
Good way to sanitize input in classic asp

I have to update old projects at work. I do not have any experience with classic asp, although i'm familiar with php scripting. Are there any functions I should use? Can you provide me with a good function for some basic protection? Is there something like a parameterized query in asp? Thanks! ...

O/R mapping tools ASP

Are there O/R mapping tools for ASP (not ASP.NET) and are these useful in ASP? Lieven Cardoen ...

Including .asp file into html file.

How can include .asp file inside of html file and have it proccessed besides having to process all html files with asp. ...

How can I dynamically update a variable in plain html files in on windows web server.

We have some old html files on the website that have copyright year on the bottom of the page (from include file). We are trying to find a way to update that dynamically to current year so the include file does not need to be edited every year. We are using asp and .net on the same server so there might be ways to use those technologies...

Need help with onclick syntax in classic asp environment

can't seem to get the syntax right in order to pass the AttID variable. This line of code is in a for loop so I have to print using vbs response.write and not just straignt html. Response.Write "<TD class=alt><input type=button onclick=deleteRecordAtt(AttID) value=remove></TD></TR>" ...

ASP MVC Cookies not persisting

I have a ASP MVC App with some seemingly simple code to save and retrieve cookies but for some reason they won't persist. The code in the controller is : if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["CountryPreference"] == null) { HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("CountryPreference"); cookie.Value = country; cookie....

Onclick syntax problem when passing two variables, classic asp

My onclick function works beautifully when i pass one variable and doesn't respond once i try to pass two variables. is something wrong with my syntax? everything supporting this code has been tested and works fine so i'm certain something is wrong with the syntax the onclick line of code. any help would be awesome. ------------onclic...

ASP execute stored procedure with Null

In can use dbnull.value to send Null value to db. How to use in ASP? Thanks a lot!! ...

Diagnosing HTTP 500 errors in Classic ASP

I have recently inherited a website written in Classic ASP, and am currently trying to get a sense of the state of things. The website is working in production, however the development environment (hosting on a Windows Server 2003 box) produces an HTTP 500 error when you try to navigate to it. I realize that HTTP 500 errors just mean th...

Profiling a classic ASP application using AQTime

We have developed a large number of websites using ASP (jscript flavour), talking to the underlying intelligence layer (written in Delphi) through COM. These websites are running on IIS (5 and 6). Over the years this ASP layer has grown into something quite heavy (no business logic, but lots of controller/scenario/view/ajax/etc handling...

JavaScript-friendly alternative to the f(x) = y JScript idiom that's used when setting CDO.Message options

I have an ASP page written in JScript that sends e-mails using CDO.Message. For specifying an SMTP server (and other options) I'm doing something like this: mail.Configuration.Fields.Item( "") = ""; Now, here comes the catch. I have this code in a stand-a...

ob_get_contents equivalent in asp

Working on an old site in asp classic. I want to write a function that returns some html. Right now I'm reduced to writing everything in a string. The downsides are: I have to escape quotes There is no code completion on the tags nor attributes In php I know how to get the contents of the output buffer with ob_get_contents. Is ther...

How do you get the name of the current virtual directory using ASP Classic?

How do you get the name of the current virtual directory using ASP Classic? In ASP.NET you can use Request.ApplicationPath() to find this. For example, let's say you have a URL like this: http://localhost/virtual_directory/subdirectory/file.asp In ASP.NET, Request.ApplicationPath() would return /virtual_directory ...

Is try-catch like error handling possible in asp classic

What options are there in asp for error handling. For example: I'm using the Mail.SendMail function but when switching on the testing server it doesn't work, which is normal. I want to test if mailing is possible, if not then continu and/or show a message. Any ideas? ...

ASP Error and IIS 7.0

In IIS 6 ASP errors were displayed with the line number and a description of the problem. For example, {call dbo.spGetCommunityInfo(xx)} Microsoft SQL Native Client error '80020005' Invalid character value for cast specification /communitydetail.asp, line 42 IIS 7 changes the way ASP errors are handled and displays something a lot...

is it possible to issue dynamic include in asp-classic?

I mean, like php'h include... something like my_file_to_be_included = "include_me.asp" -- > for what I've seen so far, there are a couple of alternatives, but every one of them has some sort of shortcoming... what I'm trying to figure out is how to make a flexible template system... without having to statically include the whole t...

Classic ASP: Attached Debugger

Is it possible to step though Classic ASP VB code without Visual interdev or other such IDEs? I'm currently using Notepad++ to maintain a old ASP project and the ability to step though code at certain types would be helpful. Thank You, Frank ...

Replicate IIS setup from one machine to another

Looked for an answer to this and didn't see it. This is for IIS 6.0 / Windows Server 2003. I'm working with an extremely large ASP/ASP.NET application and I'm trying to get my development environment to match my team members environment. This process is basically trial and error: get an error, go into IIS, make a change, hope the err...

Hot to get the status of a Windows service in ASP / .net ?

I need to find a way to monitor the status of a list of Windows services over HTTP, preferably without any third party program). All I really need to be able to do is display the service name and its status ('Started' / 'Stopped'). I'm not an ASP programmer so this is a little outside my realm. I've searched and haven't been able to f...

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).]SSL Security error.

Our ASP/IIS web server talks to a SQL 2005 db server. Eventually, without a pattern, some pages start showing error instead of the page content: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).]SSL Security error. Rebooting web server resolves it. Anyone know about it? ...