Dynamic Data Web Application: How do I change the default filter so that it displays more than 10 rows?

Dynamic Data Web Application How do I change the default filter so that it displays more than 10 rows? I recently created a Dynamic Data website to help manage a few dozen lookup tables for my business intelligence data warehouse and I am having trouble manipulating the template. I would like to make the default number of rows display...

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Address', database 'CNET_85731', schema 'dbo'

Hi Group, I have been working away for the last 7 months on a C# ASP.NET using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. Today, I was running part of my application which was previously running and I got the following error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Address', database 'CNET_85731', schema 'dbo'. I walked through ...

How can I filter choices out of a drop down list when using Dynamic Data?

I feel like this should be easy, but I don't see any way to do it. I'm using ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Linq to SQL. I've got a table with an Association to the Technician table. The Parent Property is TechAssignment, and on the web form I'm using a DynamicField to display it. This works fine really, it correctly sees it as a For...

How do I modify PDF without a library using C# and stream it back to client in ASP.NET?

I'm having an issue where I'm corrupted a PDF and not sure of a proper solution. I've seen several posts on people trying to just do a basic stream or trying to modify the file with a third party library. This is how my situation differs... I have all the web pieces in place to get me the PDF streamed back and it works fine until I tr...

Inheriting object and auto populate

Hi, When I want to extend an existing Object I create my own and use inherits clause, and works fantastic... problem is when I want to use this new Object instead of the original, the populate part is a "pain". is there any AUTO POPULATE way of doing this? Original Object: Customer My Object: CustomerWithGroup public class CustomerWi...

Crystal report file does not get deployed to server in ASP.NET MVC

I am using a crystal reports through crystal report viewer server side control in a webform. I am using a webform because the crystal report viewer provides an easy way to export to PDF and to Excel. My problem is that when I deploy to the server, the crystal report .rpt file does not get copied to the target folder. My solution struc...

Custom 500 Error Page with ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 WebForms (not MVC) and Routing

Could someone share the technique to get a custom 500 error page displaying in ASP.NET 3.5 WebForms with System.Web.Routing hooked in. I was able to get a 400 Error Page working by creating a catch-all route but don't understand the technique for showing a custom 500 error page. I would like if the URL remained for the page that blew...

How to get the cell value of listview

I can not get the cell value of my Telerik listview control.I want to know how to get the cell value of any listview control .Each cell of my listview control contain Image and one check box .I want the cell value by clicking the on back end i mean in C# code. ...

CompareValidator issue on Firefox

Hi, I need to validate a date in a web forms application. For this I use a CompareValidator with Operator="DataTypeCheck" Type="Date" The problem is that this Validator doesn't work properly on Firefox with 2 digit years. ( javascript error: m[2] is undefined) With a 4 digits year it's working properly. This problem is described al...

How can i use the Pluggable ASP.NET Components on my project. form this site i download the MSDNElmah.msi.After install this, i get a solution Contain .aspx and web.config file and one dll.This site have some information about this plugin,but it's seems to difficult to me.I can not use it on my Project.I want to use this plugin on my project.Ple...

ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView - OnSelectedNodeChanged does not fire in an User Control

I have a small User Control defined as: <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="CompanyTree.ascx.cs" Inherits="RivWorks.Web.UserControls.CompanyTree" %> <div class="PrettyTree"> <asp:TreeView runat="server" ID="companyTree" OnSelectedNodeChanged="SelectedNodeChanged" ...

Strange Behavior of Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation...

I dont get the error when my development database is active The production database gives the error, the only difference is DATA !!! How possibly can this happen ? Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security ...

How to store class instance (helper class) in ASP.NET Cache?

I have a class instance which is created by using Activator.CreateInstance() method. That class instance contains helper methods which are frequently used throughout the application. In order to avoid creating the instance multiple times, I'm just thinking about implementing an appropriate caching mechanism. The following consideration ...

Getting date-time in locale format in

Hello friends, I have a web application developed in 3.5. The application is used in India only while it is hosted on US servers. The problem here is that i want to show the date and time according to India timezone. When i am using DateTime.Now.ToString() i am getting the date and time of server with US format i.e. MM/dd/yyyy h...

WCF Service in ASP.NET application generating intermittent 404 errors

This problem has defeated my attempts at Google, so here goes. We were having an issue getting data from a WCF service (just lookup data, so we enabled it for HTTP GET requests). Every once in while it will return a 404. The stack trace does NOT appear to have WCF in the mix - the StaticFileHandler appears to be attempting to serve it...

Weird behavior with ASP.NET in a web farm

We have 2 web servers in a web farm. We push files to web1 and have a schedule task running every 5 minutes that uses robocopy to copy the files over to web2. We have a website which uses some dlls and we changed one of dll recently to include new properties in a class. We also changed the website to consume those properties. We moved th...

on a Web Setup, how do I exclude all .pdb files?

In a sample solution on Visual Studio 2008, let's say, I have this: myWebSite project (web site project) myLibrary project (library project) myWebsiteDeploy project (web deployment project) myWebSetup project (web setup project) inside myWebSite there is a myLibrary.dll and myLibrary.pdb witch they are included in the myWebSiteDeploy...