
Dropdown controls in ASP.NET 2.0

I am using a codebehind page in ASP.NET to perform a SQL query. The query is loaded into a string, the connection is established (To Oracle), and we get it started by having the connection perform .ExecuteReader into a OleDBDataReader (We'll call it DataRead). I'll try to hammer out an example below. (Consider Drop as an ASP DropDownL...

What's the difference between ASP.Net MVC Routing and the new ASP.Net DynamicData Site routing?

I've only started playing with both ASP.Net MVC and the new-to-VS2008 Dynamic Data Website Templates. I note that they both use routing in their URL handling, and I'm given to understand that because of routing, ASP.Net MVC won't work under IIS6. However my DynamicData site works just fine on IIS6. I've had to temporarily abandon my e...

Dynamic Data: Scaffolds are read-only for LINQ classes using Views instead of Tables?

I am trying to use the ASP.NET Dynamic Data features to generate CRUD scaffolding for my data model. My model contains supertype/subtype relationships, so some logical entities are split between two tables: one for the generic data and one for the subtype-specific data. In the LINQ context I expose these entities as a single class, back...

Adding a search box to an ASP.Net dynamic data list page

Does anyone know how to add a simple search textbox on an ASP.NET Dynamic Data list page? I want to be able to drill down to a specific row immediately, without having to use the dynamic data filters to narrow the scope. ...

Remove autogenerate GUID column from Add Entry pages in Dynamic Data Web Application

I have a Dynamic Data Entities Web Application that uses a database with GUIDs as primary keys for tables. All of the GUID fields have the default value set to NEWID() so SQL Server will generate a new GUID for any record. However in my dynamic data web site, in the insert new entry pages the GUID field shows up and it is expected for th...

What's the difference between ASP.NET DynamicData and IronSpeed?

Will the new commer (DynamicData) relplace the old one (IronSpeed)? They seem to have overlap functionality? ...

How do I get the value of a DynamicControl?

I'm using ASP.NET Dynamic Data functionality to do something a little weird. Namely, create a dynamic list of fields as children of the main object. So basically I have Ticket.Fields. The main page lists all the fields for Ticket, and the Fields property has a DynamicControl that generates a list of controls to collect more data. ...

Dynamic Control loading at wrong time?

This one is a little... odd. Basically I have a form I'm building using ASP.NET Dynamic Data, which is going to utilize several custom field templates. I've just added another field to the FormView, with it's own custom template, and the form is loading that control twice for no apparent reason. Worse yet, the first time it loads the ...

DynamicData: use custom type as return type

Hi, can I force the DBML designer to use my custom types instead of the Auto-generated Types? I can edit the database.designer.cs, but these changes will be lost when I modify the tables. If not, how can I easily "convert" from the auto-generated type to my custom type in Linq? ...

...is not a foreign key column and cannot be used here?

I have two views in SQL, and have created mappings to them in Linq to SQL. The two views have an association, which works fine, between Ticket.ProblemCode and Problem.Code When I try to set UIHint("ForeignKey") on Ticket.ProblemCode and run the web page I get the error: 'ProblemCode' is not a foreign key column and cannot be used here...

Why is ForeignKey_Edit loading primary key as the value, instead of the actual value used in the association?

I'm using ASP.NET dynamic data to create a ticket edit form. The Ticket is associated to a problem code, but not using the problem code's primary key. (The database is 3rd party, so I don't have control over that...) So the problemCode looks basically like: ProblemCode ( ID int, Code varchar(8), Description varchar(250) )...

hide delete button in list page in dynamic data

I am using Asp.Net Dynamic Data. I want to remove delete button from List and details page. I dont want to remove it from mark up. Is there any way to remove delete button based on entity and without adding custom pages? ...

Convert below C# dynamic data context registration code to VB?

model.RegisterContext(typeof(NorthwindDataContext), new ContextConfiguration() { ScaffoldAllTables = true, MetadataProviderFactory = (type => new DefaultTypeDescriptionProvider(type, new AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(type))) }); In particular the MetadataProviderFactory Line... I can't qu...

ASP.NET DynamicData - add table at runtime?

We currently have an ASP.NET Dynamic Data website for our intranet that was developed by a contractor who is no longer with us. None of our developers currently have VS 2008 installed, so are not able to open modify the source code of this intranet site to add 2 new tables to the site. The new tables require simple CRUD operations exac...

Suggestions on which ASP.NET control to use?

I've received a project for internal use. My application has to store about 100 rows of meta data of a game and each row has about 15 fields maximum. Fields can be game name, game category, maker, source code path, etc. I will most likely have to join about 5-10 tables for each row of record. Only a few people are using it and will recei...

ASP.Net removing borders from (nested) DataGrid

Hi, I'm trying to remove the borders from a datagrid on an ASP.NET control. The control is a custom field template for a dynamic data website (if that matters) and is nested inside another datagrid. The problem is that whatever I do, it still has the same border styling as the outer data grid. I've tried setting in in the ASCX, in the c...

Dynamic Data one-to-many relationships using non-PK fields: Foreign table List.aspx links use incorrect key for one-to-many relationships

Hi, Problem: The urls created between tables with one-to-many relationships are incorrect. How can I fix this? I'm using LINQ to SQL with Dynamic Data. I have two tables: Users and Addresses: * There is a one-to-many from Users TO Addresses ie: A user may have one or more addresses. * The two tables are NOT linked using their prim...

Asp.Net, Dynamic Data Website, Foreign key One to One relationship, DropdownList, how to customise?

Hi, I'm using Asp.Net's Dynamic Data Website project type. I've created a db that has one to onerelationship between two tables specified using a foreign key, (this could be one to many but I've used the linq designer to change it to a one to one relationship). i.e. I have a table Invoice and table CreditNote that takes an Invoice_Id as...