ASP.NET Dynamic Data DisplayColumn Attribute Causing Sorting Issue

Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data with a LINQ to SQL DataContext from the Northwind Database... When I add a DisplayColumn Attribute to one of my LINQ to SQL "entity" classes and reference a property from my custom code in the partial class, I lose the ability to sort by that column in the generated GridViews. I continue to lose the ability t...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Add Additional Filter Criteria to Page

How should I be adding additional search/filter criteria to a Dynamic Data Web Application? I created a Dynamic Data Web Application using the Northwind database and I am using a custom page for the Employees table (based on the ListDetails.aspx Page Template). I would like to add additional search/filter/where parameters to the Page. ...

Can you have a Dynamic Data Field which consists of a list of fields?

This is a purely theoretical question (at least until I start trying to implement it) but here goes. I wrote a web form a long time ago which has a configurable section for getting information. Basically for some customers there are no fields, for other customers there are up to 20 fields. I got it working by dynamically creating the ...

How do I get the value of a DynamicControl?

I'm using ASP.NET Dynamic Data functionality to do something a little weird. Namely, create a dynamic list of fields as children of the main object. So basically I have Ticket.Fields. The main page lists all the fields for Ticket, and the Fields property has a DynamicControl that generates a list of controls to collect more data. ...

Dynamic Control loading at wrong time?

This one is a little... odd. Basically I have a form I'm building using ASP.NET Dynamic Data, which is going to utilize several custom field templates. I've just added another field to the FormView, with it's own custom template, and the form is loading that control twice for no apparent reason. Worse yet, the first time it loads the ... not a foreign key column and cannot be used here?

I have two views in SQL, and have created mappings to them in Linq to SQL. The two views have an association, which works fine, between Ticket.ProblemCode and Problem.Code When I try to set UIHint("ForeignKey") on Ticket.ProblemCode and run the web page I get the error: 'ProblemCode' is not a foreign key column and cannot be used here...

Why is ForeignKey_Edit loading primary key as the value, instead of the actual value used in the association?

I'm using ASP.NET dynamic data to create a ticket edit form. The Ticket is associated to a problem code, but not using the problem code's primary key. (The database is 3rd party, so I don't have control over that...) So the problemCode looks basically like: ProblemCode ( ID int, Code varchar(8), Description varchar(250) )...

Why is my viewstate growing between postbacks when using dynamic data?

I'm writing a pretty complex web form using ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Several of the controls on this form post back, since there are dependencies between controls. I'm noticing that the viewstate is growing larger with every postback, until after 5 or so there is a long delay between the Render process and the page actually loading in the...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Record Selection

I am displaying a list of customer records from SQL Server using L2S where I only want to display active customers (where Status = 'A'). How do I implement this logic in Dynamic Data? I am using the List.aspx template. I don't want the dropdown filtering option. ...

ASP.Net DynamicData pages scaffolded from DB tables: is there a simple way to change their names? scaffolding creates administrative page names by adding a 'S' to the name of the table. Thus the editing page for User table is named Users, and so on. Is there a simple way of changing that name without creating custom pages? For instance for the table "Business" I'd like DynamicData to create an administrative link ...

Visual Studio "Convert to Web Application" and "Could not load type" errors.

I'm currently getting a "Could not load type UI.Administration.Site.master" error message and I'm not really sure as to why. I have an ASP.NET MVC Project with the UI namespace. Within the project's structure, I have an Admin folder. I right clicked on the Admin folder and chose "Convert to Web Application", but am getting a Could Not...

How can I filter choices out of a drop down list when using Dynamic Data?

I feel like this should be easy, but I don't see any way to do it. I'm using ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Linq to SQL. I've got a table with an Association to the Technician table. The Parent Property is TechAssignment, and on the web form I'm using a DynamicField to display it. This works fine really, it correctly sees it as a For...

Dynamic Data UIHint("MultilineText_Edit") in Grid and Edit

When a particular property on my model is attributed with UIHint("MultilineText_Edit") it renders the multiline text edit in the Details view, but not in the Edit view. In the Edit view it's a tiny little textbox. Any idea how to persuage DD to render that as a multiline in the Edit view as well? ...

How to disable delete button in ASP.NET Dynamic Data?

I need to disable delete button GLOBALLY based on some condition? The following solutions will not work for me: Again, I do not want to go into every list and detail page ...

Hide foreign key column on one table and instead display a link on Parent table data.

Hi, I am working on Dynamic data website and I would like display a link(to display foreign key values) on Parent table data and hide foreign key column on individual tables. I would like to hide a foreign key column on only one table and not all of them. Also is there any way to hide "Details" column? I appreciate any help. Thank y...

How to create breadcrumbs using Dynamic Data/LINQTOSQL framework?

Hello, I need some EXAMPLES or IDEAS on how to created dynamic breadcrumb control which will dynamically generated breadcrumbs for Dynamic Date framework powered by LINQTOSQL ...

Gridview column reordering in Dynamic Data

I have a page showing results from database in a gridview in Dynamic data site. By default edit and details links are shown on left side of gridview. I have a peculiar requirement to show these links on right side of gridview. Is there any setting I am missing to acheive this or code modification would also help me. Thanks in advance. ...

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id.

I'm working in ASP .NET dynamic data. In one of my edit controls I wanted to allow the user to add records from a related table to the current page. (Literally, if you are on the orders page, you would be allowed to add a new customer to the system on this page as well, and then associate it with that order). So, I have a DetailsView set...

Scrambling URLS for dynamic data

What is the best method to obfuscate the urls created in Dynamic Data? eg \Products\List.aspx?ProductId=2 could become \Products\List.aspx?x=UHJvZHVjdElkPTI= where "ProductId=2" is base 64 encoded to prevent casual snooping on \Products\List.aspx?ProductId=3 \Products\List.aspx?ProductId=4 etc...? I will probably have to inher... Dynamic Data Site with own MetaData

Hello, I'm searching info about configuring own MetaData in asp.NET Dynamic Site. For example. I have a table in MS Sql Server with structure shown below: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[someTable]( [id] [int] NOT NULL, [pname] [nvarchar](20) NULL, [FullName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [age] [int] NULL) and I there are 2 Ms Sql table...