

I'm trying to do up a screen scraping assignment. My cpp works, but I don't know how to integrate my unit testing. I tried to do a bool check unit test for the file validity but it's giving me this error: error: cannot call member function 'bool ScreenScrape::getFile()' without object screenscrape.cpp: #include "screenscrape.h" usin...

Customize Window Assert - disable button "retry"

Hello everyone, I'm using asserts in my C++ code. As you all know, when the assert condition is false, it pops up a window about the error with three buttons: abort, retry and ignore. I would like to have a solution of this two possibilities: - I would like to disable or delete the button "retry" from the windows that pops up - I would ...

Am I misunderstanding assert() usage ?

I was taking a look at the assert() reference page and I got stuck while I read the given example: /* assert example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> int main () { FILE * datafile; datafile=fopen ("file.dat","r"); assert (datafile); fclose (datafile); return 0; } In this example, assert is used to abort the pr...

The right way to catch assertion failure in NUnit

Hello. I'm writing an integration tests for my database, and I've got one question. At the beginning of a test method I'm adding some objects to database and at the end of the method I should remove it. So I've got a code like: var group = new ContactGroup { Name = UserLogin + "_test_group" }; group.ID = _provider.AddGroup(UserLogin, g...

Role Based Authorization in .NET with PrincipalPermission and SecurityAction.Assert

I have a class attributed with [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Authenticated = true)] public class MyProtectedClass { } This works as expected and callers are denied access when the current principal is not authenticated. In one specific scenario, I want this logic short-circuited...that is, the caller should not need to...

Static assert in C

What's the best way to achieve compile time static asserts in C (not C++), with particular emphasis on GCC? ...

How do make C++ create an expression that uses compile-time checking for constants and asserts for variables?

Here’s an example setup… a macro or a template CHECKEXPR_RETURNVAL(EXPR,VAL) that checks that EXPR is TRUE while returning VAL. This is useful in a variety of places -- like in this highly simplified example: #define ISPOW2(VAL) ((0!=VAL)&&(0==(VAL&(VAL-1)))) #define _ALIGNPOW2(VAL,ALIGN) ((VAL+(ALIGN-1))&(~(ALIGN-1))) #defi...

How to cause a debug break in firebug

I am trying to make firebug break when an error is detected. Specifically, I have some internal checks in my code, like assertions, that I want firebug to stop on when they fail. I have tried a few different ways and wondered what other people do? Here are the ways I have tried: Put in some invalid code so that if errors out: function ...

Make java program exit if assertion fails

I'm developing a multi-threaded Java program use different assertions throughout the code and run my program using the ea flag. Can I make my program immediately stop and exit when any assertion fails? ...

Unit testing with Vs2008, is there an attribute or something where I can ignore Assert

Not ignore it completely, just have it not stop execution if it hits an Assert and it fails. I would like to see a summary of all the fails at the end. ...

Extending Junit4 or test case?

Hello all, We've got a simple webservice for handling queries about our data. I'd like to make a set of asserts/case extentions that would provide high level methods for testing various aspects of the response. For instance I could write assertResultCountMinimum(int). The method would take care of building the query, executing it, and u...

Rails ActiveSupport: How to assert that an error is raised?

I am wanting to test a function on one of my models that throws specific errors. The function looks something like this: def merge(release_to_delete) raise "Can't merge a release with itself!" if( == ) raise "Can only merge releases by the same artist" if( self.artist != release_to_delete.artist ) #...

assert_equal says <0.15> expected but was <0.15>, but only if the method computes 0.15 in a certain way

So for this model method: def tax_rate tax_rate = 0.0 tax_rate += STATE_TAX if state_taxable? #STATE_TAX = 0.1 tax_rate += IMPORT_TAX if imported? #IMPORT_TAX = 0.05 tax_rate end This test fails: @item.update_attributes({:state_taxable => true, :imported => true, :price ...

dbunit assertion not throwing failure properly

Hi, Following is a test case which tests the working of org.dbunit.Assertion.assertEquals(ITable a, ITable b) @Test public void testAssertion() { try { //Creating actual table with 2 columns DefaultTable actual = new DefaultTable("table_name", new Column[] { new Column("col1", DataType.INTEGER), ...

Assertion in MySQL

I have a SQL script to run against a large database. I'd like to put a couple of simple queries at the start, just as a sanity check. Is there any way to write an assertion in MySQL? Or any kind of "select ..., and if it doesn't match this value, then abort the entire script"? ...

JUnit assertion methods should be phrased in the positive or the negative?

Should I be writing assertTrue("User logged in", user.isLoggedIn()); or assertTrue("User is not logged in", user.isLoggedIn()); The former provides better reading inside the source files: "I assert that the following is true: User logged in." The error message could be read both ways: java.lang.AssertionError: User logged in "There is ...

What are Assertion statements in Java?

Please give me some details with at least one example. ...

How to use less than and equal to in an assert statement in python.

When I run the following: growthRates = [3, 4, 5, 0, 3] for each in growthRates: print each assert growthRates >= 0, 'Growth Rate is not between 0 and 100' assert growthRates <= 100, 'Growth Rate is not between 0 and 100' I get: 3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 132, in <module> testNestEggVar...

Why this xUnit test fails?

Assert.Equal(1000000.0, table.Convert("g", "mcg", 1.0)); // Pass Assert.Equal(2000000.0, table.Convert("g", "mcg", 2.0)); // Pass Assert.Equal(3200000.0, table.Convert("g", "mcg", 3.2)); // Fail // The failing one is equal to doing the following calculation, which fails also: Assert.Equal(3200000.0, 3.2 * 1.0 / (1.0 / 1000000.0)); // Fa...

Groovy - Type testing?

Hello all, I'm really brand new to Groovy and I'm trying to get something done. I've written some Groovy code (which works just fine) which receives some text. This text should be an integer (between 0 and 10). It may just happen a user enters something different. In that case I want to do some specific error handling. Now I'm wonderin...