Error using Dynamic Data Filtering: missing datasource

I am trying to use the ASP.NET Dynamic Data Filtering project, but I'm running into a problem during the configuration. I'm following the instructions on the author's blog, and everything works like described. Then it tells me to change the datasource using the designer view. I am told to select the "GridDataSource" in the "Configure da...

Entity Framework 4 POCO entities in separate assembly, Dynamic Data Website?

Basically I want to use a dynamic data website to maintain data in an EF4 model where the entities are in their own assembly. Model and context are in another assembly. I tried this but get an "ambiguous match" error from ref...

Missing tables on Scaffold Dynamic Data page

I created a Linq-to-SQL DBML for the first time. I dragged and dropped all my tables over to the designer. The tables all appear in the designer.cs file. In Global.asax, I also have model.RegisterContext() with the ScaffoldAllTables = true option. The routes are also setup. I can pull up the Scaffolding page, but there's at least on...

Dynamic Data Associate Related Table Value?

I have create a LINQ-to-SQL project in Visual Studio 2010 using Dynamic Data. In this project I have two tables. One is called phones_extension and the other phones_ten. The list of columns in phones_extension looks like this: id, extension, prefix, did_flag, len, ten_id, restriction_class_id, sfc_id, name_display, building_id, floor, ro...

Controling Edit, Delete on individual items

Is there a way to enale/disable the edit and delete on individual entity instances using a propery on the entity when displaying in the List control? ...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data and uploading files

I am developing a small, internal-use only web application. Given its simple nature and intended audience, I decided that it might be a good opportunity to use a ASP.NET Dynamic Data project to get things up-and-running quickly. So far so good, except for one issue that has me reconsidering the whole plan: I need to be able to upload fi...

Password Field with Asp.Net Dynamic Data

I have a User table that I want to use with Dynamic Data. The Problem is that I have the Password Field that I need to encrypt using MD5. I am Using Entity Framework, How I do this? ...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data - Back Button

Hi all, I used .Net's dynamic data entity to implement a website that sits on top of my db (see In the List.aspx-View for a table, I am able to sort/filter the data of the gridview. After having clicked on a row's 'Details' link, I would like to provide the user a 'Back' button in ...

Do you think ASP.Net Dynamic Data is worth it?

At the risk of sounding misinformed, I'm under the belief that this is basically useful for RAD and fast sketching of an application. It feels somewhat Ruby-esque in the sense that it scaffolds pretty much everything you need from a CRUD application. Easier work for us, right; and most people are none the wiser. I'm fairly green in the...

Restricting the values of nvarchar column using dynamic data entities

Hi, I am using ASP.NET Dynamic Data Entities project to generate a web application for my database. I was wondering what is the easiest way to restrict the allowed values for a column without changing the database structure to make that column a foreign key or modifying the database in any way. For example. I have a table called Assets...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data? Real world user admin application

Hi, I need to develop a user admin application. My schema looks like the following: See full size As you can see I've got my own version of the user table and profile tables to store my data with a one-to-one mapping with aspnet membership tables. I'm interested in using ASP.NET dynamics to speed up the proccess of creating an adm...

Applying like filter to an IQueryable

I'm trying to write a custom filter for Dynamic data that will allow me to run like type queries on entity columns. For example searching for john on name field to returen johnson, johns etc. I'm trying to override the IQueryable GetQueryable(IQueryable source) method on the QueryableFilterUserControl class. To filter my results. Does a...

Retrieving values of ReadOnly fields from DynamicData DetailsView in Edit Mode on Updating using LinqDataSource

I have several tables in my database that have read-only fields that get set on Inserting and Updating, namely: AddDate (DateTime), AddUserName (string), LastModDate (DateTime), LastModUserName (string). All of the tables that have these values have been set to inherit from the following interface: public interface IUserTrackTable { ...