
Is it possible to add "assert" as a keyword in Delphi?

I write couple of "assert(...)" in code, to make sure that pre- and post-conditions should be satisfied. We can tell the Delphi compiler, whether to compile with assertions in a debug version and without assertions in a release version. I would like to know, if it is possible, to highlight "assert" like other Pascal keywords? ...

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

In using a function, I wish to ensure that the type of the variables are as expected. How to do it right? Here is an example fake function trying to do just this before going on with its role: def my_print(begin, text, end): """Print 'text' in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower """ for i in (begin, text, end): ...

What is the role of asserts in C++ programs that have unit tests?

Greetings, I've been adding unit tests to some legacy C++ code, and I've run into many scenarios where an assert inside a function will get tripped during a unit test run. A common idiom that I've run across is functions that take pointer arguments and immediately assert if the argument is NULL. I could easily get around this by disabl...

How do I safely Debug.Assert in ASP.NET?

Asserts can't be caught. This is good because some errors I don't want to be wrapped in try/catch, at least not on the development server. But Asserts seem awefully dangerous. If they get onto production, it can hang the ASP.NET server with a msgbox. //Don't want this on prod even if debug=true is in the web.config #if DEBUG //A ...

junit assert in thread throws exception

What am I doing wrong that an exception is thrown instead of showing a failure, or should I not have assertions inside threads? @Test public void testComplex() throws InterruptedException { int loops = 10; for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { final int j = i; new Thread() { @Override public void run() {

How to properly rewrite ASSERT code to pass /analyze in msvc?

Visual Studio added code analysis (/analyze) for C/C++ in order to help identify bad code. This is quite a nice feature but when you deal with and old project you may be overwhelmed by the number of warnings. Most of the problems are generating because the old code is doing some ASSERT at the beginning of the method or function. I thin...

Do you have any tips to effectively use Java Assert?

I don't see much of the developer using Java Assert, but I am very keen in using them. Could you share some tips to effectively use them? ...

Debugging MinGW program with gdb on Windows, not terminating at assert failure

How do I set up gdb on window so that it does not allow a program with assertion failure to terminate? I intend to check the stack trace and variables in the program. For example, running this test.cpp program compiled with MinGW 'g++ -g test.cpp -o test' in gdb: #include <cassert> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { assert(1==2); retu...

What's the regular way of assertion in C?

I'm using NSAssert macro for Objective-C assertion, and it's the regular way to do this. But it's not work in C functions. What do I should use for this? ...

Is Java assert broken?

While poking around the questions, I recently discovered the assert keyword in Java. At first, I was excited. Something useful I didn't already know! A more efficient way for me to check the validity of input parameters! Yay learning! But then I took a closer look, and my enthusiasm was not so much "tempered" as "snuffed-out complet...

How to assert if a method was called within another method in RhinoMocks?

I have a class that has two methods. One method needs to call the other method and in my test I want to assert that it was called. public class Tasks : ITasks { public void MethodOne() { MethodTwo(1); } public int MethodTwo(int i) { return i + 1; } } I want to mock Tasks and do something like tasks.AssertWasCalled...

Using Assert to compare two objects

Hi everyone, Writing test cases for my project, one test I need is to test deletion. This may not exactly be the right way to go about it, but I've stumbled upon something which isn't making sense to me. Code is like this: [Test] private void DeleteFruit() { BuildTestData(); var f1 = new Fruit("Banana",1,1.5); var f2 = new...

Django: How do I use assert... without showing a system error page?

I'm new to Django and have some code in my like this: try: myfunction() except: assert False, sys.exc_info()[0] This is very helpful because I get an email with lots of useful info if there's an error. The problem is that it also redirects the user to a Webfaction system error page. What I'd like to know is how do I s...

Python Error-Checking Standard Practice

Hi, I have a question regarding error checking in Python. Let's say I have a function that takes a file path as an input: def myFunction(filepath): infile = open(filepath) #etc etc... One possible precondition would be that the file should exist. There are a few possible ways to check for this precondition, and I'm just won...

Multiple arrangements/asserts per unit test?

A group of us (.NET developers) are talking unit testing. Not any one framework (we've hit on MSpec, NUint, MSTest, RhinoMocks, TypeMock, etc) -- we're just talking generally. We see lots of syntax that forces a distinct unit test per scenario, but we don't see an avenue to re-using one unit test with various inputs or scenarios. Also...

How to prevent Debug.Assert(...) to show a modal dialog

I have a couple of libraries which use Debug.Assert(...). I think that the Debug.Assert(...) are fine and I still want them to execute, but I don't want them to block the execution of my application. Ideally, I would only like them to be logged somewhere. Given that I can't change the code of the libraries (and that I still want to comp...

When assert() fails, what is the program exit code?

When an assert() call fails, what is the exit code used, and where is it documented? ...

If as assert fails, is there a bug?

I've always followed the logic: if assert fails, then there is a bug. Root cause could either be: Assert itself is invalid (bug) There is a programming error (bug) (no other options) I.E. Are there any other conclusions one could come to? Are there cases where an assert would fail and there is no bug? ...

Multiple Asserts in a Unit Test

I've just finished reading Roy Osherove's "The Art of Unit Testing" and I am trying to adhere to the best practices he lays out in the book. One of those best practices is to not use multiple asserts in a test method. The reason for this rule is fairly clear to me, but it makes me wonder... If I have a method like: public Foo MakeFoo(i...

C++ - Totally suspend windows application

Hello! I am developing a simple WinAPI application and started from writing my own assertion system. I have a macro defined like ASSERT(X) which would make pretty the same thing as assert(X) does, but with more information, more options and etc. At some moment (when that assertion system was already running and working) I realized ther...