Asp MVC - "The Id field is required" validation message on Create; Id not set to [Required]

This is happening when I try to create the entity using a Create style action in Asp.Net MVC 2. The POCO has the following properties: public int Id {get;set;} [Required] public string Message {get; set} On the creation of the entity, the Id is set automatically, so there is no need for it on the Create action. The ModelState says ...

StringWriter problem

I use the following code: (returns an excel obviously) ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.Write(sw.ToString()); ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.End(); return View(); where sw is a StringWriter in which i create my excel structure(a tabl...

MVC Nested Master Pages and RenderPartial with Ajax form

Hi, I'm facing an issue with nested masterpages in MVC 2.0. When using a normal master (not nested - below default.master), the login functionality works fine. Using the nested master, the ajax form post results in a full page render of the default.master inside the UpdateTarget div. Since in this case the referred master is ...

ValidationMessage not showing in custom mvc 2 editortemplate

I'm having trouble adding a validationmessage to my custom editortemplate, this is the line I am using (I've tried posting the entire template code but having no luck) <%= Html.ValidationMessage(ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName) %> If I put the validationmessage for the model property outside of the template it works fine so I know...

Options for rendering a user control in MVC?

How can I render a user control in mvc? is my only option to use the mvctoolkit? I am using mvc 2.0 now. ...

Proper way of using FormCollection in ASP.NET MVC2 Create Method?

Hello everybody! I am currently developing an application with the new ASP.NET MVC2 framework. Originally I started writing this application in the ASP.NET MVC1 and I'm basically just updating it to MVC2. My problem here is, that I don't really get the concept of the FormCollection object vs. the old Typed object. This is my current ...

Controller ambigous error, upgraded to MVC 2

I upgraded to MVC 2, updated all my assemblies (did copy to local also). I changed my routes to this: routes.MapRoute( "Admin", "admin/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Admin", action = "index", id = ""}, new[] { "MyNamespace.Web.Controllers.Admin" } // name...

Create url based on mapped route or constraint?

I'm creating a generic editor for mvc pages and would like to generate/create urls when I create new items of a specific type. My editor is located under and I load different models into the same views using the same generic DashboardController. So how can I create urls based on the mapped route or constraint...

How to enumerate Areas in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC

My controller has to enumerate all the areas in the application. Is it possible? And how? ...

dropdown question

What is wrong with this ? <%=Html.DropDownListFor(m=>m.Client,null,"Select",new { @style = "width: 630px" })%> There is a ViewData["Client"] which contanins the source , the dropdown is filled but is not selected the value corresponding to Model.Client ...

How do I get textarea for Html.EditorForModel() method in mvc 2

Somebody knows the answer? I'm using L2S with field ntext in my db ...

MVC2: Is there an Html Helper for raw Html?

Is there an Html helper that simply accepts and returns raw html? Rather than do something ugly like this: <% if (Model.Results.Count > 0) { %><h2>Results</h2><% } %> I'd like to do something like this: <% if (Model.Results.Count > 0) { Html.RawHtml("<h2>Results</h2>") } %> Not a whole lot cleaner, but I think it's a bit of an imp...

ASP.NET MVC 2 area namespace assignment

Suppose the root project has My.Root.Project namespace. I wonder what namespace should be assigned to an area classes? Possible alternatives: My.Root.Project.Areas.Area1 My.Root.Project.Area1 Esthetically, I prefer second one. However, since I use a single-project areas, all the classes created within Areas\Area1\... folder are given...

How do I copy copy all data in a custom modelbinder?

How do I iterate through all data and copy it to my item? public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { try { IRepository<ContentItem> repository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Repository<ContentItem>>(); var itemId = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("CurrentItem...

using code blocks in head content and link tags

I'm building an app using themes, and I've assigned a theme to the app using the web config. I have a bookmark icon that I want to use for my page and it is located in the themes directory, but I am having trouble referencing the themes location from a link tag in my header. First I tried putting a code block inside the link ta...

is there a way to set the HideSurroundingHtml value in ASP.MVC 2

I'm building a table of data like this <% foreach (var person in Model.People) { %> <tr> <td><%= Html.ActionLink(accessory.Name, "EditPerson") %></td> <td><%= Html.DisplayFor(c => person.Name) %></td> <td><%= Html.DisplayFor(c => person.Age) %></td> <td><%= Html.DisplayFor(c => person.Budget)%></td> ...

Securing controller action in ASP.NET MVC

In ASP.NET MVC 2, to secure controller action, i have created a class RequirePermission inherited from ActionFilterAttribute class. The controller action looks like [RequirePermission(permissions="CanView")] public ActionResult List() { ... } I have an enum with name Permissions public enum Permissions { CanDoEdit...

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC areas and shared models

Once new area is created by the means of Visual Studio context menu, there are three folders: Controllers, Models, Views. Is it supposed that every area should have it's own model classes? Or is it acceptable/widely-used/good for all areas to share the same model classes in the root Models folder? My project differs Domain Model and Vi...

A Solution for Maintaining Views in Single-Project Areas

I have only tried this in single project areas. So if anyone tries this in a multi-project areas solution please let us know. Area support was added to MVC2. However the views for your controllers have to be in your main Views folder. The solution I present here will allow you to keep your area specific views in each area. If your proj...

MVC2 IModelBinder and parsing a string to an object - How do I do it?

I have an object called Time public class Time{ public int Hour {get;set;} public int Minute {get;set;} public static Time Parse(string timeString){ //reads the ToString()'s previous output and returns a Time object } override protected string ToString(){ //puts out something like 14:50 (as in 2:50PM) } }...