IE 7 bug? - prompt save / open when downloading file - c# 3.5

I have an aspx page with linkbuttons that fire javascript to pop open a new aspx page to stream files to the browser for downloading by users. When developing and unit testing on XP SP3, IE 7 and FireFox 3.5, using the following code (key being the "attachment" part in the Content-Disposition tag), both prompt a dialog box asking if I w... 3.5 url rewriting / routing for multilingual websites

Hello, I'd like to implement the 3.5 url routing functionality to take in links like and redirect them to the same page. I've read through and tried the approach in the following tutorial: However this t...

ASP.NET 3.5 WebService Compression for Flex

We have Flex applications that connect to our ASP.NET 3.5 Web Applications and usually download lot of data. Now considering XML as transport, for every item, it transmits meta data twice for example.. instead of transferring int value as <Customer CustomerID=23/> it transmits <Customer><CustomerID>23</CustomerID></Customer> .. now here ...

ObjectDataSource.Select with Parameters Time Out

I'm using an ObjectDataSource with a 2008 ReportViewer control and Linq to CSV. The ODS has two parameters (the SQL is spelled out in an XSD file with a table adapter). The Reportviewer takes a very long time to render the output after a button is clicked to generate the report. That's my first problem. Even though it works (most of the ...

Web Parts in ASP.NET 3.5

I'm trying to create draggable web parts in ASP.NET 3.5 but the thing just doesn't want to be dragged. I already tried the workarounds for making it compatible with Firefox, by using AJAX, but still doesn't work. This is code I have on my page: <asp:WebPartManager ID="WebPartManager1" runat="server"> </asp:WebPartManager> <uc2:...

Unable to upload a file from web page in ASP.NET 3.5 web application running in Medium Trust

Possible Duplicate File I/O in medium trust? I get the following error when I try to upload a file from a web page: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed The web application runs on ASP.NET Framewor...

Lambda query to reverse order a list by date

I have this function that shows a list of messages in reverse order. protected void setupMessages(IList<Message> Messages) { List<Message> messages = new List<Message>() ; messages.AddRange( Messages.OrderBy(message => message.DateAdded).Reverse()); MessagesRepeater.DataSource = messages; MessagesRepeater.DataBind(...

Efficient Data Paging with Datalist and Linq

I am trying to achieve the following using the Datalist and Linq to Sql: Paged Datalist Efficient paging i.e if there are 3000 records only retrieve the records needed for the current page. Have the page number displayed in the querystring to allow pages to be cached. However, when I look at the sql which is outputted it is doing mul...

Listview with the same data over several columns

I have a list that contains names. I would like to create a listview that will display these name, three to a row. I am unsure how to accomplish this. ...

ASP.NET Applications Requests/Sec suddenly jumps to a value of about 70 million/sec. on 8 core web servers.

We are doing performance testing of an ASP.NET web application with VSTS 2008. We start with 2000 users and slowly ramp up to 5000 users (reaches this user load at around 2.5 hours after the tests start, after this we stay at this user load). The total test duration is of about 6 hours During these runs we have found that the counter Re...

How do I preserve the mode and the key?

I display the below in the Inner Html and assign the value to the mode: resultsdata1.InnerHtml += "<tr><td><a href=""Results.aspx?mode=2&key=" & dr("UID") & """>" & dr("PPS") & "</a></td><td>" & dr...... 1)How do I preserve the mode so that I can test for mode value in page load event? 2)How do I find out which the key has been click...

ASP.NET MVC videos, podcasts, YouTube links, audios, resources, articles?

Can anyone suggest where can I find good starter videos for ASP.NET MVC (other than ASP.NET site)? Any noteworthy resources and articles will also be helpful. ...

DataList Set SelectedIndex from DataKey Value

Hi, I have a DataList displayed on a (Asp.Net3.5) page which the user can select from. The datakey value of the selected row is then stored in the database. If the page should be revisited by the same user at some point in the future the selected datakey value is retreived from the DB. I would like to use this datakey value to highligh...

.NET 3.5 View State

We have always had View State Disabled. We updated our project to WAP and changed the properties of all our projects including web to .NET 3.5. We notice now that some of our pages have more view state. Does .NET 3.5 add soemthing that we are not aware of that might turn this on or add something to view state when previously it was di...

Create a File in ASP.Net

My web application wishes to send a file as an attachment to an email. That is quite doable; all I must do is specify the path to the file. But prior to sending the file, the system must create the file- it is a rendered report. It matters not where it is saved, since it will be in an attachment. That being the case, I cannot figure out ...

Trouble with < in Asp.Net

Ok so I have this string thats going to be an attribute of script tag: path = "<%= this.ResolveUrl('~/" + path + "') %>"; only problem is when I dynamically generate the tag it turns into: <script src="&lt;%= this.ResolveUrl('~/Scripts/jquery.js') %>" type="text/javascript"></script> I don't want the &lt; to be there I want an < to...

Update panel not showing errors in ASP.NET 3.5

In Visual Studio 2008 if you create a new "Ajax 1.0 Enabled ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application" and paste the following code: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <div> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Button runat...

Setting the height of a Form in ASP.Net

My CSS doesn't work so well when using it in ASP.Net it appear to use the background image only when there's actual content inside of the form. (It dynamically grows vertically). Is there a way for me to specify the height of my ASP.Net form? <form id="form1" runat="server" style="height:inherit"> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPla...

url routing doesn't work when publishing to another server

Hello, I've implemented url routing with the following rule: string virtualPath = "~/" + requestContext.RouteData.Values["page"].ToString(); //if virtualpath doesn't end in aspx, then it's just a directory path loading //default.aspx by default. if (!virtualPath.EndsWith(".aspx") && !virtualPath.EndsWith(".txt")) {...

url routing doesn't work for root folder.

Hello, I've implemented url routing under 3.5 with the following code: public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext) { string virtualPath = requestContext.RouteData.Values["page"].ToString(); //if virtualpath doesn't end in aspx, then it's just a directory path loading ...