Minimize javascript HTTP calls from AjaxControlToolkit controls?

I love the ease that the ASP.NET Ajax control Toolkit provides to ASP.NET developers. However, I've not found it to be a scalable solution at all. I have a page with 2 date input fields. By putting a TextBox and an CalendarExtendar control attached to it for each date field, I get several (11, in fact) external Javascript calls to /Scrip...

Entity diagrams in ASP.NET MVC

What's the best way/tool to display nice diagrams with entity relationships in ASP MVC views? I.e. servers and and applications, or servers with other servers. Are there any third party tools out there that can do this? I've been searching around things like Telerik, but it's really hard to google for this! ...

ASP.NET LocationProvider

Hi, We need to replace the menu system in our main ASP.NET application. So naturally we're looking at the ASP.NET SiteMapProvider and Menu controls. However we also need enough security to prevent users from directly entering URLs that they shouldn't have access to. We can do this by putting entries in web.config and securing them indi...

How do I convert a file path to a URL in ASP.NET

Basically I have some code to check a specific directory to see if an image is there and if so I want to assign a URL to the image to an ImageControl. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(photosLocation)) { string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(photosLocation, "*.jpg"); if (files.Length > 0) { ...

Web App - Dashboard Type GUI - Interface

I'm looking to create a dashboard type gui for a web application. I'm looking for the user to be able to drag and drop different elements (probably either image buttons, anchor tags, or maybe just divs) to different (defined) places and be able to save their setup (in a cookie or on the server). I'm working with c# in the .Net 2.0 fram...

How do I handle page flow in MVC (particularly

If you had to provide a wizard like form entry experience in mvc how would you abstract the page flow? Thanks ...

OpenID authentication in ASP.NET?

I am starting to build a new web application that will require user accounts. Now that I have an OpenID that I am using for this site I thought it would be cool if I could use OpenID for authentication in my application. Are there any good tutorials on how to integrate OpenID with an ASP.NET site? ...

What's the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC?

I am building a public website using ASP.NET, as part of the deliverable I need to do an Admin Site for data entry of the stuff shown in the public site, I was wondering what techniques or procedures are people using to validate entries using ASP.NET MVC. ...

PHPs htmlspecialcharacters equivalent in .NET?

PHP has a great function called htmlspecialcharacters() where you pass it a string and it replaces all of HTML's special characters with their safe equivalents, it's almost a one stop shop for sanitizing input. Very nice right? Well is there an equivalent in any of the .NET libraries? If not, can anyone link to any code samples or libr...

Who actually uses DataGrid/GridView/FormVIew/etc in production apps?

Hi, Curious if others feel the same as me. To me, controls such as datagrid/gridview/formview/etc. are great for presentations or demo's only. To take the time and tweak this controls, override their default behavior (hooking into their silly events etc.) is a big headache. The only control that I use is the repeater, since it offers ...

What is the best way to gzip and cache static images in mvc

I'm trying to find the best way to speed up the delivery of the static images that compose the design of an mvc site. The images are not gzipped, nor cached in the server or on the client (with content expire). Options are: Find why images are not cached and gzipped direcly from IIS6 Write a specialized http handler Register a special...

What's the best way to authenticate over WCF?

What's the best way to implement authentication over WCF? I'd prefer to not use WS-* as it needs to be transport independant. Should I "roll my own"? Is there any guidance for doing that (articles/blog posts)? Or is there some way to (and should I) use the built in ASP.NET Membership and Profile providers on the server side? ...

Privatizing a BlogEngine.Net Installation

I have a install that requires privatization. I'm doing research work at the moment, but I have to keep my blog/journal private until certain conditions are met. How can I privatize my install so that readers must log in to read my posts? ...

ASP.NET Custom Controls - Composites

Summary Hi All, OK, further into my adventures with custom controls... In summary, here is that I have learned of three main "classes" of custom controls. Please feel free to correct me if any of this is wrong! UserControls - Which inherit from UserControl and are contained within an ASCX file. These are pretty limited in what they...

Retreiving the PC Name of a Client? (Windows Auth)

I have an Application that runs on the internal network (well, actually it's running on Sharepoint 2007). I just wonder: Can I somehow retrieve the name of the PC the Client is using? I would have access to Active Directory if that helps. Thing is, people use multiple PCs, so I cannot use any manual/static mapping. If possible, ...

Large, Complex Objects as a Web Service Result

Hello again ladies and gents! OK, following on from my other question on ASP.NET Web Service Results, Proxy Classes and Type Conversion. I've come to a part in my project where I need to get my thinking cap on. Basically, we have a large, complex custom object that needs to be returned from a Web Service and consumed in the client appl...

Getting the Remote Name Address (not IP)

Hi, I wanted to show the users Name Address (see:, but the only thing I can find is the IP Address. I tried a reverse lookup, but didn't work either: IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(this.lblIp.Text); string hostName = Dns.GetHostByAddress(ip).HostName; this.lblHost.Text = hostName; But HostName is the same as the IP...

Custom Build

Hello, I have a web application written in C# that consumes several internal web services. We have a development tier, a testing tier, and a production tier. Also, we use the WSDL.exe command to generate a Proxies.cs file for a given tier's web services. When we are ready to deploy our code up the stack from development to test or te...

What's the ASP.NET Connection String Format for a Linked Server?

I've got a database server that I am unable to connect to using the credentials I've been provided. However, on the staging version of the same server, there's a linked server that points to the production database. Both the staging server and the linked server have the same schema. I've been reassured that I should expect to be able to...

Best practise to authorize all users for just one page in

What is the best way to authorize all users to one single page in a website. For except the login page and one other page, I deny all users from viewing pages in the website. How do you make this page accessible to all users? Thanks. ...