How can I tell if a <script> tag with a given src attribute is present on the page in

Like the title says, I'm trying to find out if I need to include a script library that my UserControl needs to work. I don't want to include it multiple times per page, but I want my control to be able to be used multiple times on the same page. How can I, in the codebehind of my control, check to see if a given <script/> tag is...

rss headlines display as marquee text on web form?

What is the best way or what is the best script that rss headlines display as marquee text on web form? ...

jQuery ASP.Net Webforms AJAX

Hi All, I have a standalone webform (no masterpage) that opens in a div from another page. The standalone page uses jquery to move a user through a non-linear questionnaire. At the end of the questionnaire there is a result displayed with a "complete" button. When the user hits the complete button the result is sent back to the parent/h...

Can i pass two-dimensional array as property to .asmx webmethod using jQuery?

Hi all, i have a webmethod with the signature: public string SubmitQAResults(int suppId, int result, int[][] qandAs) I want to use jQuery to call this webmethod. What would it look like? thanks! ...

Stack trace in website project, when debug = false

We have a website project. We are logging unhanded exceptions via a appdomain level exception handler. When we set debug= true in web.config, the exception log is showing the offending line numbers in the stack trace. But when we set debug = false, in web.config, log is not displaying the line numbers. We are not in a position to conv...

ASP.NET MVC vs. WebForms - a simple question

Hi, I'm wondering about one thing - as we know, the MVC pattern is stateless (it doesn't use the ViewState, so we use only HTML controls), but if we use them in WebForms as well, it'll become stateless too ? so, by doing this, we are getting closer to the MVC pattern ? ...

advantages of WPFbrowser application over and viceversa for web development

I'm not familiar with WPF but I've seen things I like about it for web development. I wonder which advantages has developing a WPFbrowser application over (webforms/MVC) and viceversa. are there things you can do or use in you can't do in a WPFbroser application? ...

Where to include business logic in a domain driven architecture

I'm trying to learn effective DDD practices as I go, but had a fundamental question I wanted to get some clarity on. I am using ASP.NET WebForms and I am creating a situation where a user places an order. Upon order submission, the code-behind retrieves the user, builds the order from the inputs on the form, calls the User.PlaceOrder()...

How do I get many property values from View to Presenter in WebFormsMvp?

Hey there, What is the best way to get a number of property values of a business object from the View to the Presenter in a WebFormsMvp page? Bearing in mind this issue with DataSources: Here is what i propose: The scenario is, I have a business object called Quote which i would like to load form the database, e...

jeditable in an ASP.NET web form

Can someone explain to me how you would use jeditable with an ASP.NET web form (and C# codebehind). I've got a bit of experience with web forms but not very complicated stuff, and haven't used much jquery before, and this is just puzzling me. I understand how to put it in and attach it to the element you want to be editable, it's what je...

HTTP POSTed files automatically uploaded to root directory

I just inherited an ASP.NET WebForms web application that I was tasked with refactoring. One of the features is a file upload and while debugging I noticed that as soon as a file is posted to a certain page/handler, it is automatically uploaded to the root directory of the application. The file is then moved to the proper location. I ...

Filtering a DataSet using Select NOT LIKE ( 2 Webforms)

I'm trying to query a dataset from a stored-procedure but I'm making a mess somewhere.. specials.DataSource = ds.Tables["specials"].Select("mycolumnname NOT Like 'BB'%"); Any ideas whats wrong with the above statement. ...

Why do timers/updatepanels leak memory in Chrome and can it be fixed/worked around?

I have built a suite of internal websites for our company to manage some of our processes. I have been noticing that these pages have massive memory leaks that cause the pages to be using well over 150mb of memory, which is ridiculous for a webpage that consists of a single form and a GridView that is displaying 7-10 rows of data at a t...

Apply CSS class to invalid controls on web form

I need to apply a css class to invalid controls on a web form. I'd like to make it a resusable class. This is what I have so far: public class Validation { public static void ApplyInvalidClass(Page page, string className) { foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator bv in page.Validators) { if...

mvp session response request

Hi, Guys. I am using the Model-View-Presenter pattern in my project web and now I am with a doubt. How I do to treat session and cookie this scenario? How I do to write file using "Response.WriteFile" for example? ...

Suppose I want to customize the look and feel of my website for my corporate clients...

Given: I have a website that includes both ASP.NET Web Forms and Classic ASP web pages. Multiple companies are willing to pay to customize the look and feel of this website. Question: Are there any well known design-patterns, books, or online resources that detail customization best-practices? EDIT: Are ashx handlers a good way...

How to set recaptcha key settings at runtime

I'm implementing the recaptcha control from google. I built a simple c# test project from their example and all works. Now, instead of having the PublicKey and PrivateKey in the aspx page, I'd rather assign these values at run time as they will most likely be pulled from either the web.config or a database table. I tried the following...

accessing controls in an aspx page

Hello, We have some code which is designed to build up a key/value pair of controls on a ASP.NET webforms page and their values. We use the "Controls" collection and recursion to build up this key/value pair. The only issue is that ascx controls don't appear to come back in the "Controls" collection. Instead we get the controls on the ...

Returning a string from a http GET using web forms project

I am trying to dynamically generate JavaScript with just a URL get request. I have accomplished this with MVC by just returning a string from the action and writing the script tag like this. <script type='text/javascript' src='script/get/123'></script> The problem is I need to accomplish the same type of dynamically generated...

Is ASP.NET MVC so much different than its predecessor ASP.NET Webforms?

I'm asking this question in order to decide what should I read first - Beginning ASP.NET by Wrox or Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Apress? ASP.NET MVC is my end goal. -- Will I miss out much if I skip the entire book dedicated mainly to Webforms? -- Do ASP.NET MVC books cover the general ASP.NET basics or do authors assume you have pr...