ASP.NET MVC2 master page and authentication

Update: I can't delete this question, because the answer has been upvoted, yet it is not at all the answer to what I'm asking. I'd like to delete this, as it has been a week with no answer, and it's just dragging down my accept %. Thanks. I have a strongly typed master page that includes information that is based on the currently aut...

jQuery grid recommendations for large data sets?

I was looking around for jQuery grid recommendations and came across this question/answers: In looking through the many jQuery grid solutions out there, it seems they all want to have the entire data set on the client. If I have a large data set (thousands/millions o...

Entity Framework 4 , Custom Properties . Add some traitement

I have a class Address Generated by entity Framework. I Have an propertie AddressID in this class. I Would like to be able to add some treatement for this prop in the set process. EX : public partial class Address { public bool _AddressID; public bool AddressID{get return AddressID;} set{ if(value =...

ASP.NET MVC Default View Model Binding of cookies to custom objects

Does the ASP.NET MVC 2 Default View Model Binding support binding a multi-value cookie to a custom object? Before I write a custom Value Provider, I would like to be sure that the functionality didn't already exist. So given an action like: public ActionResult SomeAction(CustomObject foo) where CustomObject is something like: public...

Two controllers at once?

Hi I have no clue how to use two different controllers at the same time and pass data to one view? I mean I have my BlogController and StatisticsController. Statistics among other things is showing how many people is online and I wanted to this data would be on main page of my blog. I can see two ways that it could work: -create some Co...

ASP.NET Button Click event does not appear to fire

Hi, I'm relatively new to ASP.NET. I have a ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application project (created in Visual Studio 2010). I added a method to HomeController called Search public ActionResult Search() { return View(); } and created a corresponding view (web page) called Search.aspx onto which I dropped a button. I double-clicked the butt...

Custom property: gotta be something obvious I'm doing wrong...

I have been adding partial classes of my different entities to add various useful methods without issue. Attempting to add properties appears to be straightforward based on examples that I've seen, but mine are failing miserably. Updated example: public List<Friend> FriendsInGoodStanding { get { ...

what are the benifits of MVC pattern in ?

Possible Duplicate: Biggest advantage to using ASP.Net MVC vs web forms maybe it feels this question is repeating , but i just want to know this,what are the benefits of MVC pattern in ? ...

UrlHelper.Action: would like to generate a link that ends with '#something'.

Hi, I'm trying to create a link with Url.Action, which ends with a #something; I presume there's something in the route values to do this properly, but I couldn't find it with Google. So far, I tried Url.Action("action", "controller", new {id="something", Area="area"}). The resulting link is the expected /action/controller/area, but I c...

ASP.NET MVC : DataAnnotation validation execution order

I'm having some trouble understanding validation logic behing DataAnnotation validation : With the following model : [AlwaysInvalid] public class TestModel { [Required] public string Test { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class AlwaysInvalidAttribute : Valid...

UrlRewriting for Subdomains

In IIS7 using UrlRewrite module I want to do something likes this. I tried everywhere, possibly this is wellknown problem, but couldn't find any usefull solution. Url "" should be read internally as "" I am using ASP.NET MVC, just in case info is required. ...

How do I create a custom date-picker Html Helper?

How do I build a custom html helper like Html.TextBoxFor() I would like to create a date-picker helper. ...

How can I upload files on ASP.NET MVC2?

I'm developing a multilanguaged comics website and all the inserted comics must be in english and portuguese. I've got success on managing multiple titles doing so: ComicViewModel.cs: public class ComicViewModel { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage="A data não pode ficar em branco.")] [DisplayNa... MVC 2 relation without Foreign Key with Entity Framework 4 Or With Foreign Key

1 - Is it necessary to have foreign key to obtain a Relation in Entity Framework between each entity.? 2 - I have a Language Table and many many table with a foreign key related to the language table. Is it right to add this foreign key or I should do something else ? Ex: Language LangID LangName TableTextA TblAID TextInfo Lan...

Unable to load view on jQuery dialog.load()

Hi, I am using jQuery to load the details on a modal popup. The url is determined by the item clicked on the Html.Grid(). The following is the .aspx code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //define config object var dialogOpts = { modal: true, ...

Right way of splitting actions between controllers in ASP.NET MVC 2

Hello, this question is not about code, at least not about code that gives errors. I am asking this question to know the right way of implementing a pattern in ASP.NET MVC2. Suppose that I have A Contact object that holds a collection of EmailAddress object. In My ContactController I have regularly actions that do create/edit/delete co...

What is the most suitable .NET Web technology to implement this?

I will be interfacing with a third-party - the exchange of information is done as follows. If my application is the client and the third party is the server, then: Server-to-client: I give them a pre-defined URL and they push data with HTTP POST. The POST parameters contain a variable "xml" with the request in a proprietory XML format...

getJSON problem google maps v3

hi, I am trying to make google maps v3 work with ASP MVC with markers from a database. I got this working fine with version 2 of the api as decribed in an article I found ( ), but I am unable to convert this v2...

XSRF protection GET .net mvc

I have a site which will show sensitive information. I am using Anti Forgery Tokens etc to protect against XSRF in POSTS. However I am worried about someone being able to view sensitive info from a GET. What is the recommended practice for protecting read only data sent via a GET in .Net MVC 2? ...

How to generate ActionLink inside Threads

I've got a thread that sends emails around. I need to generate ActionLinks as part of the content of the email so the user can click on the link and be redirected to the website, exactly to the required page. I tried to instantiate a UrlHelper class and use it's Action method to generate the link but since threads don't run within the co...