ASP.NET custom templates, still ASP.NET controls possible?

Hello: we currently do not use controls (no web forms). The way we do is: 1> Read HTML file from disk 2> lookup database, parse tags and populate data finally, Response.Write(page.ToString()); here there is no possibility of using controls. What I am wondering is, if we use controls in those HTML files, is the...

Redirecting from ASP.NET WebForms to MVC

Hi there, We have a large existing ASP.NET WebForms application, but we are now moving over to MVC. Rather than go through a painful process of trying to integrate MVC into the existing app, we're looking at creating a brand new VS project to completely isolate the new code. As a first step, we are wanting to use the existing login pr...

Is there an equivalent of T4MVC for webforms?

I use T4MVC inside my asp mvc projects, mostly because it's brilliant. Is there an equivalent for asp webforms? ...

Why might ASP.NET be putting JavaScript in HTML Comment blocks, not CDATA?

We have an ASP.NET 2.0 WebForms app that uses MS Ajax 1.0. It's working fine on all our environments (dev, test, IE6 VMs etc.). However, at the customer site the client side validation is not happening. We're currently trying to eliminate all the various factors and along the way we asked them to get their page source and send it to us,...

How can I get compilation failures if objectdatasource's are not properly wired up?

I have a large brown field webforms app that uses ObjectDatasource controls all over the place, which makes refactoring more difficult than it should be. Is there a way to get a comile-time failures if an object or method is renamed which would cause the ObjectDataSource no longer work? In MVC there is the notion of compiling views, is ...

My ASP.NET Web Application cannot 'find' any of my classes in the App_Code folder .. ??

Hi folks, I'm trying to make a new web application .. so I'm copying my files from one site to the new one, in the same solution. Now, any of my classes in the App_Code directory ... they are not getting 'picked up' by the rest of my project. For example... \_ \_App_Code |_ BaseMasterPage.cs (please don't ask why this is ...

How can I make an ASP.NET MVC site as unit testable as an ASP.NET Web Forms site?

also, what day is today and why do I have an ugly unicorn as my avatar ;-) ...

Invalid Viewstate


Using C# to iterate form fields with same name

I have a section of a form that I need to handle differently from the rest of form results. In the section that needs special handling I need to iterate over 3 form fields that have the same name. They have to have the same name, I can't change it. The section of the form I am referring to looks something like this: <td><input name="Co...

forms authentication

Ok so I am using forms authentication in my web site and I defined this in my config. Therefore I have an ASPNETDB.MDF. So do I need to have a database called ASPNETDB.MDF in my web host? If that is the case then how do I connect this so that my site uses this to verify users? I am sorry this seems to be like a very noob question ...

Response.Redirect doesn't work in .net 4

where used on http://localhost:8692/Contacts/Default.aspx Response.Redirect("") redirects to http://localhost:8692/Contacts/ The problem just appeared once I upgraded to .Net 4 Edit: Response.Redirect("~/Contacts/MemberDetails.aspx?Id=3") goes to http://localhost:8692/Contacts/%2fContacts...

asp:GridView ImageField DataImageUrlField - specifying multiple fields?

I know I can use asp:TemplateField for this, but using the standard asp:BoundField or asp:ImageField in the asp:GridView, is it possible to specify multiple fields and use them in the FormatString field as {0} {1} {2} etc... For example <asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="ProfileImageId,UserGuid" DataImageUrlFormatString="img-profile.a...

How To Create An ASP.NET Designer Host

I have been asked to build an application where I can drag and drop few WebControls onto the WebPage designer surface. So far I have read some articles on .NET Framework Design-Time architecture, like, MSDN Article: Hosting WinForms Designers, Developer Function Article etc. But I can't a find a way to host WebForms designer. The only ...

Automated login on ASP.NET website with C#

Hi, I have to login with a username / password with a c# program with form. I have already do that with HttpUtility on PHP website but how to do that with ASP.NET website ? In ASP.NET, I must handle postback and so on... Any ideas ? Thanks in advance Best regards UPDATE : I have to privilegied access to this website. I ...

IoC in MVP Asp.NET

Hello, Guys. I'm developing a application using MVP and I have a question about How inject my dependencis in my presenters class. Because my presente receve too an instance of the my view. I thought of create a viewbase and inside it I create my dependencies instances and inject it in my presenter instance. Could also have a HttpModule ...

VS2010 and CSS: What is the best strategy to individually position form controls

OK, I have a ton of controls on my page that I need to individually place. I need to set a margin here, a padding there, etc. None of these particular styles that I want to apply will be applied to more than control. What is the bets practice for determining at which level the style is placed, etc? OK, my choices are 1) External CSS ...

implementing security with session variables, how it is insecure

I am doing web based projects in dotnet. Currently I am implementing security using session variables. I keep current user id and user type in session and authenticate user from these session variables (say Session["UserId"],Session["UserName"] and Session["UserType"]). Please help me understand how this could be insecure. I've heard th...

Modifying listbox values with jQuery in WebForm not posting back

When hitting a button, an error would occur: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.ArgumentException: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that argumen...

Accessing webmethod with jquery

I'm currently using jquery ajax to call a pagemethod (which works great); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ArticleList.aspx/GetArticleTags", data: "{'articleId' : " + articleId + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { ... WebForm or MVC browser game

Hello, I would like to know is this platfoerm (MVC or WebForms) good technology of creating webBrowser based games and if so maybe You have got some tutorials, books, any resources which may be helpfull in beggining with such things. thanks for help, bye ...