServer data source. So I can delete a row/record from grid/underlying database I am currently Setting the AutoGenerateDeleteButton = true Displaying the unique record ids in the first column Handling the...

How to generate an 401 error programatically in an ASP.NET page

As you can see this is a question from a none web developer. I would like to have an aspx page which, under certain circumstances, can generate a 401 error from code.Ideally it would show the IIS standard page. Any ideas are welcome. ...

RequiredFieldValidator - how to get rid of the default red font color

I can't seems to change the default color of the required field validator. In the source it is: <span class="required">*</span> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="valReq_txtTracks" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtTracks" Display="Dynamic" /> Here's what I have in my .skin file: <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ...

Returning data from to an ExtJS Grid

I've been given a prototype/mockup of a grid written in html and javascript (via ExtJS) that I now need to implement within an web application. Does anyone have any pointers as to how to pass data to the grid (to a GroupingStore, specifically). I'd rather not have a proliferation of web services or helper pages returning XML/JS...

Addendum to my question from yesterday: C# class from sql database

This is my link: link text Thought about it and this was my additional question: Now If i am going against stored procedures, is there an easy way without using T4, LLCodeGen, Codesmith, subsonic, obtain the input/output params and types if i wanted to generate my own data access layer This is ASP.Net 2.0 ...

how to delete temp files in Prod env.

Hi All, I have deployed a new build on Production server, but I dont see the change in this version. I found out that it was caused due to old version of the DLL file under the temporary folder C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files In DEV environment, I can delete, but in Prod. I have restricted...

Page.Load issue in ASP.NET 2.0

I am trying to aid another programmer with a page called Default.aspx with a code-behind section, and unfortunately I am at a bit of a loss. Partial Class _Default Inherits OverheadClass 'A bunch of global variables here' Private Sub page_load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Eventarts) Handles Me.Load 'Function goes here...

Why am I getting a "double response" from HttpWebResponse?

The follow code (running in ASP.Net 2.0) displays the contents of the requested URL twice. I only want it to display the contents of the requested URL once. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The URL requested is returning XML and if I visit the URL directly, it works fine. HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Creat...

ASP.NET 2.0 Application on IIS 5 Resulting in Error (aspnet_wp.exe (PID: XXXX) stopped unexpectedly.)

After hosting an ASP.NET 2.0 web application on a windows 2000 server(IIS 5). I was unable to browse the web site. The following error message was displayed on the browser and three Event Log entries were added... Error Message on Browser Server Application Unavailable The web application you are attempting to access on this web se...

How to: Cross-Site posting and redirection in ASP.NET webforms

Scenario: The task I have at hand is to enable a single-signon solution between different organizations/websites. I start as an authenticated user on one organization's website, convert specific information into an Xml document, encrypt the document with triple des, and send that over as a post variable to the second organizations login...

Strange javascript error in ASP.NET TreeView control

I’m using Treeview Control (ASP.NET 2.0) in a web control. The funny thing is, that everything is working fine : expanding, collapse, selecting a node etc. ,but after every click firebug shows an error : TreeView_SelectNode is not defined [Break on this error] HelpFile.aspx (line 1) The error comes up every time I'm selecting a node. I'v...

Alternative UI control for large data lists instead of DropDownList

I am using C# and ASP.NET with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework library on this particular project. We are also using the AjaxControlToolkit. The AjaxControlToolkit should have the controls available to make a descent User Interface solution to the problem I'm facing. I have run into this in a few projects in the last year, and used...

Forcing TargetControl Textbox to use a value in the AutocompleteExtender

I'm sure I'm going to have to write supporting javascript code to do this. I have an autocomplete extender set up that selects values from a database table, when a selection is made, i would like it to set the ID of the value selected to a hidden control. I can do that by handling a value change on the text box and making a select call...

Format columns for ASP.Net GridView based on data type.

I have a very simple ASP.Net page that acts as a front end for a stored procedure. It just runs the procedure and shows the output using a gridview control: less than 40 lines of total code, including aspx markup. The stored procedure itself is very... volatile. It's used for a number of purposes and the output format changes regularl...

Is there a performance hit when "Windows" authentication is enabled on an anonymous website?

I've been having performance issues with a high traffic ASP.NET 2.0 site running on Windows 2000. While editing the web.config file I noticed that the authentication mode was set to 'Windows'. I changed it to 'None'. The only users this site has are anonymous and it gets 25,000+ page views at day. Could this have been a caused perfor...

Strange url on localhost when debugging web app in C#.Net2

http://localhost/XYZ/Client/(S(enlodz55ov4ncafza0gpp045))/Info/Rates.aspx Does anyway know what /(S(enlodz55ov4ncafza0gpp045))/ means? Any help appreciated. ...

Set existing Web Service Extension to "Allow" using WiX

In IIS Manager under Web Service Extensions, ASP.NET v2.0.50727 is set to "Prohibited" by default. I would like to set this to Allow during the install. I am currently using WiX Version 2. I have tried using: <Component Id="Allow_WebServiceExtension_ASP.NET_2.0" DiskId="1" Guid="02247363-E423-41E1-AC15-BEF589B65A4D"> <WebServiceE...

Return a value from a insert statement.

Working with an Oracle 9i database from an ASP.NET 2.0 (VB) application using OLEDB. Is there a way to have an insert statement return a value? I have a sequence set up to number entries as they go into the database, but I need that value to come back after the insert so I can do some manipulation to the set I just entered in the code-...

Is there an easy way to clear an ASP.NET form?

is there an easy way to reset ALL text fields in an form - like the reset button for html controls? ...